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一起三Module3教案 篇一



1. 学生能够用英语描述家庭成员,包括父母、兄弟姐妹等,并介绍他们之间的关系。

2. 学生能够运用所学的词汇和句型,描述自己的家庭情况。

3. 学生能够展示出良好的口语表达能力,表达自己对家庭的热爱和感激之情。

4. 学生能够进行听力练习,理解他人关于家庭的描述。


1. Warm-up:通过一些图片展示,让学生猜测家庭成员的关系,引入本课话题。

2. Presentation:教师用幻灯片或图片展示各种家庭成员的英文称谓,帮助学生学习这些词汇。

3. Practice:学生分组进行练习,互相介绍自己的家庭成员,运用所学词汇和句型。

4. Listening:播放一段描述家庭的录音,让学生听后回答相关问题,提高听力能力。

5. Production:学生展示介绍家庭成员的短片或演讲,展示他们的口语表达能力。

6. Wrap-up:总结本课内容,强调家庭的重要性,鼓励学生珍惜家庭关系。


一起三Module3教案 篇二



1. 学生能够用英语描述不同音乐风格和艺术形式,包括流行音乐、古典音乐、油画、雕塑等。

2. 学生能够谈论自己喜欢的音乐和艺术形式,表达自己的观点和看法。

3. 学生能够展示出良好的听说能力,与他人讨论音乐和艺术话题。

4. 学生能够进行听力练习,理解他人关于音乐和艺术的描述。


1. Warm-up:播放不同音乐风格和艺术形式的音乐片段或图片,让学生猜测并谈论。

2. Presentation:教师用幻灯片或视频展示不同音乐风格和艺术形式的介绍,帮助学生学习相关词汇。

3. Practice:学生分组进行练习,讨论自己喜欢的音乐和艺术形式,表达自己的观点。

4. Listening:播放一段关于音乐和艺术的录音,让学生听后回答相关问题,提高听力能力。

5. Production:学生展示自己喜欢的音乐和艺术形式,分享自己的看法和感受。

6. Wrap-up:总结本课内容,鼓励学生欣赏不同音乐和艺术形式,培养他们的审美情趣。


一起三Module3教案 篇三


学 科 英 语 一年级起点 (第3册) 主备教师 裴培 授 课 时 间 第7周 10月13日 使用教师 裴培 冼丽英 课 题 Module 3 Unit 1 We have English in the morning. 教 学 目 标 1. 知识目标: 能听、说、读单词we, have, English, new, Maths, Music, please, play. 听懂、会读句子We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon.    2.技能目标:让学生在日常生活中能运用英语交流课程。 3.情感目标:培养学生用英语思维的能力,及大胆用英语交流的能力。    教学重点 教学难点 教学重点 : 1.单词we, have, English, new, Maths, Music, please, play. 2.句型:We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon. 3.能分组对课表内容进行描述。 教学难点: 1.单词have, English, Maths, Music, please. 2.句型:We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon. 3.能分组对课表内容进行描述。 教学方法与手段 直观教学法,情景教学法,游戏法 通过听说等方法来学习英语,在学习中帮助学生掌握学习的重难点,多表扬,多鼓励。 教学准备 单词卡片,英语书,数学书,音乐书,录音机 教 学 过 程 设 计 Step 1 Warm up Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss answer. T: OK. Let’s sing an ABC song. Ss sing together. Step 2 Presentation Free talk. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a book. T: Do you like English? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Good. This is an English book. Show the word card: English. Then show the Maths and Music book to teach the two words. T: Zhang Zhiyuan is a new student. And this boy is a new student, too. Teach the word new. Ask the new student to stand up and say: Stand up please. Sit down please. And do the actions. At the same time, tell the Ss to use please means polite. Learn please. T points to herself and says: I have a nose. I have two eyes. I have a mouth. … Ask Ss to guess the meaning of “have”. And do the actions to teach we. Do some actions and review play. Play football, play basketball, play ping-pong… But here it means“yan zou”.Play the piano, play the guitar, play the violin… Do the actions and learn play. Step 3 Drills Flash the word cards to read quickly. Correct their pronunciations. Pay attention to “have”, “Maths” and “please”. Step 4 Practice T takes out a curriculum schedule to Ss and says: We have English in the morning. Repeat for some times and ask Ss to follow. Write down the sentence on the bb and use other subjects to practice. Then practice the sentence pattern: We have Maths in the afternoon. Also use other word cards. Step 5 Extension Ask Ss to take out their curriculum schedules and do the pair work. They may use the two sentence patterns. We have ________ in the morning. We have ________ in the afternoon. Step 6 Summary Teacher makes a summary. 二次备课 课堂练习设计 We have ________ in the morning/ afternoon. Make dialogs. 课外作业设计 1. 听读今天所学单词句型5遍。 2. 预习P11。 板 书 设 计 Unit 1 We have English in the morning. A B C D We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon. 每日词句 We have English in the morning. 我们早上有英语课。 教 学 反 思 参考资料 学 科 英 语 一年级起点 (第3册) 主备教师 裴培 授 课 时 间 第7周 10月14日 使用教师 裴培 冼丽英 课 题 Module 3 Unit 1 We have English in the morning. 教 学 目 标 1. 知识目标: 能听、说、读单词Chinese, Art, PE, Science. 听懂、会读句子Do we have Music at school? Yes, we do./No, we don’t. 2.技能目标:让学生在日常生活中能运用英语交流课程。 3.情感目标:培养学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,积极参与说英语、做游戏等实践活动。    教学重点 教学难点 教学重点 : 1.单词Chinese, Art, PE, Science. 2.句型:Do we have Music at school? Yes, we do./No, we don’t. 3.能熟练使用新学句型并结合以前学过的句型对课表内容进行描述。 教学难点: 1.单词Chinese, Art, Science. 2.句型:Do we have Music at school? Yes, we do./No, we don’t. 3.能熟练使用新学句型并结合以前学过的句型对课表内容进行描述。 教学方法与手段 直观教学法,情景教学法,游戏法 培养学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,积极参与说英语、做游戏等实践活动。 教学准备 单词卡片,英语书,数学书,音乐书,美术书,语文书,科学书, 录音机 教 学 过 程 设 计 Step 1 Warm up Greetings. Chant together. A is for apple. B is for bat. C is for car and for cat. Step 2 Presentation Review the words we learnt last class. Have a quick review. The quickest one can get one mark. T: What do we have in the morning? We have English, Maths and … Ss:Chinese. (In Chinese) T takes out the Chinese book and teach the word. T: What do you like best? Ss: PE, Art… T does some actions and learn the two new words. T: Takes out the Science book and learn the word. Step 3 Drills Game: Look, guess and stand up. Let the students at seat watch my mouth carefully and guess the word. Then the students in the front touch the right word cards. Correct their pronunciations. Pay attention to “Chinese” and “Science”. Step 4 Practice T takes out a curriculum schedule to Ss and says: Look! This is our schedule. Do we have English in the morning? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, we do. Repeat for some times and ask Ss to follow. Write down the sentences on the bb and use other subjects to practice. T holds on some word cards and says: Please guess what do we have in the morning. Ss: We have ... in the morning. T: Now please guess what do we have in the afternoon. Ss: We have ... in the afternoon. Step 5 Extension Ask Ss to take out their curriculum schedules and do the pair work. They may do the dialog like this: A: Hello! B: Hello! … A: We have English in the morning. B: Yes. Do we have Music at school? A: Yes, we do. We have Music in the afternoon. Step 6 Summary Review all the words in the module and the sentence patterns we learnt. 二次备课 课堂练习设计 Practice the sentence patterns: We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon. Do we have Music at school? Yes, we do./No, we don’t. 课外作业设计 1.听读M3单词5遍。 2.听读P11 5遍。 3.预习P10。 板 书 设 计 Unit 1 We have English in the morning. A B C D We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon. Do we have Music at school? Yes, we do./No, we don’t. 每日词句 We have Maths in the afternoon. 我们在下午有数学课。 教 学 反 思 参考资料 学 科 英 语 一年级起点 (第3册) 主备教师 裴培 授 课 时 间 第7周 10月15日 使用教师 裴培 冼丽英 课 题 Module 3 Unit 1 We have English in the morning. 教 学 目 标 1. 知识目标: 能听、说、读单词we, have, English, new, Maths, Music, please, play,Chinese, Art, PE, Science.听懂、会读句子We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon. Do we have Music at school? Yes, we do.    2.技能目标:让学生在日常生活中能运用英语交流课程。 3.情感目标:培养学生用英语思维的`能力,及大胆用英语交流的能力。    教学重点 教学难点 教学重点 : 2. 1.单词we, have, English, new, Maths, Music, please, play,Chinese, Art, PE, Science. 2.句型:We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon. Do we have Music at school? Yes, we do. 3.能熟练理解认读课文内容,并能运用英语对课表内容进行简单的描述。 教学难点: 3. 1.单词have, English, Maths, Music, please, Chinese, Art, Science. 2.句型:

We have English in the morning. We have Maths in the afternoon. Do we have Music at school? Yes, we do. 3.能熟练理解认读课文内容,并能运

