
时间:2014-08-06 09:48:48
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元宵节英语作文 篇一

The Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. The festival is named after the tradition of lighting lanterns and eating sweet glutinous rice dumplings, known as yuanxiao.

During the Lantern Festival, people decorate their homes with colorful lanterns, creating a festive and joyful atmosphere. The lanterns come in various shapes and sizes, from traditional red lanterns to intricate designs depicting animals, flowers, and characters from Chinese folklore. The lanterns are often hung outside houses, along streets, and in public parks, illuminating the night sky with their vibrant colors.

One of the most iconic traditions of the Lantern Festival is the lantern riddle guessing game. Riddles written on pieces of paper are hidden inside the lanterns, and people have to guess the answers to the riddles. It is a fun and interactive activity that brings people together and tests their wit and creativity. Winning a riddle is considered a sign of good luck and intelligence.

Another popular activity during the Lantern Festival is the lion dance. Performers dressed in lion costumes mimic the movements of a lion, accompanied by the rhythmic beat of drums and cymbals. The lion dance is believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. It is a captivating spectacle that attracts people of all ages.

Of course, no Lantern Festival would be complete without enjoying yuanxiao. These sweet glutinous rice dumplings are filled with various fillings, such as red bean paste, sesame paste, and peanut butter. They are boiled and served in a hot and fragrant soup. Eating yuanxiao symbolizes family unity and happiness.

The Lantern Festival is not only celebrated in China but also in many other countries with Chinese communities. It has become a popular cultural event that showcases the beauty and richness of Chinese traditions. It is a time for people to come together, appreciate the beauty of lanterns, indulge in delicious food, and create lasting memories with loved ones.

In conclusion, the Lantern Festival is a vibrant and joyous celebration that marks the end of the Chinese New Year festivities. It is a time for people to come together, enjoy the beauty of lanterns, participate in traditional activities, and savor the delicious yuanxiao. It is a festival that embodies the spirit of unity, happiness, and good fortune.

元宵节英语作文 篇二

My Memorable Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival is a special time of the year that I always look forward to. It is not only a time for celebrations and traditional activities, but also a time for family reunions and creating lasting memories.

One of my most memorable Lantern Festival experiences was when I was ten years old. My family and I went to a local park where a grand Lantern Festival event was being held. The park was filled with people, and the atmosphere was electrifying. As we walked through the park, we were mesmerized by the colorful lanterns that adorned every corner.

There were lanterns shaped like animals, flowers, and even famous landmarks. My favorite was a dragon lantern that was as long as a building. Its scales were made of delicate silk, and it seemed to come alive as it moved gently in the breeze. I couldn't take my eyes off it.

As the night grew darker, the lanterns were lit one by one, illuminating the park in a magical glow. It felt like we were in a different world. The lantern riddle guessing game was in full swing, and we eagerly joined in. We laughed and brainstormed together, trying to solve the tricky riddles hidden inside the lanterns.

After exploring the park, we found a spot to watch the lion dance performance. The lion dancers moved gracefully, their colorful costumes and intricate movements capturing our attention. The beat of the drums and cymbals echoed through the park, creating an infectious rhythm that filled us with excitement.

Of course, the highlight of the night was enjoying yuanxiao. We indulged in the sweet glutinous rice dumplings, savoring the different flavors and textures. The hot and fragrant soup warmed our souls on that chilly winter night. As we ate, we shared stories and laughter, creating beautiful memories that would stay with us forever.

As the night came to an end, we made our way back home, carrying the warmth and joy of the Lantern Festival with us. It was a night filled with love, laughter, and a sense of community. The Lantern Festival is not just about lanterns and activities; it is about coming together as a family and appreciating the beauty of traditions.

In conclusion, the Lantern Festival holds a special place in my heart. It is a time for family reunions, creating lasting memories, and appreciating the beauty of lanterns. It is a celebration that brings people together and fills their hearts with joy and happiness. I look forward to many more memorable Lantern Festivals in the years to come.

元宵节英语作文 篇三

  Lantern Festival is a Chinas traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

  I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns.

  Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns.

  On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up.

  On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns.

  Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy.

  Our life is rich and varied.

元宵节英语作文 篇四

  It is the Lantern Festival. My grandfather, grandmother and father are all in shanxi. There are only my mother, my aunt, my sister and me. My mother and aunt are looking at the computer. I teach my sister to skateboard.

  First, I asked my sister to step on the skateboard with her left foot and gently push her right foot to jump. But she jumped several times and couldnt jump. So I asked her to stand on a skateboard with her right foot on the board. But she could not walk two steps and fell, but she fell several times without losing heart. Once, when she slipped more than two meters, I was happy to give her a hand. She was also a brave and persistent person. My sister jumped up too.

  This day, although my grandpa, grandma, and father are not at home, but this Lantern Festival I have a very happy!

元宵节英语作文 篇五

  After the Spring Festival, here comes the Lantern Festival. In China, people celebrate it on the lunar calendar fifteen. It symbolizes the short rest has come to an end after the spring festival; people need to get back to work with their best wishes in the brand-new year. We all celebrated this festival with plenty of food and fun. The most important and traditional food on the Lantern Festival is Tang-yuan. With sweet and soft rice outside and peanuts or sesame inside, this little rice ball stand for the happy reunion, and the best wish for the whole families. Apart from having dinner with parents and relatives, there are also lots of activities on that day. The Lantern shows as well as guessing riddles are part of the Lantern Festival; and the most interesting part of the show is that the riddles are written on the Lantern. After dinner, the whole families go to the lantern fair, to enjoy the happiness in this moment.

  In every city, there are always a main street known for its lantern fair, on that special day, thestreet will become as bright as daylight in the night wi

th myriads of lanterns and streams ofspectators. At this moment, the happiness in the heart is beyond all description. By watching various lanterns, eating sweet Tang Yuan, and hanging out with the people we love, thinking of the bright future in front of us. It’s worth everything.

  Happy Lantern Festival!

元宵节英语作文 篇六

  The chinese new year is now popularly known as the spring festival because it starts from the begining of spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of nature). its origin is too old to be traced.

  Several explanations are hanging around.

  All agree, however, that the word nian, which in modern chinese solely means year, wasoriginally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year.

  One legend goes that the beast nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared.

  One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue nian.

  To nian he said, i hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents? so, it didswallow many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harrassed people and their domestic animals from time to time.


