
时间:2019-02-06 04:39:44
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小学生英语作文400字 篇一

My Favorite Animal

I have always been fascinated by animals. They come in all shapes and sizes, and each one has its own unique features. Out of all the animals in the world, my favorite is the dolphin.

Dolphins are known for their intelligence and playful nature. They are also very friendly and social creatures. Whenever I see a dolphin, I can't help but smile. Their sleek bodies, shiny skin, and adorable faces make them the cutest creatures in the ocean.

One of the reasons why I love dolphins is because they are excellent swimmers. They can swim up to speeds of 20 miles per hour and jump as high as 15 feet out of the water. It's incredible to watch them glide through the waves with such grace and agility.

Another reason why I love dolphins is because they are very smart. They can learn and understand commands, and they can even communicate with each other using a series of clicks and whistles. Scientists have discovered that dolphins have a complex social structure and they are capable of solving problems.

Dolphins are also known for their playful behavior. They love to swim alongside boats and surf on waves. Sometimes, they even perform acrobatic tricks like flips and spins in the air. Whenever I see a dolphin show, I am amazed by their skills and abilities.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animals because of their intelligence, playfulness, and beauty. They are truly amazing creatures that bring joy and happiness to people all around the world.

小学生英语作文400字 篇二

A Trip to the Zoo

Last week, my family and I went on a trip to the zoo. It was a sunny day, and I was very excited to see all the different animals.

When we arrived at the zoo, the first thing we saw was a group of monkeys swinging from tree to tree. They were very active and playful. I couldn't help but giggle as I watched them jump and climb.

Next, we visited the giraffes. They were so tall and graceful. It was amazing to see their long necks reaching up to the leaves on the trees. I wished I could be as tall as them!

After that, we saw the lions. They were lying lazily in the shade, but their powerful presence could still be felt. I was in awe of their majestic beauty. I took out my camera and snapped a photo of them.

As we walked further into the zoo, we saw the elephants. They were enormous! It was incredible to see how they used their trunks to eat and drink. I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder as I watched them.

Finally, we reached the penguin enclosure. I had always been fascinated by penguins, and I was thrilled to see them up close. They waddled around on the ice and dove into the water with such grace. I could have watched them for hours.

Overall, it was a fantastic day at the zoo. I learned so much about different animals and their habitats. It made me appreciate the beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom even more. I can't wait to go back to the zoo again soon.

小学生英语作文400字 篇三







小学生英语作文400字 篇四







小学生英语作文400字 篇五

  This suer vacatin, I read the b called “The lnel planet Plut”. There are a lt f interesting English passages in the b, ang which the st erable ne is the little str abut Plut. It t e new nwledge abut Plut.

  Plut is the gd f underwrld in ran thlg. In Science, it is a sall bect rbiting the sun at the edge f the slar sste. It used t be cnsidered a planet. Hwever, new research has changed this idea. Plut is n lnger cnsidered a planet. Nw, it is raned as a dwarf planet.

  After reading the b, I tell Mu abut the new research,

  She feels surprised. S, I’ sure that extracurricular reading can

  Enrich nwledge. I lie reading re and re this ind f bs.


