
时间:2012-07-07 02:20:32
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Spring English Composition One

Spring is a season that brings new life and joy after the long winter months. It is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. The arrival of spring is marked by the blooming of flowers, the singing of birds, and the warmer weather. In this essay, I will discuss the beauty and significance of spring.

One of the most beautiful aspects of spring is the blooming of flowers. After months of barren landscapes, colorful blossoms start to emerge from the ground, adding vibrancy and life to our surroundings. The sight of cherry blossoms, daffodils, and tulips in full bloom is truly a feast for the eyes. It is a reminder that life continues to go on and that there is beauty in every season.

In addition to the blooming of flowers, spring is also known for the singing of birds. As the weather gets warmer, birds return from their winter migration and fill the air with their melodious tunes. The sound of birds chirping is not only a delightful soundtrack to our days but also a symbol of hope and new beginnings. It reminds us that even after the darkest of times, there is always a reason to sing.

Furthermore, spring brings about a change in weather. The cold winter months are replaced by milder temperatures, making it more enjoyable to spend time outdoors. People start shedding their heavy coats and scarves in favor of lighter and brighter clothing. The warmth of the sun on our skin and the gentle breeze in the air create a perfect environment for outdoor activities such as picnics, hiking, and cycling.

Apart from its aesthetic appeal, spring also holds great significance. It is a season of rebirth and growth. Just as nature awakens from its slumber, spring serves as a reminder for us to embrace new beginnings and opportunities. It is a time to let go of the past and start afresh. Spring encourages us to plant seeds of positivity and watch them grow into beautiful outcomes.

In conclusion, spring is a season that brings joy and beauty to our lives. From the blooming of flowers to the singing of birds, it is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. As we welcome the arrival of spring, let us appreciate the wonders of nature and embrace the opportunities for growth and new beginnings that this season brings.

Spring English Composition Two

Spring is a season that is eagerly awaited by many as it signifies the end of winter and the beginning of new life. It is a time of transformation and growth. In this essay, I will discuss the various activities and traditions associated with spring.

One of the most popular activities during spring is gardening. As the weather gets warmer and the ground thaws, people take to their gardens to plant flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Gardening not only helps beautify our surroundings but also provides a sense of fulfillment and connection with nature. It is a therapeutic activity that allows us to nurture and witness the growth of living things.

Another common tradition during spring is spring cleaning. After being cooped up indoors during the winter months, many people take advantage of the fresh start that spring brings to deep clean their homes. It involves decluttering, organizing, and thoroughly cleaning every nook and cranny. Spring cleaning is not only a physical task but also a symbolic act of letting go of the old and making space for the new.

Spring is also a season of celebrations and festivals. Easter, a Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is one of the most widely celebrated festivals during spring. It is a time for families to come together, exchange gifts, and participate in various activities such as egg hunts and Easter parades. The colorful eggs and vibrant decorations associated with Easter add to the festive atmosphere of spring.

Furthermore, spring is a time when many sports and outdoor activities are enjoyed. From baseball to soccer, people take advantage of the pleasant weather to engage in physical activities and enjoy the beauty of nature. Parks and gardens become popular gathering spots for picnics, barbecues, and leisurely walks. The longer days and milder temperatures provide the perfect backdrop for outdoor recreation.

In conclusion, spring is a season filled with activities and traditions that bring joy and new beginnings. From gardening to spring cleaning, people engage in various activities to embrace the transformation and growth that this season signifies. As we welcome the arrival of spring, let us participate in these activities and traditions to fully appreciate the beauty and significance of this season.

spring英语作文 篇三

  Spring is coming. Flowers are in full bloom everywhere. Rivers are thawing and small fish are jumping out of the river. Animals are running on the grass. The students are flying kites and playing. In such a beautiful season, let us embrace spring!

spring英语作文 篇四

  I like spring best. Because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Spring is coming. Everything begins to come to life. The birds are flying back again. The trees and grass start to turn green. I hope I can embrace the spring. Spring is so lovely, so beautiful.

spring英语作文 篇五

  In spring, the weather is getting warm, and everything is new, full of vigor. The sun is shining brightly, the spring breeze is blowing gently, and the flowers are blooming beautifully. In spring, it always rains. After the rain, we can smell the fresher air and see the blue sky. We all feel comfortable.

  The spring of this year seems to be speical for me. Every rain comes so timely, washing the wound for me, rushing the dust, and making me feel the beauty of spring from the heart. In previous years, the spring is always coming quietly and lasts a short time. The arrival of spring, gives me hope, and lets me go on fighting. The arrival of spring, gives me a new start and lets me feel everything is growing. The arrival of spring, gives me a passion and lets me have the courage to face the ups and downs of life and rush forward step by step. The arrival of spring, gives me a relief force and lets me understand this world better. Life is just like the spring, and what we need is to be fearlessand brave in the sad time. Maybe we will get unexpected harvest. Embrace the spring, we will find that all around us is becoming more beautiful.

spring英语作文 篇六

  We are pleased to go to the country, looking ahead, a beautiful field, potatoes grow seedlings, green seedlings hairy. The rape golden yellow, they endure endure crowded crowded into a large, hand in hand.

  The spring breeze blows, the ground turned golden waves. The most striking is that a piece of broad bean, broad bean vine full bud, one or two impatient bean flower already opened, like a covered with markings of butterflies, like some impatient girl eager to show their beauty. Pea flowers are white, pink, and pea flowers. Like a cute butterfly, they come to bees. They are rushing to gather nectar. They are very busy.

  You see, in the field of grass grow wild, green was so lush. A spring breeze blowing, the wind drift wave. The children were happy in the field and were busy flying kites. There are centipede kites, butterfly kites, and Phoenix kites... A lifelike kite is flying freely in the air, giving a great pleasure to the blue sky and white clouds. The kids happy tireless race each other. A breeze came, and the scent of rape was coming with wind. I followed this faint fragrance and looked like a golden and green sea. Countless bees were busy in it. A butterfly flew from its eyes in front of us now and then. The wind blows gently across the field, and the fields have a golden wave like a fairyland.

  The gentle spring girl came, the bright sun was sprinkled with the earth. Grass green flowers, flowers bloom, the recovery of the earth, birds'twitter and fragrance of flowers. The grass drilled out of the earth. The little swallow flew back from the south, chirping on the branches, as if to say spring was coming and spring came. And what about the farmer's uncle? The seeds of hope are planted in the fields, of course. In spring, many farmers came to the field, ready for the start of spring, I take time off to go to the field to look, wow! Everyone is loosing the earth and sowing the seeds. Then the seed began its new life. The next day the farmer uncle just wait for them to grow up quickly, after a period of time, the seed grow a green seedlings, so farmers and busy weeding, scarification, fertilization and seedling were started, so that they can happily continue to grow.

  This spring footsteps came to the field, it shows all her beautiful scenery with the pitter patter of the rain falls, the grass drilled the ground, exposing the green heart like buds, flowers open flowers riotous with colour yellow, purple, red, and white... Beautiful..! The most striking thing is a field of colourful rape flowers. They don't have scent of sweet scented osmanthus and no roses, but she brings hope to farmers. Look, there are a group of butterflies and bees flying, the air of pollen, and the flutter and flutter of their wings. I think the field of spring is very beautiful, do you think so?


