
时间:2018-09-07 02:44:43
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梦想的英语作文 篇一

My Dream

Everyone has their own dreams. Some may dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur, while others aspire to be a renowned artist or a respected scientist. As for me, my dream is to become a professional dancer.

Ever since I was a child, I have loved dancing. I would spend hours in front of the mirror, practicing my moves and perfecting my techniques. I joined dance classes and participated in various dance competitions. The feeling of being on stage, surrounded by the spotlight and the applause of the audience, was exhilarating.

Dancing not only brings me joy, but it also allows me to express myself. When I dance, I feel as if I am in a different world, where there are no limitations or boundaries. It is a form of escape, a way for me to release my emotions and let my body speak for itself.

To pursue my dream of becoming a professional dancer, I know that I need to work hard and be dedicated. I am currently taking ballet and contemporary dance classes, as well as attending workshops and masterclasses to improve my skills. I also make sure to practice every day, even if it is just for a few minutes. I believe that consistency is key to achieving success.

In addition to honing my dance skills, I am also studying other subjects that will complement my career as a dancer. I am taking anatomy and physiology classes to understand how the body moves and functions. I am also learning about different dance styles and techniques from around the world, as well as studying the history of dance.

Although the path to becoming a professional dancer may not be easy, I am determined to overcome any challenges that come my way. I know that there will be setbacks and failures along the journey, but I believe that these experiences will only make me stronger and more resilient.

In conclusion, my dream of becoming a professional dancer is what motivates me to work hard and strive for excellence. I am willing to put in the time and effort to make my dream a reality. I believe that with passion, perseverance, and a positive mindset, anything is possible.

梦想的英语作文 篇二

My Dream Job

Dreams are what keep us motivated and give us a sense of purpose in life. For me, my dream job is to become a successful journalist.

Ever since I was young, I have always been fascinated by stories. I would spend hours reading books and newspapers, immersing myself in different worlds and cultures. I was captivated by the power of words and how they could evoke emotions and spark conversations.

As I grew older, my passion for storytelling only grew stronger. I realized that journalism would be the perfect career for me, as it would allow me to not only share stories, but also shed light on important issues and make a positive impact on society.

To pursue my dream of becoming a journalist, I am currently studying journalism at university. I am learning about different writing styles, journalistic ethics, and the importance of impartiality and accuracy in reporting. I am also gaining practical experience through internships and working for the university newspaper.

In addition to my studies, I am constantly seeking opportunities to improve my skills and expand my knowledge. I attend journalism conferences and workshops, where I can learn from industry professionals and network with other aspiring journalists. I also read extensively, both fiction and non-fiction, to broaden my perspective and enhance my storytelling abilities.

I am aware that the field of journalism is highly competitive and challenging. It requires resilience, adaptability, and the ability to work under pressure. However, I am willing to put in the hard work and face any obstacles that come my way. I believe that my passion for storytelling and my dedication to delivering accurate and unbiased news will set me apart from others.

In conclusion, my dream job as a journalist is what drives me to work hard and continuously improve myself. I am excited about the prospect of sharing stories and making a difference through my writing. I am confident that with perseverance and a strong work ethic, I will be able to achieve my dream and have a fulfilling career in journalism.

梦想的英语作文 篇三

  Everyone has a dream. Now I want to say something about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least. My dream is to become a successful stateman, helping those people who need help with their rights. Of course, to be a good stateman is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. China is a developing country which needs good stateman,especially in the countryside and distant villages. Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream. I know that fantasy is something hard to realize, but dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams, I’ll never give up.

梦想的英语作文 篇四

  Hello, my story is "my dream, the guide dream". My hometown, Yandang Mountain, is the first 5A class scenic spot and World Geopark in china. I have a dream, that is to become a tour guide, spread Chinese culture, promote Chinese prestige to the foreign friends. No, last spring, I was lucky to be a little tour guide in Yandang Mountain.

  It was a sunny weekend, and I got a little guide tag. Wow, so many tourists! I saw a foreign lady walking to the stall, and saw the shelves filled with all kinds of unique shapes of handicrafts, with less standard ordinary praise: "beautiful, too beautiful."! "Then, is a series of Balabala foreign words. The stall holder is an old man who does not understand foreign words. I quickly went up, as a temporary tour guide, introduced one by one: "this is flour made little, this is a fan of ink, and paper umbrella, marionette...... "Mrs. Yang listened and nodded. The old man knew that the foreigner was looking after him, and said in a blunt Mandarin: "Gee, pick it at will.". "Mrs. Yang Dong Xi select, selected, finally chose a small puppet, and made a pose:" Ok! Ok! "To pay, man stretched out two fingers, Mrs. Yang will be out two RMB one hundred yuan. The old man looked and shook his head. Mrs. Yang, change to two for one hundred dollars quickly. The old man was more worried, and shook his head and said, "well, you don't need so much, twenty or twenty is OK.". "Mrs. asked," What, How, mach? "The old man raised his voice and even said," twenty, twenty. ". "Mrs. Yang shook her head." No! No! "That's it. A question and answer attracted a lot of onlookers. Someone said, "the old man is a real man."! "Some say:" do business, it is to make money, do not take white do not take! "

  When I saw the scene, I went to the old man and said, "uncle, for you, I'll translate.". With my help, I finally settled the misunderstanding of the deal. Finally, Mrs. Yang clasped the old man's hands and said, "Wenzhou, city, is, good, good, people, better!", the old man listened and was baffled by another scenery. At this moment, all the onlookers' eyes brushed me. Well, do not think you can beat me, I confidently speak to the crowd: "Wenzhou city is good, the scenery is good, people are better."! "

  Listening to the praise of foreign tourists, as a Wenzhou people, I have a sense of pride, and become a tourist guide dream even more firm. I would like to introduce to foreign friends the scenic spots and historical sites in Wenzhou and spread the Chinese civilization. Let the scenery of the Yandang Mountain charming figure on the world stage. This is my dream, my guide dream!

梦想的英语作文 篇五

  I want to be a lawyer .The reason I want to be a lawyer r is I think this profession is very important and meaningful. If I am a lawyer, I will can contribute to maintaining the fairness and justice of society in the form of law:

  On one hand, I can take advantage of my expertise help mediate people's conflicts and disputes, so that they can live in harmony.

  On the other hand,I can defend Legitimate rights and interests for innocent, avoiding them suffering from some unnecessary injury.

  In addition, I can often contact with somebody who need legal aid,try my best to Teaching them some basic legal knowledge,therefore they can obey the law and apply the law.

  However,the legal knowledge that I have learned now is not enough,so in order to getting my dream come true in the future , I should word hard from now on.

梦想的英语作文 篇六


  Dream is the vane of life, guiding us forward; dream is the snow lotus on the mountain; holy and beautiful; the dream is the boat in the wind and waves, carrying us to the change of victory. I have many dreams, too.


  My dream is to become a singer. I love music since I was a child, and I sleep every night listening to music. For a long time, I'll follow you softly. When I grow up, I want to sing the most beautiful songs, so that the lonely people are no longer lonely.


  My dream is to be a teacher. The teacher in order to train us to become a talent, midnight change jobs, write lesson plans, how hard ah! And they are respected, so I want to be a teacher. Grow up, I will help the country develop more national dongliangzhicai.


  The last dream is to be a painter. Like music, I grew fond of painting. See the painter painted those paintings, each one is lifelike, can let the human life feel the excitement of the scene. When I grow up, I want to draw a picture to express my love for my motherland.


  Ten years from now, one of these dreams will come true. Anyway, I will study hard, make good foundation and grow up before I can realize my dream!


