
时间:2015-05-02 06:39:15
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关于泰山的英文导游词作文 篇一

Welcome to Mount Tai!

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Mount Tai, one of the five sacred mountains in China. My name is [Your Name], and I'll be your tour guide today. I hope you all are excited to explore this magnificent mountain with a history of over 3,000 years. Let's get started!

Mount Tai, also known as Taishan, is located in Shandong province in eastern China. It has been a significant cultural and religious site throughout history. Emperors, poets, and scholars have all visited this mountain seeking inspiration and enlightenment.

As we begin our journey, you will notice the grand entrance archway, which represents the starting point of our ascent. This archway is called "Zhong Tian Men" or "Gate to Heaven." It symbolizes the beginning of a spiritual journey towards self-improvement and enlightenment.

As we climb the steps, please take your time and enjoy the breathtaking scenery around you. Mount Tai is known for its magnificent sunrise and sea of clouds. On a clear day, you can see the Yellow Sea in the distance. It is truly a sight to behold.

One of the highlights of our trip is the Red Gate Palace. This palace was built during the Ming Dynasty and served as a place for emperors to hold ceremonies and pay homage to the gods. As we explore the palace, you will see intricate carvings and beautiful architecture.

Next, we will visit the Jade Emperor Peak, the highest point of Mount Tai. From here, you will have a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. On a clear day, you can even see the other four sacred mountains in China.

Our journey will conclude at the South Heavenly Gate, also known as the "Heavenly Street." This gate marks the end of our ascent and represents reaching the heavens. It is said that those who reach this gate have achieved enlightenment and have purified their souls.

I hope you have enjoyed our tour of Mount Tai. It is truly a remarkable place filled with history, culture, and natural beauty. Thank you for joining me today, and I hope you have a memorable experience exploring this sacred mountain.

Thank you and have a great day!

关于泰山的英文导游词作文 篇二

Discover the Cultural Treasures of Mount Tai!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mount Tai, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of China's most sacred mountains. I'm [Your Name], your tour guide for today, and I'm thrilled to take you on a journey to explore the cultural treasures of this magnificent mountain.

As we begin our ascent, you will notice the numerous temples and shrines along the way. These religious sites have been an integral part of Mount Tai's history and continue to attract pilgrims and worshippers from all over the world.

Our first stop is Dai Temple, the largest and most well-preserved ancient architectural complex on Mount Tai. Built over 1,000 years ago, this temple served as a place for emperors to offer sacrifices to the gods. Inside the temple, you will find exquisite wood carvings, ancient calligraphy, and beautiful paintings.

Next, we will visit the Sun Viewing Peak, also known as Tai'an Terrace. From here, you can witness the stunning sunrise and the sea of clouds that blanket the mountain. It is a truly magical experience and a perfect opportunity for some breathtaking photos.

As we continue our journey, we will explore the Heavenly Street, a bustling pedestrian street filled with shops, restaurants, and local vendors. This street offers a glimpse into the local culture and provides an opportunity to taste some delicious Shandong cuisine.

One of the highlights of our trip is the Bixia Temple, dedicated to the goddess of Mount Tai. This temple is located at the summit and offers a stunning view of the surrounding landscape. Inside the temple, you will find beautiful statues and ancient relics.

Finally, we will make our way to the Eighteen Bends, a challenging section of the mountain with steep and winding stairs. This part of the climb is both physically demanding and spiritually rewarding. As you conquer each bend, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and a deeper connection to the mountain.

I hope you have enjoyed our tour of Mount Tai and have gained a deeper appreciation for its cultural significance. This mountain is not only a natural wonder but also a treasure trove of history and spirituality. Thank you for joining me today, and I hope you have a memorable experience exploring this sacred mountain.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

关于泰山的英文导游词作文 篇三


  Dear friends:


  Everybody is good! I was a tour guide Zhang Hongxiao. Today, I will lead you to go to one of the five sacred mountains of Taishan tourism.


  Taishan is located in the central part of Shandong Province, north of Tai'an City, 1545 meters above sea level, as the East China mountains. Taishan has a long history, magnificent, a large number of cultural relics, as a national monument, stands on the land of china. In 1987, Taishan was listed by UNESCO as a world natural and cultural heritage.


  Swimming Taishan, generally to the Dai Temple. The temple is located in Tai'an City, the South Gate of Tai'an, Babel street, north to Taishan, South Gate winding axis, the ceremony was held for the feudal emperors to worship at the site of Taishan. You see, this is the temple of the temple of the Lord the hall of heavenly blessings, is our country one of the three palace, built in the Northern Song dynasty. The temple of inscriptions from Qin Dynasty to Qing Dynasty buildings, a total of more than 160 pieces, many hidden in the Han Bo hospital. The main hall of the temple there is no word monument of Qin Shihuang. Institute of North East Taishan Fengshan emperor throne is at rest. The temple is a comprehensive museum of historical relics, poetry, painting, calligraphy, sculpture art!


  Ladies and gentlemen, now is the location of the peak. The east side of the main peak of stone have a view. The legend of the mountain, it is difficult to see the sunrise, people together from the mountain took a large stone, into today's point of view. Now people just standing on the view point, you can see the sunrise.


  You have a rest, leave a shadow, if left the shadow of words, please go down with me.


  Tourists, the Taishan scene is very grand. If you do not enjoy, it is with your family and friends come to Taishan tourism. Xiao Zhang in Taishan at any time waiting for your visit! Thank you!


