
时间:2014-04-07 01:36:41
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迟到英语作文 篇一

The Consequences of Being Late

Being late is a common problem that many people face in their daily lives. Whether it is arriving late to school, work, or appointments, the consequences of being late can be significant. In this essay, we will explore the negative effects of being late and discuss ways to overcome this habit.

One of the main consequences of being late is the negative impact it has on one's reputation. Constantly arriving late to school or work can give the impression that a person is unreliable and lacks discipline. Employers and teachers may view tardiness as a sign of laziness or a lack of respect for others' time. This can lead to missed opportunities, such as being passed over for promotions or receiving lower grades in school.

Another consequence of being late is the stress and anxiety it can cause. Running late can create a sense of panic and rush, which can lead to increased stress levels. This can negatively affect one's performance and ability to focus. Furthermore, the stress of being late can also spill over into other areas of life, causing tension in personal relationships and impacting overall well-being.

Being late can also have financial consequences. For example, if someone is late to a meeting or appointment, they may miss out on important information or opportunities. In a business setting, this can result in lost clients or potential partnerships. Additionally, being late can also lead to extra expenses, such as paying for late fees or missing out on discounted prices.

To overcome the habit of being late, it is important to prioritize punctuality and develop good time management skills. Setting realistic goals and planning ahead can help ensure that tasks are completed on time. Additionally, it is important to anticipate potential obstacles and plan for them accordingly. For example, leaving earlier than necessary to account for traffic or unexpected delays.

In conclusion, being late can have a negative impact on one's reputation, cause stress and anxiety, and result in financial consequences. To overcome this habit, it is important to prioritize punctuality and develop good time management skills. By doing so, one can avoid the negative consequences of being late and improve their overall productivity and well-being.

迟到英语作文 篇二

The Importance of Punctuality

Punctuality is a valuable trait that is highly regarded in many cultures. Being on time shows respect for others' time and demonstrates reliability and discipline. In this essay, we will explore the importance of punctuality and discuss ways to cultivate this habit.

One of the main reasons why punctuality is important is because it shows respect for others' time. When we are late, we are essentially telling others that our time is more valuable than theirs. This can create feelings of frustration and inconvenience for those who are waiting. On the other hand, being punctual shows that we value and appreciate the time of others, which can help build positive relationships and trust.

Punctuality is also important for personal growth and success. When we are punctual, we are more likely to complete tasks on time and meet deadlines. This shows reliability and discipline, which are highly valued traits in both personal and professional settings. Employers and teachers often view punctuality as a sign of professionalism and commitment, which can lead to more opportunities and advancements in one's career or education.

Furthermore, being punctual can also reduce stress and anxiety. When we are constantly running late or rushing to meet deadlines, it can create a sense of panic and overwhelm. This can negatively impact our ability to focus and perform at our best. On the other hand, when we are punctual, we have more time to prepare and can approach tasks with a calm and focused mindset.

To cultivate the habit of punctuality, it is important to prioritize time management and planning. Setting realistic goals and creating a schedule can help ensure that tasks are completed on time. Additionally, it is important to be proactive and anticipate potential obstacles that may cause delays. By planning ahead, we can avoid the need to rush and minimize the chances of being late.

In conclusion, punctuality is an important trait that shows respect for others' time and demonstrates reliability and discipline. It is also important for personal growth and success, as it can lead to more opportunities and reduce stress. By prioritizing time management and planning, we can cultivate the habit of punctuality and enjoy its benefits in various aspects of life.

迟到英语作文 篇三

  i opened my eyes in the morning and looked at the clock。 "oh, dear! it's half past seven already。 i'll be late again," i thought。 without breakfast, i hurried to school。 but it began to rain hard。

  when i got to the classroom, the maths teacher had already begun his lesson。 it was mr wang。 all of us were afraid of him。 i didn't like him, or his lessons。 i opened the door。 " i'm late again, mr wang。" "i've told you not to be late, but you " he said angrily。 but suddenly he stopped, and looked at my clothes。 he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me。 "now take off your wet coat and put shis one on。" he said kindly。

  it was a bit large for me, but i felt warm in it。

迟到英语作文 篇四

  I was always a little in awe of Great-aunt Stephina Roos. Indeed, as children we were all frankly terrified of her. The fact that she did not live with the family, preferring her tiny cottage and solitude to the comfortable but rather noisy household where we were brought up-added to the respectful fear in which she was held.


  We used to take it in turn to carry small delicacies which my mother had made down from the big house to the little cottage where Aunt Stephia and an old colored maid spent their days. Old Tnate Sanna would open the door to the rather frightened little messenger and would usher him-or her - into the dark voor-kamer, where the shutters were always closed to keep out the heat and the flies. There we would wait, in trembling but not altogether unpleasant.


  She was a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration. She was always dressed in black, and her dark clothes melted into the shadows of the voor-kamer and made her look smaller than ever. But you felt. The moment she entered. That something vital and strong and somehow indestructible had come in with her, although she moved slowly, and her voice was sweet and soft.


  She never embraced us. She would greet us and take out hot little hands in her own beautiful cool one, with blue veins standing out on the back of it, as though the white skin were almost too delicate to contain them.


迟到英语作文 篇五






