
时间:2011-08-08 08:15:33
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放鞭炮英语作文 篇一:The Tradition of Setting off Firecrackers

The tradition of setting off firecrackers is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and has been passed down for centuries. It is a significant part of Chinese New Year celebrations and is believed to bring good luck and scare away evil spirits.

Firecrackers, also known as baozhu in Chinese, are small explosive devices that are made of paper tubes filled with gunpowder. When lit, they create a loud noise and bright flashes of light. The sound and light from the firecrackers are thought to drive away bad luck and bring fortune and happiness for the coming year.

Setting off firecrackers during Chinese New Year has a long history. According to legend, there was a mythical beast called Nian that would come out to harm people and their livestock every New Year's Eve. People discovered that Nian was afraid of loud noises and the color red. Therefore, they started using firecrackers and hanging red decorations to scare away the beast. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and is still practiced today.

In addition to scaring away evil spirits, setting off firecrackers is also a way for people to express their joy and excitement for the festival. The loud noise and vibrant colors create a festive atmosphere that is enjoyed by both young and old. It is common to see people gathering in the streets or in front of their homes, setting off firecrackers together and cheering with delight.

However, despite its popularity, the tradition of setting off firecrackers has been met with some criticism in recent years. One of the main concerns is the environmental impact caused by the smoke and debris generated by the firecrackers. The loud noise can also be a source of disturbance for people and animals, especially those who are sensitive to loud sounds.

To address these concerns, many cities in China have implemented restrictions on the use of firecrackers. Some places have completely banned them, while others have designated specific areas for firecracker activities. This has helped to reduce the negative impact on the environment and ensure the safety of the public.

In conclusion, the tradition of setting off firecrackers during Chinese New Year is a cherished cultural practice that symbolizes good luck and happiness. While it has faced some criticism due to its environmental impact and noise pollution, efforts have been made to address these concerns and preserve the tradition in a more sustainable manner.

放鞭炮英语作文 篇二:The Joy of Setting off Firecrackers

Setting off firecrackers is an integral part of Chinese culture and is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a tradition that brings joy, excitement, and a sense of unity among the community.

The act of setting off firecrackers is not just about the noise and sparks, but also about the anticipation and preparation that goes into it. In the days leading up to Chinese New Year, families gather together to buy firecrackers and other festive decorations. This process in itself is a bonding experience as family members discuss and select the best firecrackers to buy. The act of setting off firecrackers becomes a shared activity that brings families closer and strengthens their relationships.

On the day of Chinese New Year, the atmosphere is filled with excitement and anticipation. As the clock strikes midnight, the sky is illuminated with bright flashes of light and the air is filled with the loud bangs of firecrackers. This moment is a symbol of new beginnings and a fresh start for the year ahead. It is a time for people to let go of the past and embrace the future with hope and optimism.

Setting off firecrackers also fosters a sense of community and unity. In neighborhoods and communities, people come together to celebrate Chinese New Year by setting off firecrackers in unison. The sound and light create a spectacle that is enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age or background. It is a time for people to put aside their differences and come together to celebrate a shared cultural heritage.

Moreover, setting off firecrackers is not just limited to Chinese New Year. It is also a common practice during other festive occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and religious festivals. The sound of firecrackers is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and prosperity. By setting off firecrackers, people are not only celebrating a specific event but also invoking blessings and well-wishes for themselves and their loved ones.

However, it is important to note that safety precautions should be taken when setting off firecrackers. Firecrackers are explosives and can be dangerous if mishandled. It is essential to follow the instructions provided and ensure that the firecrackers are set off in a safe and controlled environment. By doing so, we can enjoy the joy and excitement of setting off firecrackers while ensuring the safety of ourselves and others.

In conclusion, the tradition of setting off firecrackers is a cherished practice that brings joy, excitement, and a sense of unity among the community. It is a time for families to come together, for communities to celebrate, and for individuals to embrace new beginnings. Despite the safety concerns, setting off firecrackers continues to be a cherished tradition that is passed down from generation to generation.

放鞭炮英语作文 篇三




  On New Year's Eve, I went down to play butterfly cannon and colorful rain.


  The first is the butterfly cannon. You see, a good butterfly gun is flying off its tail and spinning over the sky! Fly "tired", fall down "rest". The second gun - colorful rain. After lighting, "rain" will fall over the sky one after another, "rain" is still colorful! When it rained in color, I ran around it happily. "Color rain" can not only rain in color, but also send out colorful stars. It's so dazzling. Beauty is beyond words. Each star has a different shape, sharp, curved, round, flat and long.


  Each kind of firecracker has a different way of Playing: the firecracker falls to the ground; the pistachio makes a straight sound of "Pa, PA, Pa"; the butterfly gun rotates and flies; the colorful rain makes a straight fall of "Hua, Hua, Hua"; the space umbrella drops a parachute with a loud sound.


  Setting off firecrackers is really a very happy thing.


