
时间:2013-05-08 04:43:50
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打扫教室英语作文 篇一

Keeping Our Classroom Clean

As students, it is our responsibility to keep our classroom clean and tidy. A clean classroom not only creates a conducive learning environment but also shows respect for ourselves and others. In order to achieve this, we need to establish good habits and work together as a team.

First and foremost, we should clean up after ourselves. This means picking up any trash or litter we see and throwing it in the designated trash bins. It is important to remember that even small items, such as pencil shavings or tiny pieces of paper, can make a big mess if left unattended. By taking a few seconds to clean up after ourselves, we can maintain a clean and organized classroom.

Furthermore, we should take turns in cleaning specific areas of the classroom. This can be done on a rotation basis, where each student is assigned a specific task for the day or week. For example, one student can be in charge of sweeping the floor, another can be responsible for wiping down the desks, and another can take care of organizing the bookshelves. By dividing the cleaning tasks among ourselves, we can share the workload and ensure that every part of the classroom is properly maintained.

In addition, we should also take pride in our classroom and make efforts to beautify it. This can be done through simple actions such as arranging the desks neatly, decorating the bulletin boards with artwork or inspirational quotes, and keeping the windows clean and free from smudges. A visually appealing classroom not only creates a pleasant learning environment but also enhances our overall learning experience.

Lastly, we should always communicate with our classmates and teachers about any cleanliness issues or concerns. If we notice something that needs attention, such as a spill on the floor or a broken chair, we should immediately inform our teacher or a designated class representative. By working together and addressing these issues promptly, we can maintain a clean and safe classroom for everyone.

In conclusion, keeping our classroom clean requires individual responsibility and teamwork. By cleaning up after ourselves, taking turns in specific cleaning tasks, beautifying the classroom, and communicating with others, we can create a clean and inviting learning environment for everyone. Let us all take pride in our classroom and work together to keep it clean and tidy.

打扫教室英语作文 篇二

The Importance of a Clean Classroom

A clean classroom is essential for a conducive learning environment. It not only promotes good hygiene but also fosters a positive atmosphere for both students and teachers. Here are some reasons why a clean classroom is important:

Firstly, a clean classroom reduces the risk of spreading germs and illnesses. By regularly cleaning surfaces, such as desks and chairs, we can prevent the accumulation of bacteria and viruses. This is especially important during flu seasons or when there are contagious diseases going around. A clean classroom helps to safeguard our health and minimize the chances of getting sick.

Secondly, a clean classroom creates a pleasant and organized learning environment. When the classroom is clutter-free and everything is in its proper place, students can focus better and feel more motivated to learn. On the other hand, a messy and disorganized classroom can be distracting and make it difficult for students to concentrate. By keeping our classroom clean, we are setting ourselves up for success in our studies.

Additionally, a clean classroom promotes respect and responsibility. When we take the initiative to clean up after ourselves and maintain a clean environment, we are showing respect for our classmates, teachers, and ourselves. It demonstrates that we care about our learning space and the well-being of others. Moreover, by being responsible for the cleanliness of our classroom, we are developing important life skills such as discipline, organization, and attention to detail.

Furthermore, a clean classroom sets a good example for others. When visitors, such as parents or school administrators, enter a clean and well-maintained classroom, they are impressed by the level of cleanliness and organization. It reflects positively on both the students and the school as a whole. By keeping our classroom clean, we are showcasing our commitment to excellence and creating a positive image for our school.

In conclusion, a clean classroom is important for our health, focus, respect, and overall learning experience. By maintaining cleanliness and organization, we are creating a conducive environment for learning and setting ourselves up for success. Let us all take pride in our classroom and work together to keep it clean and tidy.

打扫教室英语作文 篇三


打扫教室英语作文 篇四

  Friday, 3pm. the 6th class students are cleaning the classroom. Look, Tom and Lin Tao is wiping the black boar; Anna and Helen are sweeping the floor; Kate and Lily are wiping the windows, and the other students are wiping tables and chairs. Everyone is busy, but all are happy, because the classroom looks so tidy and beautiful

打扫教室英语作文 篇五

  One day, after school in the afternoon, Mike and John to clean the classroom after the home, but the very next day early in the morning to the classroom, went home, but the very next day early in the morning to the classroom after it was found that the classroom is a mess, there is one on the blackboard writing characters, litter on the ground; and chaotic. Mike speculates that there must be someone after they finish cleaning cleaning in the classroom, John guess that maybe someone is early in the morning in the classroom.

打扫教室英语作文 篇六

  As a student,we almost study in classroom every week.Classroom is very important for we students .A clear classroom can give us a good place to study and it is good for our health.So we should keep it clear every day. However,keep the classroom clear everyday is not esay.Every student should make the effort to keep clear.At first,the student who is on duty should clear up the classroom .Then,after the student who is on duty clear up the room,other students may not throw anything,they have the duty to keep the classroom clear. In a word,every student should help to keep the classroom clear.


