
时间:2018-09-07 05:16:13
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宠物英语作文 篇一:My Lovely Cat

I have a lovely cat named Mimi. Mimi has been a part of my family for three years now and she brings so much joy and happiness into our lives.

Mimi is a beautiful Persian cat with long, fluffy fur. Her fur is mostly white with patches of gray and black. She has big, round eyes that are a bright golden color. Mimi is very small and delicate, with dainty paws and a long, graceful tail. She is truly a sight to behold.

Mimi has a playful and mischievous personality. She loves to chase after toys, pounce on them, and bat them around with her paws. Sometimes she even hides and jumps out at me, surprising me with her antics. Mimi is also very affectionate and loves to curl up on my lap for a nap or snuggle next to me while I read or watch TV. She purrs softly and it's incredibly soothing and comforting.

Taking care of Mimi requires some effort, but it's definitely worth it. I make sure to feed her high-quality cat food and provide her with fresh water every day. I also clean her litter box regularly to keep her environment clean and hygienic. Mimi enjoys grooming herself, but I also brush her fur regularly to prevent it from getting tangled or matted.

Having Mimi as a pet has taught me a lot about responsibility and compassion. I have learned to be patient and understanding, especially when she has accidents or scratches the furniture. I have also become more aware of her needs and emotions, and I strive to provide her with a loving and nurturing environment.

In conclusion, my cat Mimi is a beloved member of my family. She brings so much joy, laughter, and love into our lives. Taking care of her has taught me valuable life lessons and deepened my understanding of the bond between humans and animals. I am grateful to have Mimi as my pet and companion.

宠物英语作文 篇二:My Faithful Dog

I have a faithful dog named Max. Max has been a part of my family for as long as I can remember and he is truly my best friend.

Max is a Golden Retriever with a beautiful golden coat. He has warm, expressive eyes that are a deep brown color. Max is a medium-sized dog with a strong and muscular build. He has floppy ears that bounce around when he runs and a wagging tail that never seems to stop.

Max is incredibly loyal and protective. He always stays by my side, whether I'm playing in the backyard or going for a walk in the park. He loves to fetch balls and sticks, and he is always ready for a game of tug-of-war. Max is also very intelligent and obedient. He quickly learns new commands and tricks, and he always listens attentively to my instructions.

Taking care of Max is a big responsibility, but it's something I gladly do. I make sure to feed him nutritious dog food and provide him with plenty of fresh water. I take him for regular walks and play with him to keep him physically active and mentally stimulated. I also take him to the veterinarian for routine check-ups and vaccinations to ensure his health and well-being.

Max's presence in my life has brought me so much happiness and comfort. Whenever I'm sad or lonely, he's always there to provide me with unconditional love and support. His wagging tail and playful nature never fail to put a smile on my face. Max has taught me the importance of loyalty, friendship, and unconditional love.

In conclusion, my dog Max is not just a pet, but a beloved member of my family. His loyalty, intelligence, and unconditional love make him the best companion anyone could ask for. Taking care of Max has taught me valuable life lessons and enhanced my understanding of the bond between humans and animals. I am grateful to have Max in my life.

宠物英语作文 篇三

  Many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .

  They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members.

  A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something cant tell any one else.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.thats the advantages of keeping an pet.

  However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation.

  Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.Thats the disadvantages of keeping a pet.

宠物英语作文 篇四

  There are many advantages to having a pet. For example, taking care of a pet can teach people responsibility, which is new to many university students. In addition, pets can keep people company and are well-known for making people happy.

  While there are many reasons for having a pet, keeping one illegally in the dorms can be problematic. First of all, some students may be allergic to pets. Secondly, some dorm mates may not care for the way the pet smells. Thirdly, many pets are loud and may disturb the other residents in your dorm or hall.

  For many universities, students keeping pets in the dormitories is against the rules. Despite this, some students choose to have a pet at university. However, I dont believe that its a good idea to keep a pet in the dormitories.

宠物英语作文 篇五

  As a person holds various kinds of interest in life, i have both grown plants and kept pets for quite some time。 But not until recently have i realized that the former is easier and less energy—consuming。 With the same function of adding joy to life, plants can live their own, be more money —saving。 As far as I’m concerned, plants make better enjoyment than pets。


  Firstly, plants are less energy—consuming than pets, which need to be fed several times a day, and some of which need to be walked early in the morning。 But for plants, regular watering and fertilizing will do, provided they are placed in appropriate places with proper sunshine。 However, pets need constant care and training so as to form good habits, or they may go wild。 As to plants, no such worries are involved。


  Secondly, plants consume less money than pets。 You have to spend a considerable amount of money buying pet food, toys and other accessories。 Some people even compare that sum of money to the expenses of raising a child。 When pets fall ill, they need to be sent to the special hospital for pets, which are also quite expensive。 In this sense, plants are very economical to grow in terms of the same purpose of producing joy and beauty to people’s daily life。


  All in all, plants make better enjoyment than pets, since they are easier to handle, less expensive and troublesome。 Take the above reasons into account, the next time you think of raising something for fun, plants should be a better choice, unless you have too much free time to kill。


宠物英语作文 篇六

  Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities.

  Some classmates agreed with the opinion of keeping pets at home in cities because different kinds of pets puts more excitement into our lives.Not only can people live in harmony with animals, but also pets are great comfort to many lonely elderly people.

  Others opposed to this view because keeping pets at home in cities will cause city environment pollution and make noisy even to hurt people which will cause public panic and anxious.

  In my humble opinion,animals are peoples` best friends.They bring a lot of happiness to people,staying every day with your family.But people are ought to manage their pets to prevent emergencies and government should bring in new laws to help citizen to manage their pets well.


