
时间:2015-02-07 04:23:12
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我的暑假英语作文 篇一

Summer Vacation Adventure

During the summer vacation, I had an unforgettable adventure with my family. We decided to go on a road trip across the country to explore new places and create lasting memories.

Our journey began early in the morning as we packed our bags and loaded up the car with snacks and drinks. The excitement was palpable as we set off on the open road, ready to embark on our adventure. Our first destination was a national park known for its breathtaking landscapes and stunning waterfalls.

As we arrived at the park, we were amazed by the beauty that surrounded us. The lush greenery, towering trees, and crystal-clear waterfalls were a sight to behold. We spent the day hiking through the trails, taking in the fresh air, and capturing the beauty of nature through our cameras. It was a truly mesmerizing experience.

After spending a few days in the national park, we continued our journey to a coastal town. The sandy beaches, crashing waves, and salty breeze instantly made us feel relaxed and rejuvenated. We spent our days swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles, and enjoying delicious seafood. It was the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

The highlight of our trip was visiting a historical city filled with ancient architecture and rich culture. We explored the narrow streets, visited museums, and indulged in local delicacies. It was fascinating to learn about the city's history and immerse ourselves in its vibrant atmosphere.

As our road trip came to an end, we couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the incredible experiences we had shared as a family. It was a journey filled with adventure, discovery, and quality time together. We returned home with cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, my summer vacation adventure was an incredible experience. Exploring new places, immersing myself in nature, and spending quality time with my family made it a truly unforgettable journey. I am grateful for the opportunity to create lasting memories and cannot wait for the next adventure that awaits us.

我的暑假英语作文 篇二

Summer Vacation Reflection

As the summer vacation comes to an end, I can't help but reflect on the past few weeks and the experiences that have shaped me. This summer has been a time of growth, self-discovery, and learning, both academically and personally.

One of the highlights of my summer was attending a summer camp focused on leadership and personal development. The camp provided a platform for me to enhance my communication skills, teamwork abilities, and problem-solving capabilities. Through various activities and workshops, I learned the importance of effective leadership and the impact it can have on others. The camp not only taught me valuable life skills but also allowed me to forge lifelong friendships with like-minded individuals.

In addition to the camp, I also dedicated time to furthering my academic pursuits. I enrolled in an online course that allowed me to delve deeper into a subject of interest. The course challenged me to think critically, conduct research, and present my findings in a coherent manner. It was a valuable opportunity to expand my knowledge and develop my intellectual capabilities.

On a personal level, this summer has been a time of self-reflection and growth. I took the initiative to engage in activities that pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to discover new passions. I explored various hobbies, such as painting and playing a musical instrument, which provided me with an outlet for self-expression and creativity. These activities not only brought me joy but also allowed me to develop new skills and talents.

Furthermore, I had the chance to spend quality time with my family and friends. We went on outings, had picnics in the park, and enjoyed each other's company. These moments of togetherness reminded me of the importance of nurturing relationships and creating lasting memories.

In conclusion, my summer vacation was a time of growth, self-discovery, and learning. Whether it was attending a leadership camp, furthering my academic pursuits, exploring new hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, each experience has contributed to my personal development. As I prepare for the new school year, I am grateful for the opportunities I had and excited for the future that lies ahead.

我的暑假英语作文 篇三

  I like children. There are so many angles when I meet a group of little kids.They are noisy, curious, clever and kind- hearted. My ideal job is to be a teacher, especially for little kids. I know I have to do something meaningful to train myself to be a better teacher. Fortunately, I got the chance to be a part-time teacher in this summer vacation. I was so happy!

  The first time I entered the classroom, they were afraid of me. No more words , no more smiles, just said hello. And I was standing on the platform so nervously. But I was trying to tell myself, “come on good girl, you can do it, just speak out!” Eventually I ended my embarrassment and sang an English song to them with a big smile to express greetings to them. Then I taught them that song. They were so happy. After that, we became good friends.

  Normally, they were active. They liked talking and talking and taking, talking to me, taking to their deskmates, talking to their books. My big boss didnt agree to that. He came into the classroom and shouted at them. He warned that if they didnt want to learn, they should go back home. These children feared my boss. So they stopped when he were standing in front of the classroom. But seconds later, after the boss left, the classroom became noisy again. I had a great headache about them.

  One month is short. Summer holiday past quickly. At the last class, some girls cried and said that they didnt want me to leave. I was so moved, with smiles and tears. One boy drew a beautiful picture for me. The picture read: Good bye,my best teacher. And now I miss them very much. I hope that they have better grades in their new semester.

我的暑假英语作文 篇四

  My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people.

  I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

  Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.

我的暑假英语作文 篇五

  Summer holiday is coming.I am going to do many things that I want to do. For exampie,first I will jion a soccer club,because I like playing soccer.

  During the summer holiday, I want to practice more to improve my skills.Second I will go to my grandma's house,because I miss her very much.I want to stay with her for several days.

  Last I will help my mother do some housework.

  She was really tired when I was go to school.

  Except for taking care of me, she also has to work. Therefore, I want to help her in the holidays.What will you do on Summer Holiday?

我的暑假英语作文 篇六

  My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays.

  It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

  Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.


