
时间:2013-05-09 04:26:49
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小学六年级英语作文 篇一:My Favorite Animal

I have always been fascinated by animals. They are so diverse and unique, each with their own special characteristics. Out of all the animals in the world, my favorite is the dolphin.

Dolphins are known for their intelligence and playful nature. They are highly social creatures and live in groups called pods. Dolphins communicate with each other using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements. I find it amazing how they can understand and interact with one another.

One of the reasons why I love dolphins is because of their agility and gracefulness. They are excellent swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. I love watching them leap out of the water and perform acrobatic tricks. It's like they are putting on a show just for me!

Another thing that I find fascinating about dolphins is their ability to use echolocation. They emit a series of clicks and listen for the echoes to navigate and locate objects in the water. This is especially helpful for hunting and avoiding predators. It's like they have their own built-in sonar system!

Dolphins are also known for their friendly and gentle nature towards humans. They have been known to save people from drowning and even interact with them in the water. I would love to have the opportunity to swim with dolphins one day and experience their playful and friendly behavior up close.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animal because of their intelligence, agility, and friendly nature. They are truly fascinating creatures and I hope to learn more about them in the future.

小学六年级英语作文 篇二:My Dream Vacation

Ever since I was a child, I have always dreamed of going on a vacation to the beach. There is something so magical and relaxing about spending time by the ocean. If I could choose any destination for my dream vacation, it would be the beautiful island of Hawaii.

Hawaii is known for its stunning beaches, crystal clear waters, and vibrant marine life. I can imagine myself lying on the soft sand, feeling the warm sun on my skin, and listening to the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore. It would be the perfect place to unwind and forget about all the stress and worries of everyday life.

One of the things I would love to do in Hawaii is to go snorkeling. The waters around the island are teeming with colorful fish, coral reefs, and even sea turtles. I would love to explore the underwater world and see all the amazing marine creatures up close. It would be like swimming in a real-life aquarium!

Another activity on my dream vacation would be to take a surfing lesson. Hawaii is known for its world-class waves and is a popular destination for surfers from all over the world. I have always been fascinated by surfing and would love to learn how to ride the waves like a pro. It would definitely be a thrilling and memorable experience.

Of course, no trip to Hawaii would be complete without trying the local cuisine. I would love to taste the fresh seafood, tropical fruits, and traditional Hawaiian dishes. I have heard that the flavors are incredibly delicious and unique. It would be a culinary adventure for my taste buds!

In conclusion, my dream vacation would be to visit the beautiful island of Hawaii. From relaxing on the beach to snorkeling in the clear waters and trying the delicious local cuisine, it would be the perfect getaway. I hope that one day my dream will come true and I will be able to experience the magic of Hawaii firsthand.

小学六年级英语作文 篇三

  I like my school .My school life is nice,too.Now,I will tell you something about my school life.I usually qo to school at seven o"clock.We have eight lessons every day.At about five o"clock,Igo homeand do my homework.My school life isn"tvery intreseting,but it is very useful for me.

小学六年级英语作文 篇四

  Last week, when I passed a clothes shop, I was attracted by the beautiful dress, so I asked my mother to give me money to buy one. But she refused me and said that I could collect some money by helping her to do little work. I agreed. So I started to clean the house and the dishes. Sometimes washed my father’s car. Finally I got enough money.

小学六年级英语作文 篇五

  Everybody knows that telling lies is not right, so we have been educated to be an honest person. My parents tell me that no matter what kind of difficulty I meet, I should tell them first, because they will stand by my side all the time. So I never lie to my parents. They care about me and give me enough love and trust.

小学六年级英语作文 篇六

  Every parent wants their daughters to learn ballet and piano. My mother finds me having no talent in ballet, so she chooses to send me to learn piano. At first, I am not very interested in it, but soon I find practising it every day makes me feel bored. I want to give up, but the girls around me keep coming to the class, so I decide to hold on.


