
时间:2011-01-02 09:26:40
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小学英语教案全英版 篇一

Title: Fun Ways to Teach English Vocabulary to Elementary School Students


Teaching English vocabulary to elementary school students can be a challenging task, but it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. In this lesson plan, we will explore some creative and engaging ways to help students learn new words and expand their vocabulary.


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and use a variety of new English vocabulary words in context.


- Flashcards with pictures of different objects, animals, and actions

- Word wall with key vocabulary words

- Worksheets with fill-in-the-blank sentences for practice

Warm-up (10 minutes):

Start the lesson by playing a game of charades with the students. Act out different actions or use props to represent objects and have students guess the word in English. This will help them get excited and engaged with the new vocabulary.

Presentation (15 minutes):

Show the students flashcards with pictures of different objects, animals, and actions. Say the word out loud and have students repeat after you. Use the word in a sentence to provide context and meaning. Write the word on the word wall for students to refer back to.

Practice (20 minutes):

Divide the students into pairs or small groups and give each group a worksheet with fill-in-the-blank sentences. Have students work together to fill in the missing words using the new vocabulary they have learned. Walk around the classroom to provide assistance and answer any questions.

Application (15 minutes):

To reinforce the new vocabulary words, have students create their own sentences using the words in context. Encourage them to be creative and use the words in different ways. Share some of the sentences with the class for everyone to hear.

Review (10 minutes):

To wrap up the lesson, play a quick game of vocabulary bingo with the students. Call out different words and have students mark them off on their bingo cards. This will help reinforce the words they have learned throughout the lesson.


In conclusion, teaching English vocabulary to elementary school students can be a fun and interactive experience. By using a variety of activities and games, students can learn new words in context and expand their vocabulary in a meaningful way.

小学英语教案全英版 篇二

Title: Using Technology to Enhance English Language Learning in Elementary Schools


In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in education, including English language learning. In this lesson plan, we will explore how to integrate technology into the classroom to enhance students' language skills and engage them in interactive learning activities.


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use technology to practice their English language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking.


- Computers or tablets with internet access

- Educational websites and apps for language learning

- Headphones for listening activities

Warm-up (10 minutes):

Start the lesson by having students log into an educational website or app that offers interactive language learning games. This will help them get excited and engaged with the technology and set the tone for the rest of the lesson.

Presentation (15 minutes):

Introduce the students to a reading or listening activity on the computer or tablet. Have them read a short story or listen to a dialogue and answer comprehension questions. Encourage them to take notes and discuss the content with their peers.

Practice (20 minutes):

Divide the students into pairs or small groups and have them complete a writing task on the computer or tablet. This could be writing a short paragraph about a topic or creating a dialogue between two characters. Walk around the classroom to provide assistance and answer any questions.

Application (15 minutes):

To practice their speaking skills, have students record themselves reading a passage or reciting a dialogue on the computer or tablet. Encourage them to listen to their recordings and identify areas for improvement. Share some of the recordings with the class for feedback.

Review (10 minutes):

To wrap up the lesson, have students take a short online quiz to test their understanding of the material. This will help reinforce the concepts they have learned and provide a quick assessment of their progress.


In conclusion, integrating technology into the English language classroom can enhance students' learning experience and provide them with valuable opportunities to practice their language skills in a fun and interactive way. By using educational websites and apps, students can engage with the material in a meaningful way and become more confident English language learners.

小学英语教案全英版 篇三



Step one:Let’s the student listen to the tape.And review some adj. about weather.Eg:warm,cool,hot,cold.Let the students do actions while listening.

Step two:Do an exercise.The teacher will ask some questions about the listen test.It's about part B read and write in grade five.Eg:What's your favourite ……?


Step one:ask and answer

The teacher is going to ask some questions. (eg:what is the weather like?)And show off the different pictures about weather. Guide students to answer questions by using warm,cool,hot.


Let's learn

Step one:words study

Draw a trunk on the blackboard,and then add some light green leaves.Ask students(look!The leaves are green now.What season is it now?) Show off the word card "season".Teach them "season".After that,show off "spring".Students read after the teacher.And describe the weather of "spring" character depend on their owe life.(eg:spring is warm in hangzhou/taiwan.) Then point at the main city on the map,and ask what is the weather like in beijing/shenzhen? Spell together.

Step two:continute to add deep green leaves on the tree.And say look!The leaves are becoming more and more.Summer is coming.Teach "summer"in the same way.

Step three:draw the sun and ligth,and acquit very hot.Ask oh,what is the weather like in summer?Guide students to answer it. It's hot,very very hot.

Step four:clean parts of leaves and light,and then colour some leaves into yellow.Ask look!Now it's cool.What season is it now?Oh.It's fall now.Writing "fall" on the board.Spell together.

Step five:clean parts of leaves,and then add some cloudy and snow.Say"now,the weather is very cold.It is winter now.".Teach "winter".Ask and answer:"what is the weather like in winter in ……?"

Step six:show off different picture about weather,and ask and answer.Eg:T:What's the weather like?S:It's windy.T:What season is it now?S:Spring.ect.Continu to ask a question"what's your favourite season?"Guide students to answer it.

Let's start

Step one:show off different picture about seasons.Ask"what's the weather like in this picture?"

Step two:Play a game

Teacher shows the picture in different seasons.In order to see who can correctly say the first word, the winners must give incentives.

Step three:Guide students to use patterns of small groups. And finish let's start .(eg:what's your favourite season?……because it's ……)

Consolidation and extension

Let student do some exercise which is from student exercise book.

小学英语教案全英版 篇四

After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points:

There’s no …inon ear…

Have …then.

And I will stick these sentence patterns on the Bb. Finally I’ll let the Ss do pair works to consolidate them.

Step 3 Listen to the tape and Ss imitate to read and say.

As the new reformation of curriculum, emphasized the traditional class attach importance to the mechanical teaching, neglect the experience and participation, for example, the five-step method. So in this lesson, after presentation, I ask Ss to listen to the tape with three Qs, read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text.

Step 4 Ss be the main body, T makes a guider.

In class, Ss play as a host, and the T makes an influence on guiding, help Ss to act the learnt dialogue, it can stress the position of the Ss, and arouse their interest.

Then I show a carton with no voice, ask Ss to make a dialogue in pairs.

There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge. Playing game is a good way. So according to the physiology of Ss, I hold a group competition during the game, ask Ss to finish the blanks. In this way can develop Ss’ good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation.

Step 5 Change class to life, learn by themselves.

Is this the end of the class? I don’t think so. If there is an end, I think it should be in the life. So I extend this class, encourage Ss to use the learned to communicate with each other in their life.

In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging. When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained.

That’s all. Thanks a lot for your attention.

小学英语教案全英版 篇五



