剑桥I can see with my eyes.第一课时教案(通用3篇)

时间:2015-09-02 05:40:33
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剑桥I can see with my eyes.第一课时教案 篇一

Title: Exploring the Senses: A Lesson on Sight


The first lesson in the Cambridge curriculum's "I can see with my eyes" series focuses on the sense of sight. This lesson aims to help young learners develop their understanding of how the eyes work and how they perceive the world around them.

Lesson Objective:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- Identify the different parts of the eye and their functions

- Understand how light enters the eye and forms an image on the retina

- Describe how the brain processes visual information

Lesson Activities:

1. Introduction to the Eye: Start the lesson by showing students a diagram of the eye and explaining the different parts, such as the cornea, iris, lens, and retina. Discuss the function of each part and how they work together to allow us to see.

2. How We See: Conduct a simple experiment using a flashlight to demonstrate how light enters the eye and forms an image on the retina. Explain the role of the retina in converting light into signals that are sent to the brain.

3. Visual Illusions: Show students a series of optical illusions and discuss how our brains can sometimes be tricked into seeing things that aren't there. This activity helps students understand how the brain interprets visual information.

4. Eye Health: Finish the lesson by discussing the importance of taking care of our eyes and maintaining good eye health. Encourage students to eat a healthy diet, wear sunglasses in bright sunlight, and take regular breaks from screen time.


To assess students' understanding, have them draw and label a diagram of the eye, explaining the function of each part. You can also ask them to write a short paragraph describing how the eye works to see the world around us.


This lesson on sight is an important foundation for further exploration of the senses in the Cambridge curriculum. By understanding how the eyes work and how we perceive the world visually, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the sense of sight.

剑桥I can see with my eyes.第一课时教案 篇二

Title: Engaging Activities for Exploring Sight


The first lesson in the Cambridge curriculum's "I can see with my eyes" series offers a variety of engaging activities to help young learners explore the sense of sight. These activities are designed to be interactive, hands-on, and fun, while also reinforcing key concepts about how the eyes work.

Activity 1: Eye Model

Materials: Paper plates, markers, scissors


- Have students work in pairs to create a model of the eye using paper plates. They can draw and label the different parts of the eye on the plates, such as the cornea, iris, lens, and retina.

- Encourage students to explain their models to the class, pointing out each part and its function.

Activity 2: Eye Spy

Materials: Pictures or objects with different colors and shapes


- Create a scavenger hunt around the classroom or school where students have to find objects that match certain criteria, such as "find something red" or "find something round."

- This activity helps students practice their observation skills and learn to pay attention to details in their surroundings.

Activity 3: Vision Test

Materials: Snellen eye chart (can be printed from online)


- Have students take turns reading the letters on the eye chart from a distance. Discuss how different people may have different levels of visual acuity and may need corrective lenses.

- This activity helps students understand the importance of regular eye check-ups and taking care of their eyes.

Activity 4: Color Mixing

Materials: Red, blue, and yellow paint; paper plates; paintbrushes


- Show students how to mix primary colors to create secondary colors. Have them experiment with mixing different colors and creating their own color combinations.

- This activity reinforces the concept of how light and color interact to create the visual world we see.


By incorporating these engaging activities into the lesson on sight, students can deepen their understanding of how the eyes work and how we perceive the world visually. These hands-on experiences help make learning fun and memorable, setting a strong foundation for further exploration of the senses in the Cambridge curriculum.

剑桥I can see with my eyes.第一课时教案 篇三

剑桥I can see with my eyes.第一课时教案

英华学校小学部英语组备课 年级:六年级 课题:Unit Four I can see with my eyes. 主备人:黄 清 修改人: Teaching Contents(教学内容): 剑桥少儿英语二级下册Part six & Part eight Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求): ※ Go over the words about the part of our body. ※Guide the students to talk about the function of each part of our body. ※ Enable the students say something with the following sentence patterns: I can hear/smell/taste/touch/see … with my …. Key and difficult points(教学重难点): KP: The sentence patterns. DP: The verbs and the word “with”. Teaching preparations(课前准备): Courseware and some objects. Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Preparation(准备) ① Let’s sing If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. Clap your hands/stamp your feet/nod your head/wave your arms/…. (歌曲热身,边唱边做动作) ②Let’s do Clap your hands/stamp your feet/snap your finger/wave your arms (热身活动:听指令做动作。速度由慢到快,为引出新课做准备) 2. Presentation(呈现): ①Fast Reaction(快速反应) The teacher points to the part of the body and the students read the words as quickly as possible. (用快速反应引导学生复习身体部位的相关单词) ②Listen and repeat. Make all the students read after the teacher: Hand, hand, hand. This is my hand. I can touch with my hands. N

ose, nose, nose. This is my nose. I can smell with my nose. Hear—ears taste---mouth see---eyes walk---leg (由上面的单词过渡到句型) 3. Practice(操练): ①Fast Reaction The teacher gives the words and the students say the sentences. T: Eyes/mouth/…. Ss: I can see with my eyes/I can eat with my mouth/…. (老师与学生共同完成对话,引导学生操练句型) ②Pair work(同桌活动) ----What can you do with the following body parts? Head leg hand nose mouth ears eyes I can walk with my legs. I can smell with my nose. (老师巡视,指导学生同桌编对话) ③Can you say? Ask some students to say some sentences about the words. ④Part Six: Look and say. Guide the students to look at the pictures and say: I can hear the radio/clock/TV/…. I can smell the bread/peach/flowers/…. (引导学生看第六部分的图并进行描述) 4. Production(产出) I can/can’t …with my …. (鼓励学生多说) Exercises in class(课堂练习) ------略 Homework(家庭作业): Read and copy the words and sentences. Blackboard Design(板书设计): (见前面) Teacher’s Notes(教学反思): 意料之外:本节课所涉及的身体部位的单词,很多都是在一年级剑桥教材上出现过的,到了PEP教材三年时也重新学习了一次,但在课堂上发现有的学生对这些单词已经遗忘了很多,有的学生则对以下单词印象不深,如:neck脖子, shoulder肩膀, elbow手肘, knee膝盖, toes脚趾等。还有个别学生对hand和head的读音还存在一定的偏差,需要多加训练。 学生们的表现让我很吃惊,同时也促使我下定决心在接下来的'新授过程中一定要时不时穿插对旧知识的复习,避免在后期的统一复习中造成太大的压力。
剑桥I can see with my eyes.第一课时教案(通用3篇)

