
时间:2017-04-08 06:43:36
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The Origin of Chinese Valentine's Day - Part 1

Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as Qixi Festival, is one of the most romantic and significant festivals in China. It falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, hence the name Qixi, which means "double seven" in Chinese. This festival has a beautiful and ancient origin story that has been passed down for centuries.

According to Chinese folklore, the story begins with a young herdsman named Niulang, who lived a simple and lonely life. One day, while he was herding his cows by the river, he encountered seven fairies who had descended from heaven to bathe. Among them was Zhi Nu, the youngest and most beautiful fairy. Instantly captivated by her beauty, Niulang fell in love with her at first sight.

Zhi Nu, equally charmed by Niulang's kindness and sincerity, decided to marry him. They lived a blissful life together and had two children. However, their happiness was short-lived as the Queen Mother of Heaven, who ruled the heavens, discovered their secret marriage. Outraged, she ordered Zhi Nu to return to the heavens, separating the couple forever.

Niulang, devastated by the loss of his wife, was left to raise their children alone. Determined to reunite with Zhi Nu, he sought help from an old cow that revealed its true form as a celestial being. The cow instructed Niulang to collect its hide and put it on, which would grant him the power to fly to the heavens.

With the cow's hide, Niulang flew to the heavens with his children. However, just as he was about to reach Zhi Nu, the Queen Mother of Heaven noticed his presence and became furious. She took out her hairpin and drew a line across the sky, creating the Milky Way as a barrier between the two lovers.

Moved by the couple's love and devotion, magpies from all over the world formed a bridge with their wings, allowing Niulang and Zhi Nu to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. Legend has it that on this day, if you look up at the sky, you can see a flock of magpies forming a bridge across the Milky Way.

This touching love story has become the foundation of Qixi Festival, a day when couples express their love and devotion to each other. It is a time for romantic gestures, exchanging gifts, and spending quality time together. Many couples also visit temples to pray for everlasting love and happiness.

The Origin of Chinese Valentine's Day - Part 2

Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as Qixi Festival, is a festival deeply rooted in Chinese culture. It is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month and holds great significance for couples in China. The festival has evolved over time and is now celebrated in various ways across the country.

In recent years, Qixi Festival has gained popularity among young couples in China, who embrace the romantic spirit of the festival. Many couples exchange gifts, go on romantic dates, and enjoy special meals together. It has become a day for couples to express their love and appreciation for each other.

Traditionally, young girls would demonstrate their domestic skills and talents on Qixi Festival. They would make offerings to Zhi Nu, the fairy who represents women, and pray for blessings and good fortune in love. This tradition has evolved into young couples exchanging handmade gifts or preparing special meals for each other.

Another popular tradition during Qixi Festival is the weaving of colorful silk threads. It is believed that if a girl weaves a silk thread on this day, it will bring her good luck in finding a loving and devoted partner. Many young girls still participate in this tradition, weaving intricate patterns and praying for a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.

In addition to these traditions, many places in China hold special events and performances during Qixi Festival. These events include traditional dances, music performances, and even matchmaking activities. It is a time for young people to socialize and potentially meet their future partners.

Qixi Festival has become a cherished and beloved festival in China, emphasizing the importance of love, devotion, and relationships. It is a day for couples to celebrate their love and commitment to each other, as well as a day for young people to hope and dream of finding their perfect match.

In conclusion, Qixi Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day, has a beautiful origin story that symbolizes true love and devotion. It has evolved over time and is now celebrated in various ways across China. Whether it is exchanging gifts, going on romantic dates, or participating in traditional customs, Qixi Festival is a special day for couples to express their love and create lasting memories.

七夕情人节的来历英文版 篇三


today is chinese valentine"s day ,we wish all lovers can have a good valentine"s day !

or should we say happy night of sevens! (七夕 or qi xi) or happy festival to plead for skills! (乞巧节 or qi qiao jie) or happy seventh sister"s birthday! (七姐诞 or qi jie dan) or happy night of skills! (巧夕 or qiao xi)? this is the day shanghaiist has had circled on our lunar c***pany. the cow, however, was a former god who had violated im***panion the ox, he s

steals their clothes and waits to see what will happen next. the fairy sisters elect the youngest and most beautiful sister zhi nü (织女, "the weaver girl", the star vega) to retrieve their clothing. she does so, but since n

iu lang sees her naked she must agree to his request for marriage.


