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山东英语高中作文模板范文 篇一

标题:The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, especially for teenagers. It allows them to connect with friends, share their thoughts and experiences, and stay updated on current events. However, the increasing popularity of social media also brings about certain negative effects on teenagers.

Firstly, excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and isolation. Teenagers often spend hours scrolling through their social media feeds, which can be detrimental to their physical and mental health. They may neglect their studies, hobbies, and face-to-face interactions with family and friends. This isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Secondly, social media can negatively impact teenagers' self-esteem. With the constant exposure to carefully curated images and lifestyles of others, teenagers may develop feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth. They may compare themselves to others and feel pressured to conform to unrealistic beauty standards or achieve certain milestones at a young age.

Moreover, social media can contribute to cyberbullying. With the anonymity provided by the internet, individuals may feel empowered to say hurtful things to others without facing immediate consequences. Cyberbullying can have serious consequences on a teenager's mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and even suicide.

Despite these negative effects, social media can also have positive impacts on teenagers. It provides a platform for them to express themselves creatively and connect with like-minded individuals. It can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for personal growth.

In conclusion, while social media has its benefits, it is important to recognize and address the negative impacts it can have on teenagers. Parents and educators should encourage healthy social media habits and promote offline activities and face-to-face interactions. Teenagers should also be educated about the potential dangers of social media and how to handle cyberbullying. By striking a balance between online and offline activities, teenagers can navigate the world of social media in a positive and responsible manner.

山东英语高中作文模板范文 篇二

标题:The Importance of Physical Education in Schools

Physical education (PE) is an essential component of a well-rounded education. It not only promotes physical fitness but also teaches important life skills and values. Despite its significance, some schools are reducing the amount of time dedicated to PE or even eliminating it altogether. This is a concerning trend that needs to be addressed.

Firstly, PE is crucial for maintaining good physical health. Regular physical activity helps prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It also improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and enhances overall physical fitness. By engaging in PE, students develop healthy habits that can benefit them throughout their lives.

Secondly, PE teaches important life skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership. Through team sports and group activities, students learn how to work together towards a common goal, resolve conflicts, and effectively communicate with others. These skills are essential for success in various aspects of life, including academics, careers, and personal relationships.

Moreover, PE promotes mental well-being. Physical activity has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. It boosts mood and improves cognitive function, allowing students to better focus and concentrate in their academic studies. PE provides a much-needed break from the demands of the classroom and allows students to recharge both physically and mentally.

Additionally, PE instills important values such as discipline, perseverance, and sportsmanship. Students learn the importance of setting goals, practicing regularly, and pushing themselves to achieve their personal best. They also learn to respect their opponents, follow rules, and accept both victory and defeat with grace. These values not only benefit students in sports but also in their personal and professional lives.

In conclusion, physical education plays a crucial role in the development of students. It promotes physical fitness, teaches important life skills, and instills valuable values. Schools should prioritize and invest in PE programs to ensure that students receive a well-rounded education. By doing so, we can help students lead healthier, more fulfilling lives both inside and outside the classroom.

山东英语高中作文模板范文 篇三

1. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。______has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way

2. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day lifeit has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well

3. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while Obviously,______,but why?

4. A proverb says, “ You are only young once” (适用于已记住的名言)

5. It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever (适用于自编名言)

6. As far as …is concerned 就……而言


an old saying goes,.正如一句古老的谚语所说

nothing but... .不过就是...

where i stand. 从我的立场来说

oneself a chance to.给某人一个机会去...

feel sure that...我坚信...

the best way to make sure that.确保...的办法是...

must do our absolute best to.我们必须竭尽全力做...

is no denying the fect that...无可否认.

is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了

山东英语高中作文模板范文 篇四

8. Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason.(Sharita Gadison)一些朋友随季节离去,而另外一些则伴我们度过美好的季节。

true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends.

For if not, they weren‘t true friends in the first place.(Sandy Ratliff)真朋友是可以与你有不同见解的,如果不是,首先就不是真朋友。

friendship is felt, not said.(Mariecris Madayag)朋友是说不出的感觉。

are like stars,you don‘t always see them, but you know they‘re always there.(Hulali Luta)朋友是感觉不到的存在。

last forever, never do they die. Friends stay together, never say goodbye.(Melina Campos)记忆永不死,朋友永不说再见。

山东英语高中作文模板范文 篇五



















no effort不遗余力

accustomed to习惯于

addicted to沉迷于

up one’s mind下决心


an ideal life过着理想的生活

into a bad habit染上坏习惯


an exam参加考试



my surprise,not only did she give me the confidence but also encouraged me to have a try. 使我意外的是,她不仅给我自信心,而且鼓励我尝试一下。

when you devote yourself to it can you enjoy the real pleasure of learning.


, it is normal for me to feel nervous,because the exam is of great importance to me. 除此之外,我感到紧张是正常的,因为这次考试对我来说非常重要。

,as a student,the most important thing is to study,so it is necessary for all of you to build an effective method in your study.


should form the habit of making plans for our study and keep a good balance between study and entertainment.


6.(·河北衡水中学二调书面表达)What I want to tell you is that it is common for Senior Three students to have an experience of depression.


7.(2017·河北衡水中学二调书面表达)Your attitude towards your grades has a great effect on your study,and confidence is the key to success. 对成绩的态度对你的学习有很大的影响,自信是成功的关键。

8.(2017·河北衡水中学二调书面表达)In conclusion,get rid of your pressure and work hard,and you will achieve your goal。









【参考范文】One possible version:


Nice__to__read__your__email__today. I’m sorry to learn that you didn’t do well in that exam and that you are very worried about your study. Here is my advice for you.

First and foremost,it’s of great significance to keep a good state of mind,for everyone will experience failures in his ,you’d better find out the reasons why you failed and the mistakes you to make up for the knowledge you lack and learn skills in those addition,if you are really stressed,you’d better listen to music,take exercise and so on to release your importantly,you are supposed to be more confident and study doing so you will make greater progress in your study.

山东英语高中作文模板范文 篇六


第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分)


was blind from owned a fruit 41 on a very busy street. 42 he was visually disabled,he ran his business pretty could see nothing and he could only 43 the things within his reach. 44 ,he was able to handle it and was content with everything he had.

One day his son came to told in 45 that he read in the newspaper of a 46 who could operate on his eyes and allow him to father and son traveled to the doctor and paid for the 47 .

After the operation,the doctor asked :“What is the first thing you are 48 to see when I take the bandages off?”He replied,“I really want to see my beautiful 49 on my stand!”

The doctor and the son 50 down to the busy street where his fruit stand had been located for so many doctor 51 unwrapped the bandages 52 he could lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit! was so full of 53 that he could finally see his life’s work―taking care of his fruit!After a few hours of 54 his beautiful fiuit stand, he looked down the street both ways and saw there were quite a few fruit stands in both looked 55 the street and saw many other fruit spent so much time looking at other people’s fruit stands and 56 the competition that soon his own business 57 .

From ’s failure,we should know that everyone is a 58 inpidual with different fingerprints,DNA and we need to do is just be ourselves and 59 everyone else to be who they our own business and we should never be afraid of 60 .

that case if only

for on about up



Observers say Americans want more choices and fresh food when 61 (choose)where and what to trend is one reason why the fast food restaurant McDonald’s has struggled financially.

McDonald’s is one of the best-known 62 (restaurant)in the even around the world, 63 these days the company leaders are seeing numbers they probably do not the last quarter of ,McDonald’s income dropped by about$300 January earnings report brought more bad sales dropped for the 64 (eight)month in a row and even more than expected.

McDonald’s is 65 (work)hard to get their customers January,the company ran an advertisement during the Super football game is the most watched TV event every year in the ’s has wanted 66 (reach)those viewers.

Shake Shack is 67 new kind of restaurant becoming popular in the restaurants are not“fast food.” They are known as“fast casual.” 68 McDonald’s is struggling to get their customers back,Shake Shack is doing well New York-based burger chain had a very 69 (success)IPO,or initial public offering,of shares at the end of January. 70 its first day of trading,Shake Shack went from $21 a share to just under $ 46 a share.

Shake Shack’s a quality ’s fast food,but not‘fast food’food.”Being part of the“fast casual”trend has helped Shake Shack.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)











