
时间:2016-07-03 03:32:43
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暑假英语游记小学生作文 篇一

My Exciting Trip to Shanghai

During the summer vacation, my family and I went on an exciting trip to Shanghai. It was my first time visiting this vibrant city and I was filled with anticipation.

We started our trip by visiting the famous attractions in Shanghai. The first place we went to was the Oriental Pearl Tower. As we ascended to the observation deck, the breathtaking view of the city skyline unfolded before our eyes. The tall buildings and bustling streets amazed me. I felt like I was in a different world.

Next, we visited the Shanghai Museum. The museum had a wide collection of ancient artifacts and artworks. I was particularly fascinated by the ancient Chinese calligraphy and pottery. It was intriguing to learn about the history and culture of China through these artifacts.

One of the highlights of our trip was a visit to Shanghai Disneyland. As soon as we entered the magical theme park, I was overwhelmed with excitement. We went on thrilling rides, watched enchanting shows, and met my favorite Disney characters. The experience was truly unforgettable.

Aside from the famous attractions, we also explored the local food scene in Shanghai. We tried various traditional dishes such as xiaolongbao, a type of steamed dumpling filled with soup, and shengjianbao, a pan-fried bun. The flavors were unique and delicious. I also learned how to use chopsticks properly, which was a fun challenge for me.

In addition to sightseeing and trying new foods, we also had the chance to interact with the locals. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. I practiced my English with some of the locals and they were patient in helping me improve my language skills. It was a great opportunity to learn about different cultures and make new friends.

Overall, my trip to Shanghai was a wonderful experience. I was able to explore the city's famous attractions, try delicious local cuisine, and interact with the locals. It was an adventure filled with excitement and learning. I will cherish the memories of this trip for a lifetime.

暑假英语游记小学生作文 篇二

A Memorable Adventure in Beijing

This summer, my family and I embarked on an unforgettable adventure to Beijing. It was my first time visiting the capital city of China and I was filled with curiosity and excitement.

Our first stop was the Great Wall of China. As we hiked along the ancient structure, I marveled at its grandeur and the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. It was incredible to imagine the history and stories that the Great Wall holds. I even took a photo to capture this special moment.

Next, we visited the Forbidden City. Walking through the majestic palace complex, I felt like I had traveled back in time. The intricate architecture and beautiful gardens were mesmerizing. I learned about the emperors who once lived in the palace and the important role it played in Chinese history.

Another highlight of our trip was a visit to the Summer Palace. The vast gardens and serene lakes provided a peaceful escape from the bustling city. We took a boat ride on the Kunming Lake and admired the stunning scenery. I also had the chance to try my hand at traditional Chinese painting in the gardens, which was a unique experience.

Apart from exploring the historical sites, we also indulged in the local cuisine of Beijing. We tried Peking duck, a famous dish known for its crispy skin and tender meat. It was absolutely delicious! We also sampled various street foods such as jianbing, a savory pancake, and tanghulu, a skewered fruit snack coated in sugar syrup. The flavors were delightful and I couldn't resist trying everything.

During our time in Beijing, we also had the opportunity to watch a traditional Chinese opera performance. The colorful costumes, graceful movements, and melodious music captivated my attention. It was a cultural experience that left a deep impression on me.

Overall, my adventure in Beijing was a memorable experience. I had the chance to explore historical sites, indulge in delicious cuisine, and immerse myself in the rich culture of China. It was a journey of discovery and learning. I will always cherish the memories of this incredible trip.

暑假英语游记小学生作文 篇三





暑假英语游记小学生作文 篇四




暑假英语游记小学生作文 篇五




暑假英语游记小学生作文 篇六

I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The train was comfortable.

We spent five days visiting Beijing. On the first day, we went to Tian'an Men Square, It is so big. and there were lots of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw thousands of houses. Kings lived there before. I felt interesting.

The second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. We saw many old things. On teh third day we went to the Great Wall. It was so great! We were tired.


