
时间:2015-01-09 09:19:18
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小学生英语告别作文大全 篇一

Goodbye, Elementary School!

As I sit here and write my farewell letter to my elementary school years, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions. I am excited for the new adventures that await me in middle school, but at the same time, I am sad to say goodbye to the place that has been my second home for the past six years.

Elementary school has been an amazing journey filled with laughter, friendships, and valuable life lessons. I still remember my first day of school, feeling nervous and unsure of what to expect. But as soon as I entered the colorful classroom, I was greeted by my friendly teacher and fellow classmates who made me feel right at home.

Throughout the years, I have learned so much academically. From learning how to read and write to solving math problems and understanding scientific concepts, my teachers have always been there to guide and support me. They have not only taught me the subjects, but also instilled in me the importance of hard work, perseverance, and continuous learning.

But it wasn't just about academics. Elementary school has also taught me valuable life skills. I have learned how to be a good friend, how to work in a team, and how to resolve conflicts peacefully. I have also had the opportunity to explore my interests through extracurricular activities such as art classes, sports teams, and music lessons. These experiences have helped me discover my passions and talents.

One of the things I will miss the most about elementary school is the sense of community. Our school was like a big family, where everyone knew each other and looked out for one another. Whether it was celebrating birthdays, cheering for each other during sports events, or participating in school-wide events like talent shows and science fairs, there was always a strong sense of support and camaraderie.

Now, as I prepare to embark on a new chapter of my education journey, I am filled with both excitement and apprehension. I know that middle school will bring new challenges and opportunities for growth. I will be meeting new teachers and classmates, navigating a larger campus, and facing more rigorous academic demands. But I am confident that the foundation I have built in elementary school will serve me well.

As I say goodbye to my beloved elementary school, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my teachers, friends, and family who have supported me throughout this journey. Thank you for believing in me, encouraging me, and pushing me to be the best version of myself. I will carry the memories and lessons from elementary school with me as I move forward, knowing that I am well-prepared for the next chapter of my educational journey.

Goodbye, elementary school! Thank you for the wonderful memories and the invaluable lessons. I will always cherish the time I spent here and the friendships I made. Onward to new adventures!

小学生英语告别作文大全 篇二

Farewell, Elementary School!

Today marks the end of my elementary school journey, and as I reflect on the past six years, I am filled with a mix of emotions. I am sad to say goodbye to the place that has been my second home, but I am also excited for the new opportunities that await me in middle school.

Elementary school has been an incredible experience filled with growth, learning, and unforgettable memories. I still remember my first day of school, feeling both nervous and excited. I was greeted by my friendly classmates and teachers who made me feel welcome and supported.

Throughout the years, I have learned so much academically. From learning to read and write, to solving complex math problems and understanding scientific concepts, my teachers have always pushed me to reach my full potential. They have not only taught me the subjects, but also inspired me to become a lifelong learner.

But elementary school was about more than just academics. It was about building friendships, developing social skills, and discovering my passions. I have made lifelong friends who have laughed with me, supported me, and shared countless adventures. We have learned how to work together, how to resolve conflicts, and how to support one another through both successes and failures.

One of the things I will miss the most about elementary school is the nurturing and supportive environment. Our teachers have always gone above and beyond to ensure that we feel safe, valued, and encouraged. They have celebrated our achievements, provided guidance during challenging times, and taught us important values such as kindness, respect, and empathy.

As I prepare to transition to middle school, I am both excited and nervous. I know that middle school will bring new challenges and responsibilities. I will be faced with more demanding coursework, a larger campus, and the need to balance multiple activities and commitments. But I am confident that the foundation I have built in elementary school will serve me well.

As I bid farewell to my elementary school years, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all my teachers, friends, and family who have supported me along the way. Thank you for believing in me, for pushing me to be my best, and for shaping me into the person I am today. I will carry the lessons and memories from elementary school with me as I embark on this new chapter of my educational journey.

Farewell, elementary school! Thank you for the incredible memories, the friendships, and the lessons that will stay with me forever. I am ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in middle school. Goodbye, elementary school, and hello, new adventures!

小学生英语告别作文大全 篇三

Xiaoming and I are classmates and used to be very good friends. We are not good at study and have poor results in the middle school entrance examination. Therefore, we are determined to study hard and improve our grades.

On the one ha

nd, we should supervise each other. We must pay attention to lectures in class. Don't have any problems.

Ask the teacher at the first time and know it. On the other hand, we learn the key points of each course after class We have made great progress in the final exam and won the teacher's praise.



小学生英语告别作文大全 篇四

It was a farewell party. Another time when I was sad, it was approaching sixth grade. When I was about to leave primary school, I cried.

I drank with my classmates at the door. We were very sad. We united together.

We all wished each other happiness. They left each other's phone calls. Then we took a picture of the old teacher and wished our academic progress.

We reluctantly left the school site, teamafeb9ee7ad A farewell party, another time when I was sad, now it was almost to sixth grade. I was about to leave the primary school and I cried. We drank with our classmates at the door.

We were all very sad. We held a group. We all wished each other happiness one by one.

They left a phone call for each other. Then we took a group photo and the teacher also wished us academic progress. We left the school team reluctantly.



小学生英语告别作文大全 篇五

I want to leave first. I want to thank you for your support and love for me in the following days. I wish you good luck in the junior high school examination.

Looking back on the unforgettable time we spent in school for three years, although we misunderstood each other for a few days, our efforts still left good memories. We used to be crazy for each other, but I always believe that when we say goodbye, friendship will not end. I sincerely hope that all your expectations will come true, all your dreams will come true, all your wishes will come true, all your efforts will help you climb the ladder of success in the morning dew.

In order to welcome a new day, you should say to yourself that it is happy. When the stars shine around the dream, please don't forget my days (^^.



小学生英语告别作文大全 篇六

My heart is on the plateau. My heart is on the plateau. My heart is not here.

My heart is on the plateau. I am hunting deer. I follow my heart on the plateau.

Wherever I go, bid farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the north, the birthplace of bravery, valuable country. No matter where I wander, no matter where I wander, I will always love the mountains of the plateau Farewell to the snow capped mountains, to the mountains and green valleys below, to the cliffs, to the barren woods, to the rushing torrents; my heart is on the plateau, my heart is not here, my heart hunts wild deer in the Highlands, and follows my heart on the plateau where I go.


标签: 英语


