
时间:2017-05-04 06:23:25
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国际学术会议英语邀请函 篇一

Subject: Invitation to the International Academic Conference on [Conference Theme]

Dear [Guest Name],

We are delighted to invite you to the International Academic Conference on [Conference Theme], which will be held from [Conference Date] at [Conference Venue]. This conference aims to bring together leading scholars, researchers, and professionals from various disciplines to exchange knowledge, share research findings, and foster collaborations.

As a distinguished expert in your field, we believe that your participation in this conference will greatly enrich the discourse and contribute to the advancement of [Conference Theme]. We would be honored to have you deliver a keynote speech or present your latest research findings during one of the conference sessions. Your valuable insights and expertise will undoubtedly inspire the audience and stimulate meaningful discussions.

The conference program will include a wide range of topics, covering but not limited to:

- [Conference Topic 1]

- [Conference Topic 2]

- [Conference Topic 3]

- [Conference Topic 4]

- [Conference Topic 5]

We believe that your research and expertise align perfectly with the scope of this conference, and your contribution will significantly enhance the academic quality of our event. Additionally, the conference will provide an excellent platform for networking and establishing professional relationships with fellow researchers and scholars from around the world.

We kindly request you to confirm your participation and indicate your preferred contribution format (keynote speech or research presentation) by [Confirmation Date]. Please provide us with a brief abstract of your intended contribution, which will be included in the conference program booklet. Detailed guidelines for abstract submission and formatting will be shared upon your confirmation.

We are confident that your presence would greatly contribute to the success of this conference. We look forward to welcoming you to [Conference Venue] and engaging in fruitful discussions on [Conference Theme]. Should you have any inquiries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Conference Email Address].

Thank you for considering our invitation. We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us and share your valuable insights at the International Academic Conference on [Conference Theme].

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Conference Organizing Committee]

国际学术会议英语邀请函 篇三



