时间:2017-06-04 09:49:39
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Article 1: The Joy of Receiving a Thoughtful Gift

Have you ever received a present that made your heart sing with joy? A gift that was so thoughtful and meaningful that it touched your soul? I recently had the pleasure of experiencing such a gift, and it truly made me appreciate the beauty of giving and receiving.

It was a sunny morning when I woke up to find a beautifully wrapped box on my doorstep. Intrigued, I carefully untied the ribbon and opened the box to reveal a stunning leather-bound journal. As I flipped through its crisp pages, I couldn't help but marvel at the attention to detail and craftsmanship.

The gift came from a close friend who had noticed my love for writing and self-reflection. She knew that I had been going through a difficult time and wanted to provide me with an outlet for my emotions. This journal was not just a present; it was a symbol of her understanding and support.

From that moment on, the journal became my sanctuary. I poured my heart and soul onto its pages, allowing myself to be vulnerable and honest. It became a safe space where I could explore my thoughts, dreams, and fears without judgment. Each stroke of the pen felt like a release, as if my emotions were being set free.

But the true magic of this gift was not just in the act of receiving it; it was in the lasting impact it had on my life. The journal became a catalyst for self-discovery and growth. It allowed me to navigate through my emotions, gain clarity, and find solace in the written word. It became a daily ritual that brought me peace and inner strength.

This experience taught me the true value of a thoughtful gift. It is not just about the material item itself, but the intentions and sentiments behind it. A present can be a powerful expression of love, care, and understanding. It has the ability to touch our hearts and make us feel seen and appreciated.

So, the next time you find yourself searching for the perfect present, remember to consider the person's passions, interests, and needs. Put thought into your gift, and let it be a reflection of your relationship with them. You never know, your present could bring them immeasurable joy and become a cherished part of their journey.

Article 2: The Power of Giving: A Present That Changes Lives

Imagine a world where every gift had the power to change lives. A world where the act of giving was not just an exchange of material possessions, but a transformative experience that left an everlasting impact. I had the privilege of encountering such a gift recently, and it opened my eyes to the incredible power we hold in our hands when we give selflessly.

It was a cold winter's night when I stumbled upon a small charity event in my community. The event aimed to provide warm clothing and blankets to the homeless population. As I watched people gather around, the joy and gratitude on their faces were palpable. It was then that I realized the true power of giving.

Inspired by this experience, I decided to take action. I began volunteering at local shelters and organizing clothing drives to help those in need. It was during one of these drives that I met a young girl named Sarah. She had recently lost her home due to unforeseen circumstances and was struggling to make ends meet.

One cold evening, I decided to surprise Sarah with a gift. I wrapped a warm winter coat and left it on her doorstep. The following day, she approached me with tears in her eyes, expressing her gratitude for the simple act of kindness. That coat not only provided her warmth during the harsh winter nights, but also ignited a spark of hope within her.

This experience taught me that a present has the power to change lives. It can provide comfort, support, and a glimmer of hope in the darkest of times. When we give selflessly, we create a ripple effect of positivity and compassion that extends far beyond the initial act.

So, the next time you have the opportunity to give, remember the power you hold in your hands. Your present has the potential to transform someone's life, to bring joy and hope where it is needed most. Embrace the act of giving, and let it be a testament to the incredible impact we can have on the world around us.




How time flies,although I didn`t finish my housework,,what

makes me be happy is Christmas day is coming.

Tell you the truth, I always dream of receieving a gift which is from my girl friend Lily.But,in fact,when I am in the sarrow,she Lily approach to me ,it goes without saying ,I`m so happy that my tears come out the eyes."Tom,I`m very sorry,you see,because we are so young ,we shoud study well at persent ,from now on ,we ---",

oh,no ,I realise the perent is what Lily said.

This is a perent I have


