
时间:2016-09-02 05:23:13
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英语口语-抱怨 篇一

Complaining about Public Transportation

Public transportation is a vital part of many people's daily lives. It provides a convenient and cost-effective way to travel around the city. However, there are times when public transportation can be incredibly frustrating and disappointing. In this article, I will share my personal experience and complaints about public transportation.

One of the biggest issues I have with public transportation is the unreliability. There have been countless occasions where I have waited for a bus or a train for what feels like an eternity, only to have it arrive late or not at all. This can be incredibly frustrating, especially when I have important appointments or meetings to attend. It feels like a waste of time and energy.

Another complaint I have is the overcrowding. During peak hours, buses and trains can be packed to the brim with passengers. It becomes almost impossible to find a seat or even stand comfortably. This not only makes the journey extremely uncomfortable, but it also poses safety risks. I often find myself being pushed and squeezed by other passengers, which is not a pleasant experience.

Additionally, the lack of cleanliness on public transportation is a major concern. The floors are often littered with trash, and the seats are stained and dirty. It is disappointing to see the lack of effort in maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for passengers. This not only reflects poorly on the transportation system itself but also on the city as a whole.

Furthermore, the lack of proper ventilation and air conditioning on buses and trains is another complaint I have. Especially during the hot summer months, being crammed in a stuffy and suffocating vehicle is unbearable. It is important for public transportation to provide a comfortable environment for passengers, especially considering the amount of time we spend commuting.

Lastly, the lack of communication and information provided to passengers is a significant frustration. There have been numerous instances where I have been left in the dark about delays or changes in schedules. It is essential for public transportation to keep passengers informed and updated, as it helps to manage expectations and avoid unnecessary stress and inconvenience.

In conclusion, while public transportation serves as a convenient mode of travel, there are several complaints that need to be addressed. From unreliability and overcrowding to cleanliness and lack of communication, these issues greatly impact the overall experience of using public transportation. It is crucial for authorities to take these complaints seriously and work towards improving the quality and efficiency of public transportation systems.

英语口语-抱怨 篇二

Complaining about Customer Service

Customer service plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Whether it's at a restaurant, a retail store, or over the phone, we all interact with customer service representatives on a regular basis. Unfortunately, more often than not, the customer service experience leaves much to be desired. In this article, I will share my personal experiences and complaints about customer service.

One of the most common complaints I have about customer service is the lack of attentiveness and responsiveness. There have been numerous occasions where I have approached a customer service representative with a question or concern, only to be met with indifference or a dismissive attitude. It is frustrating when you are seeking assistance and the person responsible for helping you seems uninterested or unwilling to provide the necessary support.

Another issue I frequently encounter is the lack of knowledge and expertise among customer service representatives. It is disheartening when you ask a question and the representative is unable to provide a satisfactory answer or solution. This not only wastes the customer's time but also reflects poorly on the company's training and hiring processes. Customer service representatives should be adequately trained and equipped with the necessary knowledge to assist customers effectively.

Moreover, the long waiting times and delays in resolving issues are major sources of frustration. Whether it's waiting on hold for an extended period of time or waiting for a response to an email or online inquiry, the delay in getting assistance can be incredibly inconvenient, especially when you have an urgent matter that needs attention. It is important for companies to prioritize timely and efficient customer service to ensure customer satisfaction.

Additionally, the lack of empathy and understanding is another complaint I have about customer service. There have been instances where I have encountered rude and disrespectful customer service representatives who seem to lack basic interpersonal skills. It is important for customer service representatives to be empathetic and understanding, as it helps to build a positive rapport with customers and resolve issues more effectively.

Lastly, the lack of follow-up and accountability is a significant frustration. There have been times when I have reported an issue or requested assistance, only to never hear back from the company. This lack of follow-up not only leaves the customer feeling ignored but also creates a sense of distrust and dissatisfaction. It is crucial for companies to take responsibility for their customers' concerns and ensure that they are addressed in a timely manner.

In conclusion, while customer service is an essential aspect of any business, there are several complaints that need to be addressed. From lack of attentiveness and knowledge to long waiting times and lack of empathy, these issues greatly impact the customer service experience. It is crucial for companies to invest in training and improving their customer service practices to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.

英语口语-抱怨 篇三



king Acomplaint 提出抱怨

1. i'm afraid i have a complaint to make.


2. i'm sorry to say this, but there seems to be a mistake.


3. do you have to act like that?


4. would you mind not doing it?


5. i do wish you wouldn't do that.


6. please don't do it without asking.


7. can't you do something about it ?


8. i hate to bring this up, but this is a nonsmoking zone.


9. would you please try to keep quiet at this hour?


Saying That You are Dissatisfied With Something 表示对某事不满意

1. that won't do.


2. is that it?


3. is that all?


4. i'm afraid it just isn't good enough.


5. that's not what i had in mind.


6. it's not what i hoped for.


7. that leaves a lot to be desired.


8. that doesn't quite suit me.


9. i was hoping for more.


10. i was counting on more.


11. i expected something better.


12. it's a far cry from what i expected.


13. i am not getting what i bargained for.


14. i got a bum deal.


15. i got a raw deal.

我被涮了。(a raw/bum deal: 不公平或骗人的交易)

Complaining AboutA Messy Place 抱怨地方脏乱

1. what a mess!


2. what a junk heap.


3. this place is a mess.


4. never in my life have i seen such a mess!


5. this place is a pigsty.


6. you live like a pig!


7. this place is a disgrace.


8. this place looks like a disaster area.




