
时间:2012-06-08 03:47:34
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英语表提供授予动词 篇一

Exploring the Power of English Phrasal Verbs: A Key to Unlocking Fluency


English phrasal verbs are an essential aspect of the language, providing a vibrant and flexible means of communication. These verbs consist of a main verb combined with one or more particles, such as prepositions or adverbs. In this article, we will delve into the world of English phrasal verbs and explore how they can empower learners to achieve fluency.

Enhancing Vocabulary:

One of the key benefits of mastering English phrasal verbs is the expansion of vocabulary. By incorporating phrasal verbs into your language repertoire, you gain access to numerous nuanced expressions that can convey a wide range of meanings. For example, instead of simply saying "look at," you can use the phrasal verb "check out" to add a sense of curiosity or interest. This ability to choose the right phrasal verb not only enriches your vocabulary but also allows you to express yourself more effectively.

Improving Listening and Reading Skills:

English phrasal verbs are ubiquitous in both spoken and written communication. Therefore, developing a strong understanding of these verbs is crucial for improving listening and reading skills. When listening to native speakers, being able to recognize and comprehend phrasal verbs enables learners to follow conversations and understand the intended meaning. Similarly, in written texts, phrasal verbs are commonly used to convey specific actions or emotions. By familiarizing yourself with these verbs, you will be able to comprehend written materials more efficiently.

Enhancing Speaking and Writing Skills:

Mastering phrasal verbs is equally important for enhancing speaking and writing skills. Incorporating phrasal verbs into your speech can make your conversations more dynamic and natural-sounding. It allows you to express yourself in a way that is both fluent and idiomatic. Furthermore, when writing, using phrasal verbs can add depth and precision to your language. Instead of relying on basic verbs, such as "put" or "take," you can employ phrasal verbs like "put off" or "take up," which convey a more specific meaning. This elevates the quality of your writing and demonstrates a higher level of language proficiency.

Tips for Learning Phrasal Verbs:

Learning phrasal verbs can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can become an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Here are some tips to facilitate your learning process:

1. Contextual Learning: Study phrasal verbs in context to understand their meaning and usage. Read books, articles, and listen to podcasts or movies that incorporate phrasal verbs naturally.

2. Practice with Examples: Use phrasal verbs in your own sentences to reinforce your understanding. Practice speaking and writing using these verbs to become more comfortable with their usage.

3. Create Flashcards: Make flashcards with phrasal verbs and their meanings. Review them regularly to strengthen your memory and recall.

4. Use Online Resources: Utilize online resources, such as dictionaries and language-learning platforms, which offer explanations and exercises related to phrasal verbs.


English phrasal verbs are an invaluable tool for language learners seeking to achieve fluency. By incorporating these verbs into your vocabulary and actively using them in your speaking and writing, you can unlock a new level of proficiency. Embrace the power of phrasal verbs and take your English language skills to new heights. Happy learning!

英语表提供授予动词 篇二

The Art of English Phrasal Verbs: Adding Depth and Creativity to Your Language


English phrasal verbs are a unique aspect of the language that adds depth, creativity, and versatility to communication. These dynamic verb phrases consist of a main verb paired with one or more particles, such as prepositions or adverbs. In this article, we will explore the art of using English phrasal verbs and how they can elevate your language skills.

Enhancing Expressiveness:

One of the remarkable features of phrasal verbs is their ability to convey nuanced meanings and emotions. By using phrasal verbs, you can express yourself in a way that is more vivid and engaging. For example, instead of saying "leave," you can say "walk out," which implies a more dramatic exit. This expressiveness allows you to captivate your audience and make your language more memorable and impactful.

Promoting Creativity:

Phrasal verbs offer learners the opportunity to be creative and experiment with language. They allow you to break away from conventional sentence structures and explore different ways of expressing ideas. By using phrasal verbs, you can add flair and originality to your writing and speaking. This creativity not only makes the language more enjoyable but also sets you apart as a proficient and confident communicator.

Enriching Idiomatic Language:

Mastering phrasal verbs is essential for understanding and using idiomatic expressions in English. Native speakers often employ phrasal verbs to convey specific meanings that may not be easily deduced from the individual words. For instance, the phrasal verb "kick off" means to start or begin, but this connection may not be evident to non-native speakers without prior knowledge. By familiarizing yourself with phrasal verbs, you gain access to a whole new realm of idiomatic language, enabling you to understand and use expressions more accurately.

Developing Fluency:

Using phrasal verbs fluently is a hallmark of advanced language proficiency. Native English speakers frequently incorporate phrasal verbs into their speech, and by doing the same, non-native learners can achieve a higher level of fluency. Phrasal verbs allow for smoother and more natural communication, as they are an integral part of everyday conversations. By actively learning and practicing phrasal verbs, you can bridge the gap between textbook knowledge and real-life language usage.

Tips for Mastering Phrasal Verbs:

While learning phrasal verbs may seem challenging, with consistent effort and the right strategies, it can become an enjoyable and rewarding process. Consider the following tips:

1. Categorize Phrasal Verbs: Group phrasal verbs based on their meanings or common themes, such as emotions, actions, or locations. This categorization aids in memorization and helps you to recall the appropriate phrasal verb in different contexts.

2. Phrasal Verb of the Day: Select a new phrasal verb each day and incorporate it into your conversations or writing. This daily practice reinforces your understanding and expands your repertoire.

3. Use Visual Aids: Create visual aids, such as mind maps or diagrams, to visualize the relationships between phrasal verbs and their meanings. This visual representation aids in comprehension and retention.

4. Engage in Authentic Language: Immerse yourself in authentic English content, such as movies, TV shows, or podcasts, to encounter phrasal verbs in context. This exposure to real-life language usage enhances your understanding and application of phrasal verbs.


English phrasal verbs are a treasure trove of linguistic expression, offering learners the opportunity to add depth, creativity, and fluency to their language skills. By incorporating phrasal verbs into your vocabulary and actively using them in your speech and writing, you can elevate your language proficiency to new heights. Embrace the art of phrasal verbs and unlock the full potential of your English language journey. Happy exploring!

英语表提供授予动词 篇三




  例:he offered me all i needed.

  =he provided/supplied/furnished me with all i needed.


  he provided/supplied/furnished me all i needed.(x)


  he offered me all i needed.

  =he offered all i needed to me.

  he provided me w

ith all i needed.

  =he provided all i needed for me.


  offer+to+原形动词 愿意…… =be willing to v

  例:after he heard of my situation,he offered to help me.




  例:he presented me with a watch.

  =he presented a watch to me.



