
时间:2015-04-07 08:49:44
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伤害孩子的话大学英语作文带翻译 篇一

Title: The Harmful Effects of Hurtful Words on Children

Children are like sponges, absorbing everything around them, especially the words and actions of those closest to them. Unfortunately, many parents, teachers, and caregivers do not realize the impact their words can have on a child's self-esteem and mental well-being. Hurtful words can leave lasting scars on a child's psyche, affecting their confidence, relationships, and overall happiness.

When a child is constantly criticized, belittled, or insulted, they internalize these negative messages and start to believe them. This can lead to low self-esteem, self-doubt, and a lack of confidence in their abilities. Children who are repeatedly told they are not good enough or worthless may struggle with feelings of inadequacy and develop a negative self-image that can persist into adulthood.

Furthermore, hurtful words can damage the parent-child relationship and erode trust. Children who feel constantly criticized or invalidated by their parents may withdraw emotionally, become defensive, or act out in response to the perceived rejection. This can create a cycle of negative communication and behavior that damages the bond between parent and child.

It is important for adults to be mindful of the power of their words and to choose them carefully when interacting with children. Instead of resorting to hurtful language, adults should focus on positive reinforcement, encouragement, and constructive criticism. Building a child up with words of affirmation and support can help boost their self-esteem, foster a sense of security, and strengthen the parent-child relationship.

In conclusion, the impact of hurtful words on children should not be underestimated. Adults must recognize the power of their words and strive to create a positive and nurturing environment for children to thrive. By fostering a culture of kindness, respect, and encouragement, we can help protect children from the lasting harm of hurtful words.








伤害孩子的话大学英语作文带翻译 篇三



  It is said that parents are the children’s best teachers. Indeed, childen spend most of the time to stay with parents, so they imitate their habits. So the good parents have their ways to educate children, while some hurt their kids by saying the following sentences. Such the following five.


  1. You Idiot


  Some parents will say it when the children make mistakes. Acutally, the words of inspiration can work much better.


  2. Shut up


  A rude parent will call their children to be quiet when the kids are making noise or giving their opinion. A good listener is much better than a judger. So let the children give their words.


  3. I will never supervise you


  Parents like to force their kids to do what they want and treat the kids’ doing as none sense. Once they are angry, they will hurt the kids by saying of leaving them alone. The kids should be respected.


  4. When yo

u get the full mark, I will buy…


  Most parents like to encourage their kids with full mark. Actually, the meaning of study is to get improvement instead of being the study machine.


  5. You only know how to play


  It is kids’nature and right to play, so parents should not force them to focus on study all the time.



