Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in【优选3篇】

时间:2013-09-06 09:46:45
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Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in New York City

篇一:Exploring the Affordable Taxi System in Beijing

Beijing, the capital city of China, is known for its efficient and affordable transportation options. One of the most popular modes of transportation for locals and tourists alike is the taxi service. Compared to other major cities around the world, Beijing's taxi fares are significantly cheaper, especially when compared to the notoriously expensive taxis in New York City.

One of the main reasons why taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in New York City is the difference in the cost of living. The cost of living in Beijing is generally lower than in New York City, resulting in lower wages for taxi drivers. As a result, taxi fares in Beijing are more affordable for both locals and tourists.

In Beijing, the starting fare for a taxi ride is about 13 yuan (approximately $2), which covers the first 3 kilometers. Beyond that, the fare increases by 2.3 yuan per kilometer. Compared to New York City, where the initial fare is $2.50 and every additional kilometer costs $0.55, it is evident that Beijing offers a more cost-effective option for taxi transportation.

Furthermore, Beijing has implemented a strict government regulation that prohibits taxi drivers from overcharging passengers. This regulation ensures that passengers are not taken advantage of and promotes fair and reasonable taxi fares. In contrast, New York City has had issues with overcharging and dishonest taxi drivers, leading to higher costs for passengers.

Another factor that contributes to the affordability of taxis in Beijing is the availability of numerous taxi companies and drivers. The competition among taxi companies keeps the prices in check and prevents any single company from monopolizing the market. This competition encourages taxi companies to provide quality services at reasonable prices, benefiting both passengers and drivers.

Moreover, Beijing has a comprehensive taxi network that covers the entire city, making it convenient for residents and visitors to access taxi services. With over 66,000 taxis operating in the city, passengers can easily find a taxi at any time of the day or night. In contrast, New York City has a limited number of taxis, especially during peak hours, resulting in longer wait times and increased demand, which in turn drives up the fares.

In conclusion, taxis in Beijing are cheaper than in New York City due to various factors such as the lower cost of living, government regulations, competition among taxi companies, and the extensive taxi network. These factors contribute to the affordability and accessibility of taxi services in Beijing, making it an attractive option for transportation within the city.

Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in 篇三

Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States北京出租相对便宜

  Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States.


  A: Another good thing here is that taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States.

  A: 北京另一个好的方面是出租车比美国的便宜。

  B: Is that true? Do you think so?

  B: 真的吗?你这样认为吗?

  A: Yes. I mean comparatively. I know the cost of living and everything is different, but I still think taxis are cheaper here.

  A: 是的,相比较而言。我知道生活消费和所有的一切都不同,但是我还是认为这里的出租车便宜一些。

  B: Maybe it's because there are more here.

  B: 可能是因为这里的出则车更多的缘故吧。

  A: Maybe. I also think it's because they are a bigger part of the overall transport system here. In the States, there are usually more buses and metros or subways.

  A: 也许。我也认为这是因为出租车行业是北京交通系统的一个较大的组成部分。在美国,通常有更多的公共汽车和地铁。

  B: Well, I think we need a bigger metro system and more buses here.

  B: 哦,我想我们需要一个更发达的`地铁系统和更多的公共汽车。




  1. Notice all the comparative phrases, e.g. Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States / Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States ; There are more taxis here / There are more taxis here ; We need a bigger metro system / We need a bigger metro system.

  注意所有的比较短语,例如Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States /北京的出租车比美国的便宜;There are more taxis here /这里有更多的出租车;We need a bigger metro system /我们需要一个更大的地铁系统。

  2. When you give an opinion about something or a reason for something, you often use because / because, e.g. I think it’s because . . . / I think it’s because . . .

  当你表达对某事的意见或者解释某事的原因时,你经常可以用because/因为,例如I think it’s because . . . /我想这是因为.


Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in【优选3篇】

