
时间:2018-09-02 08:47:48
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小学英语作文400字 篇一:My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is the panda. Pandas are native to China and are known for their black and white fur. They are very cute and have a unique appearance. Pandas are also endangered, which makes them even more special.

Pandas eat bamboo as their main food source. They have a special thumb-like hand that helps them hold and eat bamboo. Pandas spend most of their time eating and can eat up to 12 hours a day! They also have a slow metabolism, so they don't need to eat as much as other animals.

Pandas are very peaceful animals and rarely get into fights. They spend most of their time alone or with their cubs. Female pandas usually give birth to one or two cubs at a time. The cubs are very small and helpless at birth, but they grow quickly with the mother's care.

I like pandas because they are so adorable and gentle. Whenever I see a picture or video of a panda, it always brings a smile to my face. I hope that more efforts can be made to protect pandas and their natural habitat.

小学英语作文400字 篇二:My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is drawing. I have loved drawing since I was very young. Whenever I have free time, I grab my sketchbook and pencils and start creating.

Drawing allows me to express myself and unleash my creativity. I can draw anything I imagine, from beautiful landscapes to cute animals. It is a way for me to escape from reality and enter a world of my own.

I have taken art classes to improve my drawing skills. I have learned different techniques, such as shading and perspective. I have also experimented with different mediums, such as watercolors and colored pencils. Each drawing is a learning experience for me.

I enjoy drawing with friends as well. We often have drawing sessions together where we share our ideas and inspire each other. It is a fun and relaxing way to spend time with friends.

I have participated in art competitions and even won a few awards. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment to see my artwork recognized. It motivates me to continue practicing and improving.

Drawing is not only a hobby for me, but also a way to express myself. It brings me joy and allows me to explore my imagination. I hope to continue drawing throughout my life and maybe even pursue a career in art.

小学英语作文400字 篇三











小学英语作文400字 篇四

  M ther’s da

  M ther is an accuntant, she is beautiful and clever. She lies reading bs. She’s bus ever da.

  In the rning, she gets up at half past five fr ding husewr. After breafast, she alwas taes e t schl. And then she ges t wr. She lves her b ver uch, s she wrs hard.

  At nn, she ces he fr wr. She usuall arrives he earl, because she cs a eal fr us. She watches TV and sleeps seties.

  In the afternn, she ges t wr, t. I see t see ther's hard wring.

  At night, she ften drins tea and reads bs. She ges t bed at ten ’clc.

  It’s ther’s da, bus and happ da!








小学英语作文400字 篇五

  Saving Water and Electricity

  We live in the earth which is surrounded by the water, water is very important to peoples lives, no one can live without water. Electricity is also important, we can see in the night and so many things we use must work with electricity. Water and electricity are precious resources, we should save them and use them in recycle. Saving these precious resources makes a contribution to people.



小学英语作文400字 篇六

  It is ver big,The drs n bth sides f the tw teaching building. There are an classr in the

  teaching building.lab is n the first fir,

  librar is n the secnd flr, usic r n the third flr. We are reading bs in the classr, learning, singing.

  In frnt f the teaching building is a large plagrund. After class, we are running in the plagrud, and pla, there are an trees n the plagrund.

  I lie schl.






