
时间:2018-04-03 03:22:35
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小学英语作文400字 篇一:My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins are friendly and intelligent creatures that live in the ocean. They have sleek bodies and can swim very fast. Dolphins also have a curved fin on their backs and a long snout called a rostrum.

One of the reasons why I love dolphins is because they are very social animals. They live in groups called pods and often swim and play together. Dolphins are known for their playful behavior and their ability to communicate with each other through clicks and whistles. They are also known for their acrobatic skills, such as leaping out of the water and doing flips in the air.

Another reason why I love dolphins is because they are very intelligent. They can learn tricks and commands from trainers and perform them in shows. Dolphins are also known to help fishermen by herding fish into their nets. They are truly amazing creatures!

In addition to being friendly and intelligent, dolphins are also very helpful to humans. They have been trained to assist people with disabilities in therapy sessions. Dolphins are gentle and patient, and they can provide comfort and support to those in need.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animal because they are friendly, intelligent, and helpful. I love watching them swim and play in the ocean, and I hope to see them in person one day. Dolphins are truly incredible creatures!

小学英语作文400字 篇二:My Dream Vacation

My dream vacation is to visit the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall is a famous landmark in China and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It stretches thousands of miles across the country and is a symbol of China's rich history and culture.

I have always been fascinated by the Great Wall and its magnificent architecture. I would love to see the wall up close and walk along its ancient stones. I imagine the view from the top of the wall would be breathtaking, with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and countryside.

In addition to exploring the Great Wall, I would also love to visit other famous attractions in China. I would like to see the Terracotta Army in Xi'an, the Forbidden City in Beijing, and the beautiful gardens in Suzhou. China has such a rich and diverse culture, and I would love to immerse myself in it.

During my dream vacation, I would also like to try traditional Chinese food. I have always enjoyed eating Chinese cuisine, and I would love to taste authentic dishes like Peking duck, dim sum, and hot pot. I would also like to learn how to make dumplings and other Chinese dishes.

Overall, my dream vacation to China would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I would love to explore the Great Wall, visit famous landmarks, and immerse myself in the rich culture and cuisine of China. It would be a trip full of adventure, history, and unforgettable memories.

小学英语作文400字 篇三

  M ther’s da

  M ther is an accuntant, she is beautiful and clever. She lies reading bs. She’s bus ever da.

  In the rning, she gets up at half past five fr ding husewr. After breafast, she alwas taes e t schl. And then she ges t wr. She lves her b ver uch, s she wrs hard.

  At nn, she ces he fr wr. She usuall arrives he earl, because she cs a eal fr us. She watches TV and sleeps seties.

  In the afternn, she ges t wr, t. I see t see ther's hard wring.

  At night, she ften drins tea and reads bs. She ges t bed at ten ’clc.

  It’s ther’s da, bus and happ da!

小学英语作文400字 篇四

  M ther’s da

  M ther is an accuntant, she is beautiful and clever. She lies reading bs. She’s bus ever da.

  In the rning, she gets up at half past five fr ding husewr. After breafast, she alwas taes e t schl. And then she ges t wr. She lves her b ver uch, s she wrs hard.

  At nn, she ces he fr wr. She usuall arrives he earl, because she cs a eal fr us. She watches TV and sleeps seties.

  In the afternn, she ges t wr, t. I see t see ther's hard wring.

  At night, she ften drins tea and reads bs. She ges t bed at ten ’clc.

  It’s ther’s da, bus and happ da!








小学英语作文400字 篇五

  My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because it's very hot outside.And in the evening,I go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.

  My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I li

ke travelling because I can go to different places and meet different people.Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And it's very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.

小学英语作文400字 篇六

  It is ver big,The drs n bth sides f the tw teaching building. There are an classr in the

  teaching building.lab is n the first fir,

  librar is n the secnd flr, usic r n the third flr. We are reading bs in the classr, learning, singing.

  In frnt f the teaching building is a large plagrund. After class, we are running in the plagrud, and pla, there are an trees n the plagrund.

  I lie schl.






