
时间:2017-09-06 08:19:46
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小学生英语作文400字 篇一

My Favorite Animal

I have always been fascinated by animals, but there is one animal that holds a special place in my heart - the dolphin. Dolphins are intelligent, graceful, and friendly creatures that can be found in oceans all around the world.

Dolphins are known for their playful nature. They love to swim and jump out of the water, performing acrobatic tricks. I am always in awe when I see a dolphin in action. Their sleek bodies and powerful tails allow them to swim at incredible speeds, making them one of the fastest animals in the ocean.

What I find most amazing about dolphins is their intelligence. They are highly social animals and live in groups called pods. Dolphins communicate with each other using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements. They are also known to show empathy towards other dolphins, as well as humans. I have heard many stories of dolphins rescuing people who were in danger at sea.

In addition to their intelligence, dolphins are also known for their friendliness towards humans. They are often referred to as "smiling" animals because of their curved mouths that appear to be smiling. Whenever I visit an aquarium or a marine park, I always make sure to watch the dolphin show. Seeing them interact with their trainers and perform tricks brings me so much joy.

I dream of one day swimming with dolphins in the ocean. I can imagine the exhilaration of being in the water with these magnificent creatures, observing them up close and personal. I hope that through conservation efforts, we can protect their habitats and ensure that future generations will also have the opportunity to witness the beauty of dolphins.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animal because of their playful nature, intelligence, and friendliness. They are truly remarkable creatures that deserve our admiration and protection.

小学生英语作文400字 篇二

My Dream Vacation

If I could go on a dream vacation, I would choose to visit Paris, the capital city of France. Paris is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and vibrant culture.

One of the main attractions in Paris is the Eiffel Tower. Standing at over 300 meters tall, it offers a stunning view of the city. I would love to take an elevator ride to the top and see the cityscape from above. It would be a truly unforgettable experience.

Another must-see landmark in Paris is the Notre-Dame Cathedral. The Gothic architecture of the cathedral is breathtaking, and I would love to explore its intricate details. I have heard that the stained glass windows inside are mesmerizing, casting colorful light onto the interior.

Of course, a visit to Paris would not be complete without trying some authentic French cuisine. I would love to taste croissants, baguettes, and macarons from local bakeries. French food is known for its delicious flavors and exquisite presentation, and I am eager to indulge in these culinary delights.

Apart from the famous landmarks and food, I am also excited to experience the art and culture of Paris. The city is home to numerous world-renowned museums, such as the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay. I cannot wait to see famous masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and Van Gogh's Starry Night in person.

In my dream vacation to Paris, I would also take the opportunity to learn some basic French phrases and immerse myself in the local culture. I believe that experiencing a different way of life and learning about different customs and traditions can broaden my horizons and make me a more open-minded person.

In conclusion, my dream vacation would be a trip to Paris. From the Eiffel Tower to the Notre-Dame Cathedral, from the delicious food to the world-class museums, Paris offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and culinary delights. I hope that one day my dream will come true, and I will have the opportunity to explore this beautiful city.

小学生英语作文400字 篇三

  If anyone asks me what do I want to do the most? I would say grow up quickly. I want to grow up quickly, and then I can help my parents share their heavy burden. Our family is poor. My parents have to work very hard to support our family. Every time I say to them that I can help. They always tell me that I am still very young, and I don’t need to worry about the family problem. I want to help, so I have to grow up quickly.


小学生英语作文400字 篇四

  I&rsqu; ging t get up at six &rsqu;clc. Then I&rsqu; ging t brush teeth and wash face. I&rsqu; ging t sister&rsqu;s he t eat breafast and learn English fr seven &rsqu;clc t ten &rsqu;clc. I&rsqu; ging t g bac he at 10:10. Then I&rsqu; ging t d hewr at 10:25. Then I&rsqu; ging t have lunch with fail at 12:00. I&rsqu; ging t pla cputer gaes with friends after lunch. Then I&rsqu; ging t g shpping with fail at 3:00. We&rsqu;re ging t g bac he b bus at 4:30. I&rsqu; ging t d se reading with sister at 5:00.Then I&rsqu; ging t d se husewr with ther. I&rsqu; ging t have dinner with fail at 7:00 p.. I&rsqu; ging t watch the interesting fil after dinner. I&rsqu; ging t g t bed at 9:00. I&rsqu; ging t have a happ da.

小学生英语作文400字 篇五

  Everyone is different in character, as if we are the students in the movie, the teachers are the coach, we are not excellent now, but the teachers will teach us according to our different characteristics and cheer us up to overcome the difficulties.

  Though we are not outstanding now, yet just study and trust each other, find out advantages and drop our disadvantages, lay stress on the teamwork and our own situation. It doesn’t matter that how far our dreams are and how difficulties and setbacks there are on our roads . I believe we’ll succeed at last.



小学生英语作文400字 篇六

  There are 4 seasns in a ear. The are spring, suer, autun and winter.

  In spring, the weather is war and wind. Seties it’s rain. The flwers are prett. I ften g n a picnic. I can wear T-shirts. I eat fish.

  In suer, the weather is ht and sunn. The sea is blue. I ften g swiing. I can wear T-shirts. I eat ice crea.

  In autun, the weather is cld and wind. The ellw leaves fall fr the trees. I ften pic apples. I can wear trusers. I eat apples.

  In winter, the weather is cl and wind. The leaves are falling. I can wear cats. I eat ht pt and have barbecue.


