
时间:2016-02-06 04:47:20
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小学英语作文500字 篇一

My Favorite Animal

I have a favorite animal. It is a dog. Dogs are very loyal and friendly animals. They are known as man's best friend.

I have a pet dog named Max. He is a golden retriever. Max has a beautiful golden coat and a wagging tail. He is very playful and loves to fetch balls. Max always greets me with a wagging tail and a big smile when I come home from school. He is always happy to see me.

I love spending time with Max. We go for walks in the park, play fetch, and sometimes even go swimming. Max is a very smart dog. He knows many tricks like sit, stay, and roll over. He can even shake hands! Max is not only my pet but also my best friend.

Dogs are also very protective. Max always keeps an eye out for me and my family. Whenever someone comes to our door, he barks to let us know. He makes me feel safe and loved.

I take good care of Max. I feed him every day and make sure he always has fresh water. I also take him to the veterinarian for regular check-ups. Dogs need lots of love, attention, and care.

I am very grateful to have Max as my pet. He brings so much joy and happiness to my life. I cannot imagine my life without him. Max will always be my favorite animal.

小学英语作文500字 篇二

My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is drawing. I love to express my creativity through art. Drawing allows me to use my imagination and create beautiful pictures.

I started drawing when I was very young. I would always have a pencil and paper with me. I would draw anything and everything that caught my eye. As I grew older, my skills improved, and I started experimenting with different techniques and styles.

I draw all kinds of things. I enjoy drawing animals, landscapes, and even people. My favorite subjects to draw are nature scenes. I love to capture the beauty of flowers, trees, and the sky. I also enjoy drawing cartoons and creating my own characters.

Drawing helps me relax and unwind. Whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I grab my sketchbook and start drawing. It helps me forget about my worries and focus on something positive. Drawing also allows me to express my emotions. I can draw happy things when I'm feeling joyful, or sad things when I'm feeling down.

I am always inspired by other artists. I love looking at their work and learning new techniques. Sometimes, I attend art workshops and learn from professional artists. I also enjoy visiting art galleries and museums to see famous artworks.

I am proud of my drawings. I hang them up in my room and show them to my family and friends. They always encourage me to keep drawing and pursue my passion.

Drawing is not just a hobby for me; it is a way of life. It brings me joy, allows me to express myself, and helps me see the beauty in the world. I am grateful for the gift of art and will continue to draw for as long as I can.

小学英语作文500字 篇三

  M ther’s da

  M ther is an accuntant, she is beautiful and clever. She lies reading bs. She’s bus ever da.

  In the rning, she gets up at half past five fr ding husewr. After breafast, she alwas taes e t schl. And then she ges t wr. She lves her b ver uch, s she wrs hard.

  At nn, she ces he fr wr. She usuall arrives he earl, because she cs a eal fr us. She watches TV and sleeps seties.

  In the afternn, she ges t wr, t. I see t see ther's hard wring.

  At night, she ften drins tea and reads bs. She ges t bed at ten ’clc.

  It’s ther’s da, bus and happ da!








小学英语作文500字 篇四

  My family is a harmonious family, There are 5 members in my family. They are my grandpa、grandma、mother、father and I. My grandpa is 58 year old. He is a very happy man. His hair is short. I look like him. My grandma is happy too. She wants to have a pair of sandals. Two days ago she had one. My mother is beautiful woman. My father is a handsome young man. He wants to have many shoes and jumpers. My grandpa likes running. My grandma likes singing. My mother likes driving and my father like drawing. My family is harmonious, because my mother takes care of my grandpa and grandma very well. I love my grandpa、 grandma、father and mother very much, and they all love me too. I have a happy family.

  I love my family!

小学英语作文500字 篇五

  I am Ruby. I’m 13. Now let me tell you something about my weekend.

  I often read books, do housework and play sports on the weekend. But last Sunday was my grandma’s birthday. So I bought presents for my grandma on Satu

rday morning. Then I went to the bookstore in the afternoon. I like reading story-books. I found them very interesting. So I bought some story-books and a notebook. Then I went home.

  On Sunday morning I visited my grandparents with my parents. We went shopping together. In the afternoon we went fishing. We had a big dinner in the evening. After dinner, we watched TV together. We were very happy.

  I am going to Dongguan next weekend. I think it is going to be busy. I hope everyone can enjoy their weekends.

小学英语作文500字 篇六

  This afternoon I joined in the English Corner at the Wuyi Square. There I met Tom, an American boy. He was tall and cute, with blue eyes and brown hair. He was as old as I. We talked with each other for two hours. He told me that his parents had come to China on business. It so happened that he was on holidays. So he came with them.

  He was glad to see that so many Chinese children like English, and we agreed to keep in touch with each other later on. How happy I am to have made a new friend!




