
时间:2014-04-05 03:14:11
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小学生英语作文 篇一:My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is the panda. Pandas are native to China and are known for their distinctive black and white fur. They are also known for being gentle and lovable creatures.

One of the reasons why I love pandas is because they are so cute. Their round bodies and big eyes make them look like big stuffed animals. Whenever I see a picture or video of a panda, it instantly puts a smile on my face.

Another reason why I love pandas is because they are endangered. There are only about 1,800 pandas left in the wild, which makes them even more special. Many people are working hard to protect pandas and their habitats, and I think it's important to support those efforts.

Pandas mainly eat bamboo, which is a type of plant. They spend most of their time eating and can consume up to 40 pounds of bamboo each day! Even though they eat a lot, they are not very active animals. They spend most of their time sleeping or lounging around.

I have had the opportunity to see pandas in person at a zoo, and it was an amazing experience. They were so peaceful and beautiful to watch. I hope that one day I can visit China and see pandas in their natural habitat.

In conclusion, pandas are my favorite animal because they are cute, endangered, and unique. I admire their gentle nature and the efforts being made to protect them. I will continue to support panda conservation and spread awareness about these wonderful creatures.

小学生英语作文 篇二:My Dream Vacation

My dream vacation is to visit Disneyland in California. I have always been a big fan of Disney movies and characters, and I would love to experience the magic of Disneyland firsthand.

One of the reasons why I want to visit Disneyland is because of the exciting rides. There are roller coasters, water rides, and even a haunted mansion! I can imagine the thrill and excitement of going on these rides and experiencing the adrenaline rush.

Another reason why I want to visit Disneyland is to meet my favorite Disney characters. I would love to take pictures with Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, and all the other beloved characters. It would be a dream come true to see them in person and maybe even get their autographs.

In addition to the rides and characters, Disneyland also has amazing shows and parades. I have seen videos of the fireworks display and the nighttime parade, and they look absolutely spectacular. I can't wait to witness the magic and beauty of these performances.

Lastly, Disneyland is known for its delicious food and snacks. I would love to try the famous Mickey-shaped ice cream bars and the churros. I have heard that the food at Disneyland is not only tasty but also creatively designed to fit the theme of the park.

Overall, my dream vacation to Disneyland would be a magical and unforgettable experience. From the thrilling rides to the meet-and-greets with beloved characters, I can't wait to immerse myself in the world of Disney. I hope that one day I can turn my dream into a reality and create memories that will last a lifetime.

小学生英语作文 篇三

  The summer of the red summer has passed, then ushered in the fall of the fruits and vegetables everywhere. Autumn is Huang Chengcheng, autumn is red, autumn is purple surplus, autumn is orange orange.

  A fruit into the orchard, let you have a dazzling feeling. You see, that rouge-like apples, red so bright, red so cute, like a small bowls hanging in the branches, Shen Xun, and like a blossoming red clouds falling in the branches. You see, the apple is hiding in the leaves, can be really like a shy little girl. Look at a string of branches full of grapes, purple so crystal, purple so bright. Like a piece of bright gems, suffer by squeeze squeeze, dense, and like round yo ball. You look, that rice is yellow pear, yellow like a layer of gold powder, from afar, like a gourd hanging there, golden. Look at the side, that round and flat orange, how lovable, how orange ah, really like a small ball ... ... waves of autumn wind blowing, waves of fruit will be impinging, Qin into our heart and lungs So that we are relaxed and happy, three feet long. I and a small partner picked up a large basket of fruit, happily go home.

  Ah, beautiful orchards, charming orchards, intoxicated orchards, you bring us a bumper harvest, bring good, this autumn is still resident in the world.

小学生英语作文 篇四

  Not too long ago, I just celebrated my eleven-year-old birthday. I had a great time on that day. I received lots of gifts. All of them were my favorite, such as, lovely school bag, Grimm's Fairy Tales, fluffy teddy bear and delicious snacks. But my father gave me special present. It was a book named Stray Birds. I never heard of it. And it seemed not as interesting as my Grimm's Fairy Tales. My father told me that I would like it soon. It was such a special gift. I think I will love this special book.

小学生英语作文 篇五

  I have a pet and it is my dog .In my eyes ,he is my closest friend in the world .He is loyal and cute.When I am alone,he can play with me.When I feel sad ,he always touches my foot with his claws.Mostly after that ,I always feel better and more happy .It is all because of he.So,I love my dog and we are best friends .

小学生英语作文 篇六

  The maple leaf turned red. I heard the voice of little magpie making a house. I know that autumn is coming.

  Autumn is very good for flying kites. Because the wind is very big, very good, and ran up the whole body will not be neither hot nor cold, wet. I immediately called two aunt and aunt, to fly a kite nobel!

  At the best place, we chose the kite square of Lotus Hill Park, and we saw the big lawn. This matter should not be delayed., we bingfenlianglu. Aunt and I go to buy a kite, aunt and brother take place. In a short time we bought a kite like an eagle. After a rest, my aunt and I could't wait to rush to the open lawn with a kite.

  My aunt helped me to hold the kite. When I took the line tightly and loosely, the kite flew high. When the kite was so good, my Eagle fell off quickly when I was excited, and it fought with others. When we put him down, I was very happy to untie the knot, and ran tired and slept on the ground quietly. Looking at the kite all over the sky, I suddenly realized that we should not be too proud of doing things. We must stick to it. Otherwise, there will be no kite in the sky today.

  Gradually the sun to walk to the top, his face was burning red. Everyone is very happy on the lawn, but my brother is going to bed. We can't wait to get up and pack things ready to go home. On the way home, everyone kept boasting of his skill of flying kites. Slowly! The argument was drowned in our laughter.


