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小学英语获奖说课稿 篇一

Title: Teaching Demonstration of Award-Winning Primary School English Lesson


Hello everyone, I am honored to have the opportunity to share with you my award-winning teaching demonstration of a primary school English lesson. This lesson is designed for Grade 3 students and focuses on vocabulary building and sentence structure. Let's dive into the details of how I presented this lesson and engaged my students effectively.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Introduce new vocabulary related to animals and their habitats.

2. Practice using the new vocabulary in sentences.

3. Enhance students' speaking and listening skills through interactive activities.

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Start the lesson with a fun animal guessing game to activate students' prior knowledge.

- Show pictures of different animals and have students guess their names.

2. Vocabulary Introduction (10 minutes):

- Present new vocabulary words related to animals and their habitats, such as "lion," "jungle," "ocean," and "desert."

- Use flashcards, realia, and gestures to help students understand and remember the new words.

3. Sentence Building (15 minutes):

- Model how to use the new vocabulary in sentences, such as "The lion lives in the jungle" or "The dolphin swims in the ocean."

- Have students work in pairs to create their own sentences using the new vocabulary.

- Provide feedback and guidance to ensure students' understanding and accuracy.

4. Interactive Activities (15 minutes):

- Play a "Find the Habitat" game where students match animals to their correct habitats.

- Conduct a role-playing activity where students act out scenes in different habitats using the new vocabulary.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review key vocabulary and sentences learned in the lesson.

- Encourage students to practice using the new words in their daily conversations.


In conclusion, this teaching demonstration of a primary school English lesson successfully achieved its objectives of vocabulary building and sentence structure practice. By incorporating interactive activities and engaging students in meaningful language use, I created a fun and effective learning environment. Thank you for allowing me to share this award-winning lesson with you.

小学英语获奖说课稿 篇二

Title: Effective Strategies for Teaching Primary School English


Greetings, everyone! I am thrilled to present my award-winning strategies for teaching primary school English. As a dedicated educator, I have developed innovative and engaging methods to enhance students' language learning experience. Join me as I share some key strategies that have contributed to my success in the classroom.

Strategy 1: Utilizing Technology

Incorporating technology into English lessons can greatly enhance students' engagement and motivation. I use interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and online resources to create dynamic and interactive lessons. For example, I often use educational videos to introduce new vocabulary and grammar concepts, making learning more visual and memorable for students.

Strategy 2: Differentiated Instruction

Every student has unique learning needs and preferences. By implementing differentiated instruction strategies, I am able to cater to the diverse needs of my students. I provide varying levels of support and challenge, offer choice in assignments, and use flexible grouping to ensure that all students are able to learn at their own pace and in their own style.

Strategy 3: Real-World Connections

I believe that making real-world connections to English language learning is essential for students to see the relevance and importance of what they are learning. I often incorporate real-life scenarios, authentic materials, and cultural references into my lessons to help students understand how English is used in practical contexts. This not only enhances their language skills but also broadens their cultural awareness and global perspectives.

Strategy 4: Active Learning

Engaging students in active learning experiences is key to fostering language acquisition and retention. I incorporate a variety of hands-on activities, such as role-playing, group discussions, and project-based learning, to encourage students to actively participate in their own learning. By providing opportunities for students to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in authentic contexts, I help them develop their language skills in a meaningful way.


In conclusion, these effective strategies for teaching primary school English have been instrumental in creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment for my students. By utilizing technology, implementing differentiated instruction, making real-world connections, and promoting active learning, I have been able to foster a love for English language learning among my students. Thank you for allowing me to share these strategies with you, and I hope they inspire you in your own teaching practice.

小学英语获奖说课稿 篇三


  今天我说课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的PEP Primary English Book IV Unit 6 At a Farm.的第一课时,主要学习sheep, lamb, goat, cow, horse, hen六个新词。


  本节课是单词教学。它是在学生初步学习句型“How many……do you have?之后进行教学的。通过学习新词,感知句子What are they? They are….How many….为下节课的教学打下基础。本课时容量大,但难度不大,并受到学生的喜爱。




  (1)使学生能听、说、认、读sheep, lamb, goat, cow, horse, hen等单词。

  (2)初步感知:“What are they? They are…. How many….How many……”等句子,学生能听懂并理解其意思。


  (1)能听懂Let’s do中的指令并做出相应动作。如Shear a sheep.

  (2)能区分农场的动物, 培养学生灵活运用所学知识进行交流的能力。






  学习新词sheep, lamb, goat, cow, horse, hen, 能正确认读。


  培养学生合作学习的能力,同时注意培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 树立自信心。







  教育家托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所必须的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣,兴趣是推动学生学习的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的基础。激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。Well begun, half done. 精彩的课堂开头,往往给学生带来新意、亲切的感觉,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情景。

  因此,在热身的时候,首先让学生分角色演唱歌曲:“Old MacDonald had a farm”,这样的导入能很快吸引住学生,同时还渲染学生学习英语的良好气氛。


  学生在一个平等尊重的氛围中,他们的思维是放松的,敢于说、敢于参与教学。教师要真心诚意地把学生当成学习的主人,努力提高“导”的艺术,从而在教学中恰到好处地去启发、点拔、尽可能地给学生多一点思考的时间,多一点活动的余地,多一点表现自己的机会,这样才能使课堂氛围充满活力。因此,我在这个环节与学生进行朋友式的会话。It’s time for class. Are you ready ? Hello ! Boys and girls. How are you ? Nice to meet you. ? 不仅复习旧知识,还渲染学习英语的良好气氛。


  在小学英语课堂中使学生保持一种积极的紧张感,能够激发他们学习的外部动机,引发他们一系列的自主活动,促进外部动机向内部动机的转化。Today, we are going to learn“Unit 6. Att a Farm.”。 I’ll pide you into four groups . Which one is best, they’ll get the flag, OK? Now, Let’s start.于是我提出问题Do you like animals.引入学习主题,并通过挂图和音乐创设情景Let’s go to a farm. There are many animals自然引入新词的学习。在呈现新知时,我尤其注意小学生形象思维优于抽象思维的特点,通过对比,听音,看动作等不同的方式引出新词,给学生以深刻的第一印象。游戏所带来的乐趣会使每一位参与者保持一种积极的心态。游戏是儿童学习的一种重要途径,也是激发学生学习兴趣的最佳方法。正如苏霍姆林斯基指出:“如果用思考、情感、创造、游戏的`光芒来照亮儿童的学习,那么学习对于儿童来说是可以成为一件有趣的事情”。因此,在操练时,我首先进行一些机械的练习,如:“Listen, point and repeat. ”听音、指词、跟读,“Look and Guess”看口形、猜单词。同时,我更注意抓住小学生好动的特点,辅以全身反应法,如模仿动物的叫声,或与之相关的动作(挤牛奶)等有趣的活动,充分激发学生学习的兴趣。同时在学习生词时感知句型,做到“词不离句,句不离词”,重视对学生思维,观察能力的培养,特别是对学生合作学习能力的培养,让学生们们在师生,生生,小组等不同的合作方式中,学会倾听,学会评价,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。





小学英语获奖说课稿 篇四


  1. 教材内容

  本节教材重点围绕节日展开,围绕人们经常如何度过节日展开话题。本课时要求学生能掌握四个节日National Day, Halloween, Christmas, Spring Festival 及句型What do people usually do at …? I…并能自由交流如何度过假日。在本课中did引导的一般疑问句及回答也是新知之一。因为在前面第三单元己出现了be 动词的过去式,所以学生在学习的时候这方面比较容易掌握。


  本节课所选的教学内容是牛津小学英语6A Unit 6.本单元教学围绕节日展开。在询问节日这部分,学生已有了前面第三单元的知识铺垫,比较易于深入与扩展。这样的安排,既体现了教材循序渐进、由难到易的编排意思,又符合学生的知识水平和认知水平。关于人们如何度过节日这一话题,特别是西方的节日,则需要学生课后及时收集资料。在实际教学中,本课采用旧话题先教新句型,再用句型引新知的方式展开,这样既便于学生接受掌握,也体现了教学内容之间的连贯性。


  1. 教学目标


  学生能听、说、读短语及单词:visit relatives and friends , go to parties, dress up in costumes, ware masks , make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food , National Day, Christmas, Halloween, Spring Festival , favourite ; 能运用 When’s … ? What do people usually do at …? Did you…last …? Yes , I did./ No, I didn’t.等进行口语交际。



  2. 教学重难点



  1. 教法设计


  2. 学法指导


  3. 教学手段



  1.热身( Warm up)

  (1)宣布本节课的学习方式:小组竞赛。以座位分成四个参赛小组,按每个同学的课堂表现为本组加星,课末评出WINNER.然后,开始"每课一句",本节课所教授的句子是"Lite is long if you know how to use it."



  提供话题Birthday,师生自由交流,然后用"How do you spend your birthday?"引出本课的新句型"What do you do on your birthday?" 进而再导入" Did you … last birthday? "及回答。然后用Colour 话题引出句型My favourite …


  3.呈现、操练(Presentation, Practice)

  承接Colour话题,引出第一个节日:National Day.利用课件呈现中国国旗。教师引导的话如下:

  T:My favourite is red . Because Chinese flag is red . The main colour in China is red on important days. I love China , so I like red. I like red , because I’m from china. Do you like China? Do you like red now?

  S: Yes…

  T: Do you know my country’s birthday?

  S: The first of October.

  T: What holiday is on that day?

  S: National Day.


  接着用在谈论生日时所学的句型让学生谈论一下国庆节,使所学知识处于不断的滚动复习巩固之中。用Guess 猜下一个节日Halloween.猜出来后,利用谜面锻炼学生听与说的能力。



  在课中关注学生的注意力的放松。高输入量的学习会让学生很快有疲劳的感觉,从而降低学习效率。在此环节,设计了CHANT 和一段了解性文字的阅读,就是给学生创设了一段休息的时间。然后再根据高年级学生的英语阅读能力的培养需要,适时进行一篇短文阅读。

  圣诞节后进行春节的教学。用一封来自外国朋友的信引出春节。这是一个美国的朋友,她先介绍了一下人们如何过圣诞的情况,然后向中国的朋友问了三个有关春节的问题:What holiday is the popular holiday in China? When is it ? What do people do on that day? 教师让学生四人一组讨论后再反馈回答。


  4. 拓展、巩固(Extension , Consolidation)

  (1) Listen and number

  (2) Say out the holiday


  (3) Try your best



  5 课后作业(Homework)

  (1) Look and write

  (2) 用至少五句话介绍一个节日。


小学英语获奖说课稿 篇五

  Hello dear teachers and judges, today I’m going to talk about how to teach some words and sentences using clothes as an example .

  Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material


  From this lesson, the students will learn how to describe other’s clothes. The useful expression_rs and words can be used to describe others more freely and vividly. Therefore this lesson is an important portion of the teaching material.

  Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise the learning interests of students and it will also help to improve their spoken English.


  The Ss in Grade four have learned English for several years, but they still lack some learning strategies and their vocabularies are limited.


  The teaching aim is established according to the New Curriculum of Primary School English.

  1.Knowledge objects

  (1) To enable the students to understand and speak five new words and two sentence patterns: wear, shirt, T-shirt, dress, skirt. He’s wearing a… She’s wearing a…

  (2) To be able to describe someone else more freely.

  (3) To enlarge the Ss’ vocabulary.

  2. Ability objects

  (1) To develop the Ss’ speaking strategy.

  (2)To develop the Ss’ vocabulary strategy. (word guessing etc.)

  (3) To encourage the students cooperation amongst in their studies.

  3.Moral objects

  To arouse the students’ interest of learning English and to have them participate actively in language communication. To stimulate the students’ creativity .


  The teaching key and difficult points are based on the aims and demands.


  To grasp the five new words and two sentence patterns.


  1.Improve Ss’s speaking ability to describe others more freely

  2. Develop their lateral thinking through games .


  A Computer

  PART 2 Teaching Methods

  1. Student-centered teaching

  2. Task-based learning

  3. Communication through learning

  PART 3 Studying Ways

  Activity-based learning(inpidual work; pair work; group work; class work)

  Problem Analysis

  Teaching which appeals to learners’ needs can facilitate learning . It is necessary to investigate why the students were showing less and less interested , and devoting less and less effort. So interviews were held and questionnaires were issued. It is found that:

  a. Those poor learners report that , due to their lack of practice. They can’t complete sentences.

  b. Some students report that they are afraid of being laughed at by other students.

  c. Quite a number of students report that they are afraid of being criticized and thus withdraw from classroom activities.

  d. Some students aren’t interested in practicing speaking .

  Possible Solutions

  Taking the above factors into consideration, the following solutions were proposed:

  a. Employing interesting role work to help the students understand and learn new knowledge.

  b. Organizing interesting activities to motivate the students to speak more English in the oral lesson. Make the students have to speak so that they would be interested in speaking English .

  d. Encouraging the students to speak.

  4. Project objective

  Part Four Teaching Procedure

  Step 1 warm up

  to arouse Ss’ interest ,play a "colour song" on the computer, let the students become familiar with the phrase " Who’s wearing…"

  Step 2 Lead-in

  To introduce the new words and sentences ,I create a situation here, Sam and Amy are Australian children , they decide to buy some summer clothes because it’s getting hotter in their county. What will they buy?

  (purpose: To present the new words and increase students geographical knowledge at the same time)

  Step 3 practice

  After presentating the new words, the students need some activities to practice them. Students greatly welcome games. They can create a cheerful and light-hearted environment and arouse students’ interest in learning English. Games are considered one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency in language learning. So in this part, I will use a power point I prepared to play some games with the students:

  1. Let them try to memorize how many models are wearing a T- shirt/ shirt/ dress/skirt? 2

  2. How many models they can introduce by using the sentence in a limit time: He’s wearing a …/She’s wearing a…

  3. And the third game is to try to answer some questions according to the shadow pictures.

  4. Step 4 extension

  (to develop their creativity and speaking ability)

  Organize Ss into groups of four and discuss " how can you help them to find "the missing person(situation: a little child is lost in a shopping mall and he/she is trying to find his parent)

  Step 8 Homework

  Design a T-shirt , or some other clothes that you like.

小学英语获奖说课稿 篇六

  各位评委,下午好,我是今天的最后一位选手28号。请允许我最后一次和大家一起分享自己对这套人教版教材的教学思路和感想。这是一篇关于介绍家庭成员的阅读课I Love My Family,如图(课件)我的说课分为五个部分,说教材、说教法、说学法、说教学过程、说反思和评价。今天我以一年四季为背景来分别介绍。



  基于学情: 作为五年级上册的学生对英语阅读课并不陌生,也掌握一定的'词、句、段、章的知识积累和阅读能力。但作为阅读初学者,教师应侧重于具有针对性的阅读方法的指导、阅读能力的培养、语用意识的提高。

  基于教材:本教材是人教(新版)内容,学生之前对What’s your (his her) name? Who’s he? This is my father. He is a doctor.内容都有涉及,但仅限于单句的问答。因此,语言知识的整合,综合运用这些单句来进行语言交际是本节课关键。

  基于单元:本单元涉及的是关于职业的内容,主要涉及的知识内容有This is my father, he is a teacher.的自我介绍;What’s he? He is a doctor的职业问答;Who’s he ?He is my uncle的人称问答。能力要求有人称代词的熟练使用,以及能熟练介绍关于辈分、职业、愿望的自我介绍。

  基于本课:作为第一课时,从文本材料的要求just speak的提示来看,应该是整体理解和把握阅读文本,将支离破碎的知识点进行整合,开展阅读,从而达到语用。所以对辈分、职业等知识的展开和具体学习会在之后的课时中进行。所以教师在本节课中侧重对阅读能力的培养。





  A. 能够听、说、读、用句型:This is my mother . She is a tailor.


  in Class Two, Grade Five. On the left. On the right in the middle.

  C.能够正确意会、朗读Here’s a picture of my family. We look like each other. We’re twin brothers


  A.听: 能学会正确、仔细聆听文本、教师、同伴的回答,模仿并纠错。

  能听懂、交流What’s your name? What’s he? Who’s she?相关信息









  B.策略目标:认知策略 、阅读策略、交际策略 、语用策略


  能够听、说、读、用句型:This is my mother . She is a tailor.并在交际中加以替换。


  A.能够听、说、读定语短语和介词搭配: in Class Two, Grade Five. On the left. On the right in the middle.

  B. 能够正确意会、朗读Here’s a picture of my family. We look like each other. We’re twin brothers
















  4、合作学习法: 和同伴取长补短、互相帮助、互相学习。






  (1)快速热身,直切主题(教学in Class One, Grade Five)

  【设计意图】心理学研究表明学生注意力是细致观察, 良好记忆, 正确思维的重要条件。热身复习环节应充分吸引学生的眼球,让学生快速投入到本节课英语学习的氛围中。

  我采用了激情三部曲:第一步:快问快答,知识梳理:What’s your name? What’s his name? What’s her name? Who’s he? Who’s she?为下面的学习做好充分的准备。第二步:激情激趣,知识整合:在黑板上简笔画了一幅Lin画进行介绍:Her name is Lin. She’s ten. She’s from China. She’s a student in Class One, Grade Five (板书中突出大写、介词等细节知识),板书简单清楚的板眼了自我介绍的四个内容。第三部:轻松介绍,知识运用:在清晰的示范、幽默的简笔画中学生自我介绍name, age, nationality, job,在轻松自然中复习旧知的同时,学习了新知in Class One, Grade Five,可谓一举两得。



  A、任务之一:为Lin 找爸妈:(教学Here’s a picture of my family)


  (简笔画中补充lin 的眼泪)Lin can’t find her father and mother. Can you help her? Who’s her father and mother?出示三张不同的照片,展示出三个不同的短语:Here is a picture of black family. Here is a picture of white family. Here is a picture of yellow family.在为Lin找爸妈的任务中,不同家庭照片的出示,自然引出了Here’s a picture of my family。孩子们在观察和说的过程中表达Here is Lin’s father and mother.

  B.任务之二:描述lin’s family(教学This is my mother. She is a teacher. on the left ight in the middle)


  (简笔画中的Lin又恢复了笑脸)Lin’s happy. Lin has a happy family, She loves her family.

  (出示照片)教师引导:Who’s she ? ——This is my mother

  What’s she ? She can teach——She is a teacher.

  Where’s she? ——She is on the left

  同此,请学生来说出This is my mother. She is a teacher . She is on the left.

  This is me. I’m a student in Class One, Grade Five. I’m in the middle.

  This is my father. He is a doctor. He is on the right.

  开展自主探究式学习,巩固语音:egg——leg——left——on the left

  night——light——right——on the right

  miss——mid——middle——in the middle(提示in on)

  出示课题:I Love My Family.


  A、读前铺垫、总体把握:教学twin, Here’s a picture of my family. We look like each other.


  a.默读画圈:根据Lin的幸福家庭,自然引出了Tom的幸福家庭。要求学生默读短文,并划出Tom’s family member. 并回答How many people are the in there in Tom’s family?

  b.朗读划线: What’s Tom’s father? This is my father. He is a teacher.

  What’s Tom’s mother? This is my mother. She is a tailor.

  教师指导:She can make the clothes. She is a tailor.(教读单词)



  a.听力回答:listen and answer the question(作业纸)

  My name is Tom. I’m ten. I’m a student in Class Two, Grade Five.

  Her name is Mary. She’s nine. She is a student in Class One , Grade Three.

  b.阅读回答: Who’s the boy on the right?

  He’s my twin brother. We look like each other.(引导意会)


  d.合作学习:pair work(同桌互相学习,以此互相帮助和纠正朗读中存在的问题)




  1. This is Tom’s father. He is from China. ( )

  2. This is Tom’s mother. She is a tailor. ( )

  3. Tom and Mary are twins. ( )

  4. Tom has a happy family. ( )


  C. talk about Tom’s family. Tom has a family.



  A、口头模仿:拿出照片,进行小组合作group work。

  Tom has a happy family. He loves his family. Do you love your family?

  : I Love My Family.

  Here is a picture of my family. My name is . I’m . I’m a student of Class Grade .This is my . He is a . This is my She is . I have a family. We love each other.





  Homework: Choose As I Like.

  A、(必做)Listen, imitate and read. 听读短文,并大声模仿,直至流利朗读。

  B、(必做) Write your own composition, use the picture of your family.


  C、(选做)Write Mike’s composition, use the picture of his family.







