
时间:2014-03-08 01:34:40
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形容父亲的词语的英语 篇一

When it comes to describing my father, the first word that comes to mind is "dependable." He is always there for our family, ready to offer his support and guidance whenever we need it. Whether it's fixing a leaky faucet, providing advice on a tough decision, or simply lending an ear to listen, my father is the rock that we can always rely on.

Another word that perfectly captures my father is "hardworking." He has always been the breadwinner of our family, working long hours to provide us with everything we need. Despite the challenges and obstacles he faces, my father never gives up and always puts in his best effort to ensure that we have a comfortable life.

In addition to being dependable and hardworking, my father is also incredibly kind-hearted. He is always willing to help others in need, whether it's a neighbor who needs a hand with yard work or a stranger who requires assistance. My father's generosity knows no bounds, and he truly embodies the spirit of compassion and empathy.

Overall, my father can be best described as a pillar of strength, a role model, and a true hero. His unwavering dedication to our family, his tireless work ethic, and his compassionate nature make him a truly remarkable individual. I am grateful every day to have such an amazing father in my life.

形容父亲的词语的英语 篇二

When I think of words to describe my father, the first one that comes to mind is "wise." My father is a man of great wisdom, with a wealth of knowledge and experience that he generously shares with those around him. Whether it's offering advice on a difficult situation or imparting life lessons learned from his own experiences, my father's wisdom is invaluable and has guided me through many challenges in life.

Another word that perfectly embodies my father is "dedicated." He has always been devoted to our family, putting our needs above his own and working tirelessly to provide us with a comfortable and happy life. My father's dedication is unwavering, and his selfless sacrifices have not gone unnoticed by those who know and love him.

In addition to being wise and dedicated, my father is also incredibly patient. He has a calm and steady demeanor, even in the face of adversity, and always approaches challenges with a cool head and a positive attitude. My father's patience is a source of strength for our family, and his ability to remain composed in difficult situations is truly admirable.

In summary, my father is a man of wisdom, dedication, and patience. His guidance, his sacrifices, and his unwavering support have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am grateful for his presence in my life. My father is not just a parent, but also a mentor, a friend, and a source of inspiration. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing father.

形容父亲的词语的英语 篇三






  grateful,friend,good father,loving and faithful husband,fearless,brave








  和蔼可亲 心宽体胖 通情达理 饱经风霜





  任劳任怨 风度翩翩 老气横秋 大摇大摆

  精明能干 拙嘴笨舌 墨守成规 和蔼可亲、





  勤劳朴实、 父爱如山、起早贪黑

  任劳任怨、 多才多艺、 克勤克俭

  深明大义、见义勇为、 正直无私



  勤劳朴实、 父爱如山、起早贪黑


  正直无私 、足智多谋

  一、阿姑阿翁 阿:名词的前缀。姑:丈夫的母亲。翁:丈夫的父亲。指公公婆婆。

  二、如丧考妣 丧:死去;考:已死的父亲;妣:已死的母亲。好象死了父母一样地伤心。

  三、阿家阿翁 阿:助词,用在称呼的前头;家:通“姑”,丈夫的母亲;翁:丈夫的父亲。公公婆婆

  四、父债子还 父亲生前的`债务,由子女负责偿还。也指父辈的过错累及子女

  五、以荷析薪 《左传·昭公七年》:“古人有言曰:‘其父析薪,其子弗克负荷。’”原谓父亲劈柴,儿子不能承受担当。后以“以荷析薪”比喻继承父业。

  六、大杖则走 杖:木棍;走:逃跑。舜的父亲用大棍子打他时,他就逃走躲避,免陷父亲于不义。旧时宣扬的封建孝道。

  七、干父之蛊 干:承担,从事;蛊:事、事业。继承并能胜任父亲曾从事的事业。

  八、过庭之训 用以指父亲的教诲。

  九、父严子孝 父亲严格管教子女,子女依顺孝敬父亲。

  十、 诗礼之训 子女遵承父亲的教诲。

  十一、徒读父书 徒:只。父书:父亲之言论。白读父亲的兵书。比喻人只知死读书,不懂得运用知识,加以变通。

  十二、肯构肯堂 堂:立堂基;构:盖屋。原意是儿子连房屋的地基都不肯做,哪里还谈得上肯盖房子。后反其意而用之,比喻儿子能继承父亲的事业。

  十三、若丧考妣 〖解释〗丧:死去;考:父亲;妣:母亲。好象死了父母一样地伤心。

  十四、纪群之交 纪、群:人名,陈纪是陈群的父亲。比喻累世之交情。

  十五、认贼作父 把仇敌当作父亲。比喻甘心卖身投靠敌人。

  十六、鸡不及凤 鸡赶不上凤凰。比喻儿子不如父亲。

  十七、有其父必有其子 有什么样的父亲一定会有什么样的儿子。

  十八、知子莫若父 没有比父亲更了解儿子的了。

  十九、凤毛济美 旧时比喻父亲做官,儿子能继承父业。

  二十、拾带重还 相传唐宰相裴度少时游香山寺,拾得某妇人所遗下的三条宝带,这是她借来为父亲脱罪的,裴度守候着还了她。见宋丁用晦《芝田录·裴度》。后以喻拾到财物,物归原主,不占为己有。

  二十一、子为父隐 儿子帮父亲隐瞒恶迹。这是封建纲常礼教所提倡的。

  二十二、孤儿寡妇 死了父亲的孩子,死了丈夫的妇女。泛指失去亲人,无依无靠者。

  二十三、父为子隐 父亲为儿子隐藏劣迹。

  二十四、肯堂肯构 堂:立堂基;构:盖屋。原意是儿子连房屋的地基都不肯做,哪里还谈得上肯盖房子。后反其意而用之,比喻儿子能继承父亲的事业。


