
时间:2011-01-05 05:26:26
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考研英语范文推荐书目 篇一






考研英语范文推荐书目 篇二






考研英语范文推荐书目 篇三








除了以上几本书籍,我还建议考生多阅读英语写作方面的外文书籍,比如《Writing Academic English》、《The Elements of Style》等。这些书籍将帮助考生进一步了解英语写作的规范和技巧,提高自己的写作水平。


考研英语范文推荐书目 篇四

Weak: the trees are bare, the grass is brown, and the landscape looks monotonous. Revision: brown grass and bare trees form a monotonous landscape, or, bare, brown, spring green and weak: team members are good players. Revision: team members play well and are weak: a worker's plan is to eliminate tardiness.

Viewpoint: a worker's plan eliminates tardiness. There are weaknesses: no promotion opportunity revision: no promotion opportunity; weakness: This is your book order purpose: the book you ordered has reached a bad place: my supervisor walks through my desk better; my supervisor leisurely walks through my desk poor: she is a careful shopper: she compares price and quality very well Poor: the organization has the support of the charity. Better: the charity supports the weak organization: Biscuit we received a letter from your mother, which said my sister's chocolate and chocolate, which proves that we prefer your recommendation.

Redundant: we had a serious crisis at school yesterday. The chemistry laboratory was on fire. Improvement: we had a crisis at school yesterday Chemistry lab on fire superfluous: my sister and I bought the same clothes, the same clothes were proved in different stores: my sister and I bought the same clothes in different stores, weak: they would not agree to any of his proposals, any form of proposal, they would not agree to any of his suggestions weak: I need her financial input, then I can guess that we will An autumn spending improvement: I need her financial figures.

Before I estimate our spending next autumn, activit

ies are the only way to knowledge. It's better to be unborn than uneducated, because ignorance is the root of miortune. If a person takes his wallet out of his head and no one can take it away from him, investment in knowledge always brings the greatest benefit The root of breeding is painful, but the fruit is sweet.



考研英语范文推荐书目 篇五

Students, do you know why airplanes fly in the sky? Do you know how to call a person who is far away from each other? You don't know why computers can meet people all over the world through the Internet. If you want to know the answer, just look at the book _100000 whys_, which is very rich in content and interesting in knowledge, including knowledge of science, geography, history, etc It's not long to know it, but it's also equipped with a colorful image, that is, vivid and vivid. Let me give you a brief introduction to _what's the principle of the telephone_.

The first telephone was invented by American inventor bell in Edison. In order to make it simpler, the basic principle of the telephone is to use electromagnet to turn sound into electric current, Then, the sound is sent to the receiver receiving the voice through the current transmitter. There is a thin diaphragm microphone, which can be converted into pulse voice.

It is transmitted to the receiver through the wire. The receiver is also a piece of film. The electric pulse from the other side can make the diaphragm vibrate and produce vibration.

The vibration through the sound wave is almost the same as that of the other side. This is what we hear The principle of the telephone is like this. It's not easy to understand.

Since the invention of the telephone for many years, the function and performance of the telephone have become more and more perfect. It has a profound impact on people's life and brought a lot of convenience to people. Students, if you want to know more about extra-curricular knowledge, look at this book.

It's not only There are scientific principles and the mysteries of nature. I think the content of this book will be very attractive to you.


考研英语范文推荐书目 篇六

Hello everyone, I'm Li Hua. Today we gather here to elect the monitor of our class. You know, this is a democratic election.

Everyone has the right to vote for the person he thinks fit, including himself. As far as I know, everyone here has the ability to hold this position. But I think lily is the most qualified person you know, isn't she Ability becomes our mentor, and she is ready and willing to serve us and help our teachers.

In the past few years, what she has done for us, for our class and teachers, I believe you and our teachers have seen as clearly as I do. There is no need to say anything more to her. If you are not interested in her, please vote for her.

That's what I want to say. Thank you very much.




