
时间:2012-03-09 01:15:36
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国外小学英语作文范文初中 篇一:My Favorite Animal

I have always been fascinated by animals, but if I had to choose my favorite one, it would be the dolphin. Dolphins are incredibly intelligent and social creatures, and they are also known for their playful nature.

Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. They are known for their sleek bodies, which are designed perfectly for swimming. Dolphins have a streamlined shape, a dorsal fin on their back, and a powerful tail that propels them through the water. They can swim at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour!

One of the things that I love most about dolphins is their intelligence. They are known to be one of the smartest animals on Earth. Dolphins have a complex communication system and are able to understand and respond to human commands. They can also solve puzzles and learn new tasks quickly.

Another reason why I love dolphins is their social nature. They live in groups called pods, and they are very social animals. Dolphins communicate with each other using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements. They also work together when hunting for food, which is really fascinating to me.

Dolphins are also known for their playful behavior. They love to swim and jump out of the water, often performing acrobatic tricks. They have even been known to ride the waves created by boats, which is called bow-riding. It is always a joy to watch dolphins in their natural habitat, showing off their incredible agility and grace.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animal because of their intelligence, social nature, and playful behavior. They are truly amazing creatures that deserve our admiration and protection. I hope to have the opportunity to see them up close in the future and learn even more about these fascinating animals.

国外小学英语作文范文初中 篇二:My Dream Vacation

If I could go on my dream vacation, I would choose to visit Paris, France. Paris is known as the "City of Love" and has always been a dream destination for me.

One of the main reasons why I want to visit Paris is to see the famous Eiffel Tower. It is an iconic symbol of the city and one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world. I would love to climb to the top of the tower and admire the breathtaking view of the city.

Another attraction that I would love to visit in Paris is the Louvre Museum. It is the largest art museum in the world and is home to thousands of famous artworks, including the Mona Lisa. I have always been interested in art, and I would be thrilled to see these masterpieces up close.

Paris is also known for its delicious food and pastries. I would love to try authentic French cuisine, such as croissants, escargots, and crème br?lée. I would also enjoy strolling through the charming streets of Paris and visiting local cafes and bakeries.

Furthermore, I would love to explore the history and culture of Paris. I would visit famous landmarks such as the Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles. I would also take a boat ride along the Seine River and enjoy the beautiful architecture and scenery.

Lastly, I would love to experience the romantic atmosphere of Paris. I would take a leisurely walk along the banks of the Seine River, visit the famous Love Lock Bridge, and enjoy a romantic dinner at a cozy restaurant. Paris is known for its romantic ambiance, and I would love to soak up the atmosphere.

In conclusion, my dream vacation would be to visit Paris, France. I would love to see the Eiffel Tower, visit the Louvre Museum, try delicious French cuisine, explore the history and culture of the city, and experience the romantic atmosphere. Paris has always been a dream destination for me, and I hope to visit it someday.

国外小学英语作文范文初中 篇三

My favorite festival is on the twenty-fifth of December. It’s Christmas. It’s very important in our school. It’s a happy day for many students. We hold some activities to celebrate on Christmas Eve. On that day, we can wear Christmas hats and masks. All of the students play games in the campus. The teachers give us some sweets and biscuits. We can eat potato chips in the dinning hall as well. At night, we are excited. It ’s a time for holding a party. Boys and girls go to playground together. We can sing

and dance. When we come back to the classroom, a teacher acts the Santa Claus to sends Christmas presents to us. We have a lot of fun. So I like Christmas best. 圣诞节


国外小学英语作文范文初中 篇四

My school life is very busy. In the morning, I get up at twenty to seven. I do morning exercises with my classmates everyday. After that, I read English for thirty minutes. I have breakfast at a quarter to eight. Then I have four classes. During the time, I can have a rest for forty minutes. I usually play with my good friends in the playground. At midday I have lunch at school’s dinning hall. There are many kinds of dishes there. They are delicious but I like potatoes best. In the afternoon, I have three classes. Then I have an activity lesson. I like playing badminton. I love my school. I have many good friends here. My teachers are amiable just like my friends. At Howell primary school, my life is full of joy and enrichment.


国外小学英语作文范文初中 篇五

My School

For many kids, they don’t like to go to school, because they want to play all the time, but for me, I like study very much. I like to go to school. When I walk in the campus, I feel so exc

ited. I can learn much knowledge and make friends here. The life here is such wonderful for me. I am full of passion.


国外小学英语作文范文初中 篇六

My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.


