
时间:2011-01-06 06:37:15
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小学三年级写英语老师的作文 篇一

My English Teacher

My English teacher is a wonderful person. She is kind, patient, and always encourages us to do our best. I am grateful to have such an amazing teacher.

Mrs. Johnson is her name. She has been teaching English to third graders for many years. She has a warm smile and a friendly voice that makes learning enjoyable. Whenever I have a question or need help, she is always there to assist me. She never gets frustrated, even when I make mistakes. Instead, she helps me understand the correct way and motivates me to keep trying.

Mrs. Johnson uses various teaching methods to make sure we understand the lessons. We often play games, sing songs, and watch educational videos in class. These activities make learning English fun and engaging. She also assigns us interesting homework and projects that allow us to apply what we have learned. I especially enjoy the storytelling activities where we get to create our own stories and share them with the class.

Furthermore, Mrs. Johnson is not just a teacher, but also a friend. She listens to our stories, jokes, and sometimes even our worries. She creates a safe and comfortable environment where we can express ourselves freely. I appreciate her genuine care and concern for each of her students.

In conclusion, my English teacher, Mrs. Johnson, is an exceptional educator. Her kindness, patience, and dedication make her the perfect teacher for our class. I am lucky to have her as my English teacher, and I will always remember the valuable lessons she has taught me.

小学三年级写英语老师的作文 篇二

My Favorite English Class

English class is my favorite subject, and it's all thanks to my amazing English teacher, Mr. Smith. He is the most fun and energetic teacher I have ever had.

Mr. Smith always starts the class with a warm greeting and a big smile. He knows how to make us feel excited about learning English. He often uses interactive activities and games to teach us new vocabulary and grammar. We play word puzzles, memory games, and even act out different scenarios to practice speaking. These activities not only help us remember the lessons but also make the class enjoyable.

Another thing I love about Mr. Smith's class is his storytelling. He tells us fascinating stories in English and encourages us to do the same. We take turns sharing our own stories, which allows us to practice speaking and improve our language skills. Sometimes, we even write our stories down and create a class book. It's so much fun to see our stories come to life in a book!

Moreover, Mr. Smith is always there to help us. He patiently explains difficult concepts and encourages us to ask questions. He creates a supportive learning environment where we feel comfortable making mistakes and learning from them. He often says, "Mistakes are proof that you are trying!" This motivates us to keep practicing and improving our English skills.

In conclusion, my English class with Mr. Smith is the best. His enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication to teaching make every lesson exciting and enjoyable. I am grateful to have such an incredible teacher who inspires me to love English and become a better learner.

小学三年级写英语老师的作文 篇三




小学三年级写英语老师的作文 篇四






小学三年级写英语老师的作文 篇五





小学三年级写英语老师的作文 篇六


走到校门口,只见门外坐着一位一年级的同学,我走上前一看,原来,这位同学在路上不小心被一块石头绊了一跤,腿上摔破了一大块皮呢!这时,有一位刚进校门的老师,看到了这位同学的情况 ,马上调头回来,把这位同学扶去了医务室。









