
时间:2014-05-08 07:34:32
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Yunnan's Local Specialty: A Taste of Heaven

篇一:Yunnan's Local Specialty: A Taste of Heaven

Yunnan province, located in the southwestern part of China, is not only known for its breathtaking landscapes but also for its unique and diverse local specialties. From exotic fruits to aromatic teas, Yunnan's local products are a true reflection of its rich cultural heritage and natural abundance.

One of the most famous local specialties in Yunnan is Pu'er tea. Grown in the southern part of the province, Pu'er tea has a long history dating back over 1,700 years. It is known for its distinct flavor and health benefits. Pu'er tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which are fermented and aged to develop its unique taste. The tea is often enjoyed with traditional Yunnan snacks, such as crispy fried tofu and rose-flavored pastries. The combination of the earthy tea and savory snacks is a true delight for the senses.

Another local specialty that Yunnan is proud of is Xuanwei ham. Originating from Xuanwei county, this dry-cured ham is renowned for its rich flavor and tender texture. The secret to its exceptional taste lies in the unique climate and water quality of the region. The hams are carefully cured and aged for several months, resulting in a product that is loved by locals and tourists alike. Xuanwei ham is often used in Yunnan cuisine, adding a savory and smoky flavor to dishes such as hot pot and stir-fried vegetables.

Yunnan is also known for its wide variety of fresh fruits. The province's mild climate and fertile soil provide the perfect conditions for growing fruits such as strawberries, passion fruits, and dragon fruits. These fruits are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Many local farmers in Yunnan have embraced organic farming practices, ensuring that these fruits are grown without the use of harmful chemicals. Visitors to Yunnan can enjoy these fresh fruits in local markets or even pick them directly from the farms.

In addition to these food specialties, Yunnan is also famous for its handicrafts and traditional medicines. The province is known for its intricate embroidery, beautiful silverware, and unique handmade paper. Traditional medicine practices, such as herbal remedies and acupuncture, have been passed down through generations in Yunnan. Visitors can explore local markets and shops to find these exquisite handicrafts and traditional medicines, which make great souvenirs to take back home.

Yunnan's local specialties not only satisfy the taste buds but also offer a glimpse into the province's rich cultural heritage. From the earthy flavors of Pu'er tea to the smoky taste of Xuanwei ham, these local products are a testament to the province's commitment to preserving its traditions and natural resources. Exploring Yunnan's local specialties is truly a journey of flavors and a feast for the senses. Come and experience the taste of heaven in Yunnan!

篇二:Discovering Yunnan's Local Specialty: A Journey of Flavors

Yunnan province, located in the southwestern part of China, is a treasure trove of local specialties that are as diverse as its landscapes. From delectable snacks to unique spices, Yunnan's local products offer a culinary adventure that is sure to delight any food lover.

One of the most popular local specialties in Yunnan is the famous Yunnan rice noodle. Made from high-quality rice flour, these noodles are known for their silky texture and delicate flavor. Yunnan rice noodles come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from thin vermicelli to thick and chewy noodles. The most famous dish made from Yunnan rice noodles is "Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles," which consists of a hot broth served with a variety of fresh ingredients such as thinly sliced meats, vegetables, and herbs. This dish not only satisfies the taste buds but also showcases the unique culinary traditions of Yunnan.

Another local specialty that Yunnan is proud of is the Yunnan wild mushroom. With its diverse ecosystems and favorable climate, Yunnan is home to a wide variety of mushrooms that are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. From the famous matsutake mushroom to the rare and expensive truffle, Yunnan's wild mushrooms are sought after by chefs and food enthusiasts around the world. These mushrooms are often used in Yunnan cuisine, adding a unique earthy flavor to dishes such as stir-fried mushrooms and mushroom hot pot.

Yunnan is also famous for its unique spices and seasonings. One of the most notable spices is the Yunnan pepper, also known as Sichuan pepper. Unlike regular black or white pepper, Yunnan pepper has a citrusy and numbing flavor that adds a distinctive kick to dishes. It is often used in Yunnan's famous spicy hot pot and also in dry rubs for grilled meats. Another popular seasoning is the Yunnan ham powder, which is made from cured ham and adds a rich and savory taste to soups and stir-fried dishes. These spices and seasonings are a testament to Yunnan's rich culinary heritage and its love for bold flavors.

Apart from these food specialties, Yunnan is also known for its unique beverages. One of the most famous is the "Three-Course Tea," which consists of three different types of tea served in succession. The first tea is bitter, the second is sweet, and the third is a combination of the two. This tea ceremony is not only a sensory experience but also a cultural tradition that represents the harmony between bitter and sweet in life. Yunnan is also home to a wide variety of herbal teas, such as chrysanthemum tea and rose tea, which are believed to have various health benefits.

Exploring Yunnan's local specialties is not just about satisfying the taste buds but also about immersing oneself in the province's rich cultural heritage. From the delicate flavors of Yunnan rice noodles to the unique spices and seasonings, Yunnan's local products offer a true culinary adventure that is sure to leave a lasting impression. So come and embark on a journey of flavors in Yunnan, and discover the diverse and delicious world of Yunnan's local specialties.

写云南家乡特产范文英语 篇三

Torch Festival - Yunnan national tourism festival, is the Torch Festival in Yunnan to the Yi, Bai mainly of the oldest traditional festival, the Torch Festival of Yunnan in the annual Lunar New Year is usually June 24 or 25. Torch Festival on the origins of Yunnan Province, Yunnan has a variety of folk legends, the Yi people in Yunnan is the main ancient legend, a demon Weihuo the world, the name of a packet-tsung of the Warriors fight the devil, wrestling them to be the outcome, the three-day battle Three nights sentiment must compare.

So the people Tanzhe sanxian, blowing Duandi, clapping Duojiao cheering for the Warriors, the Warriors finally defeat the demon. The devil angry, release all kinds of pests to spoil people kind of hard to crops. People also gathered with lit torches to burn a pest, the last of the pests all burned to death, that day happened to be June 24.

To commemorate this victory, each of these days, Yunnan's people to kill a chicken Zaiyang, the Torch Festival held various activities. Reflects the Torch Festival of Yi people in Yunnan defying brutal force for the struggle against the spirit of a happy life.

My hometown is a remote south yunnan province town - GongHeXian, it is famous hometown. My hometown is the beauty of mountains, where water show live yi, haney, yao, dai minority. My hometown is well-known for tropical fruit has a banana, litchi, mango, watermelon...

写云南家乡特产范文英语 篇四

At the foot of Yulong(Jade Dragon)Snow Mountain in northwesternYunnan Province is the ancient town of Lijiang. In the remote already inhabited with tribal people. In i 253 , Kublai Khan,the Mongol chief,stationed his troops here on his southward march to conquer the State of Dali. For the next 500 years,to the early days of the Qing Dynasty、the place was ruled by a herditary succession of chieftains from the Mu clan of the Naxi people、under the jurisdiction of the imperial court.

Lijiang is a mystical and beautiful town on the center of Lijiang valley,2 410 meters above sea level,with about 25 000 residents on an area of 3 .8 square kilometers. It is the gateway to northwest Yunnan No. 214 National Road runs through the city to Tibet in the north or to Dali City in the south , capital of the autonomous prefecture.

The inhabitants of Lijiang are mainly of Naxi minority .and the city is the only autonomous city of the nationality. It has long been known world wide for its grandiose snow clad mountain,the steep gorge,the elegant Mt. Laojun,the clean Lugu Lake,and the colorful and various customs of the minorities. The outside world is surprised by its ancient and simple sense of'‘identity of Heaven and Man_ and its protound and excenent cunure,amazed by the ancestors of the minorities who built a city without a wall on the beautiful land of Lijiang at this southwest frontier. In December of 1997,World Heritage Committee registered it on World Heritage List,and this“city forgotten gods_ was since unveiled to the world with its oriental mystery and charm like pearl hidden among the mountains

写云南家乡特产范文英语 篇五

torch festival - yunnan national tourism festival, is the torch festival in yunnan to the yi, bai mainly of the oldest traditional festival, the torch festival of yunnan in the annual lunar new year is usually june 24 or 25. torch festival on the origins of yunnan province, yunnan has a variety of folk legends, the yi people in yunnan is the main ancient legend, a demon weihuo the world, the name of a packet-tsung of the warriors fight the devil, wrestling them to be the outcome, the three-day battle three nights sentiment must compare.

so the people tanzhe sanian, blowing duandi, clapping duojiao cheering for the warriors, the warriors finally defeat the demon. the devil angry, release all kinds of pests to spoil people kind of hard to crops. people also gathered with lit torches to burn a pest, the last of the pests all burned to death, that day happened to be june 24. to commemorate this victory, each of these days, yunnans people to kill a chicken zaiyang, the torch festival held various activities. reflects the torch festival of yi people in yunnan defying brutal force for the struggle against the spirit of a happy life.

my hometown is a remote south yunnan province town - gongheian, it is famous hometown. my hometown is the beauty of mountains, where water show live yi, haney, yao, dai minority. my hometown is well-known for tropical fruit has a banana, litchi, mango, watermelon...

写云南家乡特产范文英语 篇六

South is the province with the largest number of ethnic, apart from the Han, is inhabited by 26 people and the minority population of the province accounted for nearly one-third of the total population. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can enjoy the national and culture and nowhere else

Flowers of the town: Yunnan is known as _Kingdom of plants_ said. Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rhododendron, Primula, camellia, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, let alone the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan eight flowers: camellias, azaleas, Magnolia, primrose, lily flower, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, here is an ocean of flowers. Mountain bamboo forests, lush bamboo shoots.

Karst: Eastern Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of erosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area.

Tropical rain forest: Xishuangbanna is located in the northern regression line to the south edge of the tropical north, the tropical monsoon climate, year-round warm, sunny, rainy and humid is Tropic of cancer of the earth desert line with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is the most complete, the most typical, area of the largest area, is now the earth on rare animal and plant gene pool, was hailed as one of the earth's natural wonders.


