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英语作文范文有多少分 篇一

The Importance of English Essay Samples

In the field of English language learning, essay writing plays a crucial role in assessing students' language proficiency and critical thinking skills. As a result, English essay samples have become an essential resource for both teachers and students. However, the question remains: how should we evaluate the quality of these essay samples? In this article, we will discuss the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of English essay samples.

Firstly, a good English essay sample should demonstrate a clear structure and organization. It should have a well-defined introduction, body paragraphs that present coherent arguments, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points. The essay should flow smoothly from one paragraph to another, with logical transitions between ideas. This shows that the writer has a strong grasp of essay structure and can effectively convey their thoughts.

Secondly, the content of the essay should be relevant and engaging. It should demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic and present insightful analysis. The writer should provide evidence to support their arguments, whether it is through personal experiences, research findings, or examples from literature. This shows that the writer has done thorough research and has a strong command of the subject matter.

Thirdly, a good English essay sample should showcase the writer's language proficiency. The use of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure should be accurate and appropriate. The writer should also demonstrate a wide range of language skills, such as using figurative language, employing rhetorical devices, and incorporating varied sentence patterns. This shows that the writer has a strong command of the English language and can effectively convey their ideas.

Lastly, a good English essay sample should have a clear and concise writing style. The writer should avoid excessive wordiness and use precise language to convey their thoughts. The essay should be easy to read and understand, with a clear focus and purpose. This shows that the writer can effectively communicate their ideas and engage the reader.

In conclusion, the quality of English essay samples can be assessed based on several criteria. These include the structure and organization of the essay, the relevance and engagement of the content, the writer's language proficiency, and the clarity and conciseness of the writing style. By evaluating these aspects, teachers and students can determine the effectiveness of the essay samples and use them as a valuable resource for language learning and improvement.

英语作文范文有多少分 篇二

The Role of Feedback in Assessing English Essay Samples

In the realm of English language learning, providing feedback on essay samples plays a crucial role in helping students improve their writing skills. Effective feedback not only helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses but also guides them towards making meaningful revisions. In this article, we will explore the importance of feedback in assessing English essay samples.

Firstly, feedback helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses in writing. By providing specific comments on areas such as organization, coherence, and language usage, teachers can highlight the aspects that students excel in and those that need improvement. This helps students gain a better understanding of their writing abilities and motivates them to work on their weaknesses.

Secondly, feedback provides guidance for making revisions. Instead of simply pointing out mistakes, effective feedback offers suggestions for improvement. For example, if a student's essay lacks coherence, the teacher can suggest using transitional words or rearranging the paragraphs. This allows students to see concrete ways to enhance their writing and encourages them to actively engage in the revision process.

Thirdly, feedback promotes self-reflection and critical thinking. By reading comments and suggestions from their teachers, students are encouraged to think critically about their own writing and consider alternative approaches. This helps them become more independent learners and equips them with the skills to assess and improve their own writing even without the presence of a teacher.

Lastly, feedback fosters a supportive learning environment. When students receive constructive feedback, they feel valued and supported in their language learning journey. They become more willing to take risks and experiment with their writing, knowing that their efforts will be acknowledged and guided. This creates a positive classroom atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing their ideas and engaging in the writing process.

In conclusion, feedback plays a vital role in assessing English essay samples. It helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses, guides them in making revisions, promotes self-reflection and critical thinking, and fosters a supportive learning environment. By providing effective feedback, teachers can empower students to become better writers and help them achieve higher levels of language proficiency.

英语作文范文有多少分 篇三

Tis is a bar chart which gives/compares information/statistics about/on ….


注:gives information about...也可以替换为较直白的displays proportions of...。

例句:This is a bar chart which compares information on college graduates’s choices in 2013 and 2018.(2019)


英语作文范文有多少分 篇四




1. 标题所提示的这是一副什么样的图。2.对于这幅图的细致描述。



pie chart (柱状图:bar graph;表格:table) illustrates

various purposes of student's reading on mobile phones in a certain university

.(题目经常有某校、某市,这个某就用certain好了) In the chart,

learning knowledge has the largest proportion, accounting for

. Next come

killing time and acquiring information with and 17% respectively. By contrast,

percent of students read on the mobile phones for other reasons. (黑体字可以当作固定模版)

(只要是占比类,你就按照这个格式套就没问题,占比最多的,用一个陈述句式,接着来个倒装把第二第三的说了,最后再来个陈述句式,把排在最后的说了。如果像2018年那样有五个怎么办?很简单,加个and就好了, percent of students read on the mobile phones for other reasons, and percent of......)



Undoubtedly, the chart indicates a common

campus phenomenon that

most students make optimum use of

mobile reading to

study and

entertain themselves. Several reasons may account for this situation. For one thing, in consideration of

the weight of paper books , students need particular electronic instruments to study with efficiency and convenience. For another, in order to

reduce excessive stress , mobile reading also provides

a new entertaining way to alleviate student’s pressure that comes with examinations. (黑体字可以当作素材积累)

(当然,也有一些万能的原因,比如:The rapid development of China's economy has already brought a great fortune to its

citizens, which enables them to

purchase smartphones. Based on the fact that economic foundation determines superstructure, people are inclined to study and entertain themselves

by cellphones. 当然这种切题度不够,只适合完全对写作没有自信的同学。)


From my point of view, students’ growing demand for

mobile learning, together with the expansion of the whole industry, has contributed to the phenomenon shown in the chart and the above analysis has unsurprisingly indicated a further rise in the figure of

phone learners.(黑体字可以当作素材积累)

英语作文范文有多少分 篇五

factors account for this situation.


main factors contributing to (responsible for) this phenomenon can be summarized as follows.


are at least three fundamental causes accounting for this change.


tendency can be traced back to (attributed to) three major factors.


marked changes relate closely to________.


dramatic change is the joint effects of______,______and______ .


7This finding is not strange, since______.


accounts for this scene? At least three factors contribute to it.


are many factors contributing to this phenomenon, but in general, they may come down to two major ones.


英语作文范文有多少分 篇六








