About Myself初中英语作文【精彩3篇】

时间:2019-03-06 05:13:49
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About Myself初中英语作文 篇一

Hello, everyone! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Li Xiaoyu, and I am a 14-year-old girl. I come from a small city in China called Chengdu. Today, I would like to share a few things about myself.

Firstly, I love reading. Books have always been my best friends. They take me to different worlds and help me explore new ideas and perspectives. My favorite genres are science fiction and mystery novels. Whenever I have free time, you can find me curled up on the sofa, engrossed in a captivating story.

Secondly, I am passionate about sports, especially swimming. I have been practicing swimming since I was six years old. It not only helps me stay fit but also teaches me discipline and perseverance. I have participated in several swimming competitions and even won a few medals. Swimming is not just a hobby for me; it is a way of life.

Besides my hobbies, I am also a diligent student. I am currently studying in the eighth grade of Chengdu Middle School. My favorite subjects are English and Mathematics. I find English fascinating because it allows me to communicate with people from all over the world. Mathematics, on the other hand, challenges me to think logically and solve problems creatively. I always strive for excellence in my studies and aim to be at the top of my class.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I am an active member of my school's volunteer club. We regularly organize events and activities to help the less fortunate in our community. It gives me great satisfaction to be able to contribute and make a positive impact on others' lives.

In conclusion, I am a bookworm, a swimmer, a dedicated student, and a compassionate volunteer. These aspects of my life shape my personality and help me grow as an individual. I believe that by pursuing my passions and striving for excellence, I can make a difference in the world.

About Myself初中英语作文 篇二

Greetings, everyone! My name is Wang Ming, and I am delighted to share a little bit about myself with you today. I am a 15-year-old student studying at Beijing Middle School.

Firstly, I have a keen interest in music. Ever since I was a child, I have been captivated by the beautiful melodies and harmonies created by musicians. I play the piano and have been taking lessons for the past six years. Music allows me to express myself and provides me with a sense of tranquility and joy. Whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed, sitting down at the piano and playing my favorite tunes helps me relax and unwind.

Secondly, I am an avid traveler. Exploring new places and immersing myself in different cultures fascinate me. I have been fortunate enough to visit several countries, including the United States, Australia, and Japan. Each trip has broadened my horizons and taught me valuable life lessons. I believe that traveling not only helps us understand the world better but also enables us to appreciate the beauty of diversity.

Aside from my hobbies, I am also a dedicated student. I strive to excel in my studies and set high goals for myself. My favorite subjects are English and History. I enjoy learning about different cultures and discovering how historical events have shaped the world we live in today. I believe that education is the key to unlocking our potential and creating a better future.

Furthermore, I am actively involved in extracurricular activities at school. I am a member of the school choir and have performed in various concerts and competitions. Singing brings me immense joy, and being part of a team allows me to collaborate and connect with others who share the same passion.

In conclusion, I am a music enthusiast, an avid traveler, a dedicated student, and a passionate singer. These aspects of my life contribute to my personal growth and shape my identity. I believe that by pursuing my passions and embracing new experiences, I can continue to learn and evolve as an individual.

About Myself初中英语作文 篇三

About Myself初中英语作文

  i’m a primary school student in taiyuan. my name is wang fei. i’m twelve years old. all my teachers are very friendly to me and i like them all.

  i’m a tall girl. i have long black hair and big bright eyes. all my classmates say i’m pretty.

  my favorite sport is ping-pong. i often watch ping-pong games on tv. i like listening to music. i’m good at playing the piano. i want to be a pianlist when i grow up.

  i also like reading all kinds of books. i can learn a lot from books. reading helps to open my eyes. books are really my best friends. they will lead me to a bright future.

About Myself初中英语作文【精彩3篇】

