
时间:2018-05-07 08:29:25
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小学生英语作文 篇一

My Favorite Animal

I have always been fascinated by animals, but there is one animal that holds a special place in my heart - the panda. The panda is a unique and adorable creature, and I would like to share with you why it is my favorite animal.

Firstly, pandas are incredibly cute. With their round bodies, black and white fur, and big eyes, they look like living teddy bears. Whenever I see a picture or video of a panda, it instantly brings a smile to my face. I love how they clumsily walk and play, making them even more endearing.

Secondly, pandas are peaceful animals. They spend most of their time eating bamboo, and rarely engage in aggressive behavior. I admire their calm and gentle nature. It reminds me to always strive for peace and harmony in my own life.

Another reason why I love pandas is because they are endangered. There are fewer than 2,000 pandas left in the world, and they need our help to survive. I believe it is important for us to protect and conserve these magnificent creatures, as they play a vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.

Lastly, pandas have a special cultural significance. They are considered a national treasure in China, and are often seen as a symbol of peace and friendship. As a Chinese student, I feel proud to have such a unique and beloved animal representing my country.

In conclusion, the panda is my favorite animal because of its cuteness, peaceful nature, endangered status, and cultural significance. I hope that more people will become aware of the importance of protecting these amazing creatures, so that future generations can also enjoy their presence in our world.

小学生英语作文 篇二

My Favorite Hobby

Everyone has a hobby that they enjoy doing in their free time. For me, my favorite hobby is reading. Reading not only helps me relax, but also broadens my knowledge and imagination.

Firstly, reading allows me to escape into different worlds and experience new adventures. Whether it's diving into a fantasy realm filled with magical creatures or exploring the depths of the ocean with a marine biologist, books take me on incredible journeys without leaving the comfort of my own home. This stimulates my imagination and helps me develop a creative mind.

Secondly, reading helps me learn about different cultures and perspectives. Through books, I can gain a better understanding of people from different backgrounds and places. It opens my mind to new ideas and ways of thinking, which is essential for personal growth.

Furthermore, reading improves my vocabulary and language skills. As I encounter new words and phrases, I make an effort to understand their meanings and usage. This not only enhances my communication skills, but also helps me excel in other subjects at school, such as English and writing.

Lastly, reading is a form of relaxation for me. In our fast-paced world, it's important to take some time to unwind and recharge. Curling up with a good book allows me to escape from the stresses of everyday life and enter a peaceful state of mind.

In conclusion, reading is my favorite hobby because it transports me to new worlds, broadens my knowledge, improves my language skills, and provides a much-needed escape from reality. I encourage everyone to pick up a book and discover the joy and benefits of reading.

小学生英语作文 篇三

  林老师是教我一年级时的英语老师。她有一头乌黑的秀发,像瀑布一样垂在肩上。她的笑容像巧克力一样甜蜜,让人心中暖暖的。她温柔又美丽,是我心中最美的老师老师上课生动有趣,声情并茂。 她没有像其他老师那样批评我们,让我们罚抄,但我们都像中了魔咒似的乖乖听命。有人表现不好了,上课不听讲了,林老师总是轻轻望他们一眼,那美丽明亮的大眼睛仿佛能说明一切。她长长的睫毛 微微颤动,让人不忍心打破她清澈眸子中的宁静。到了二年级,林老师走了。听说是去英国留学了,我真是悲喜交集喜的是林老师有了出国深造的机会,悲的是我再也见不到林老师了。林老师,是您为 我打开了英语知识大门。我会永远记得您。

小学生英语作文 篇四

  我们的英语老师的外表往往我觉得很吓人,因为他的脸色发青, 头发长长的,还经常穿绿色的衣服和鞋子,所以我觉得非常吓人。最后我才知道我们班上大部分的同学也觉得英语老师吓人。我们班很多人都喊她"魔鬼老师",我认为这样是对老师不尊敬,但这是我们自己的想法。


小学生英语作文 篇五

  今天英语考试了,我得了88分,这是我第一次英语考试。我们班的好多小朋友考了90多分,陈思润是100分呢!其实我错的一个地方“Stand up,please。”我会,但我没看清楚,我有点粗心,下次我要努力争取得100分。

小学生英语作文 篇六

  My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much. I dislike sports because I'm not strong. It's hard for me.


  I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy every day.



