
时间:2015-06-03 07:24:17
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野餐英语作文 篇一

Title: A Fun-filled Picnic

Last weekend, my friends and I had a wonderful picnic in the park. It was a sunny day with a gentle breeze, perfect for outdoor activities. We decided to make our picnic a fun-filled English learning experience, so we brought along some language learning games and activities.

To start off, we divided ourselves into teams and played a game called "Word Chain." Each team had to come up with an English word starting with the last letter of the previous word. This game not only tested our vocabulary, but also encouraged us to think quickly. We had a lot of laughs as we tried to come up with creative words.

After the game, we sat down to enjoy the delicious food we had prepared. As we ate, we practiced our conversational skills by discussing our favorite hobbies, movies, and books. It was a great opportunity to put our English knowledge into practice and learn from each other. We also played a game of "I Spy" to practice our listening and observational skills. One person would describe an object in the park, and the rest of us had to guess what it was. This game was not only educational but also a lot of fun.

To further enhance our English learning experience, we had prepared a list of tongue twisters. We took turns challenging each other to say them as fast as possible without stumbling over the words. It was an amusing activity that helped improve our pronunciation and fluency.

As the day went on, we took a leisurely stroll around the park, enjoying the beautiful scenery and fresh air. Along the way, we practiced our English by describing what we saw and sharing our thoughts. We also played a game of charades, where we had to act out a word or phrase without speaking, and the others had to guess what it was. This game not only strengthened our vocabulary but also improved our non-verbal communication skills.

By the end of the picnic, we were not only satisfied with the delicious food we had eaten, but also with the progress we had made in our English learning journey. It was a unique and enjoyable way to practice our language skills while having fun with friends. We all agreed that we would definitely plan more English learning picnics in the future.

In conclusion, our picnic turned out to be a fun-filled English learning experience. Through various games and activities, we not only improved our vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency, but also strengthened our communication and observational skills. It was a memorable day spent in the park, filled with laughter, delicious food, and valuable language practice.

野餐英语作文 篇二

Title: Exploring Nature through Picnics

Picnics provide a wonderful opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors. They allow us to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse ourselves in the beauty of the natural world. Moreover, picnics can also be a great way to practice and improve our English skills while enjoying the tranquility of nature.

During our recent picnic, my friends and I decided to focus on exploring nature and learning English at the same time. We chose a picturesque location near a river, surrounded by trees and flowers. As we set up our picnic spot, we took in the sights and sounds of nature, which served as a perfect backdrop for our language learning activities.

To start off, we played a game called "Nature Scavenger Hunt." We divided ourselves into teams and each team was given a list of natural objects to find, such as a feather, a pinecone, or a wildflower. We had to communicate with each other in English to locate these objects and check them off our lists. This game not only improved our vocabulary related to nature but also encouraged us to work together as a team.

After the scavenger hunt, we sat down to enjoy the delicious food we had brought. As we savored the flavors, we took turns sharing interesting facts and stories about the natural world. We discussed topics such as the importance of preserving the environment, the benefits of spending time in nature, and the wonders of biodiversity. This not only enhanced our English speaking skills but also deepened our appreciation for the beauty and fragility of our surroundings.

To further engage with nature, we played a game called "Nature Bingo." Each team was given a bingo card with pictures of different plants, animals, and natural features. We had to spot these items during our walk in the park and mark them off on our cards. This game allowed us to practice our observational skills while reinforcing our vocabulary related to nature.

As the day progressed, we took a leisurely hike along the river, exploring the various trails and enjoying the breathtaking views. Along the way, we engaged in conversations about the flora and fauna we encountered, learning new English words and phrases related to the natural world. We also played a game of "20 Questions," where one person would think of a plant or animal, and the rest of us had to guess what it was by asking yes or no questions. This game not only improved our listening and questioning skills but also expanded our knowledge of the natural world.

In conclusion, our picnic turned out to be a memorable and educational experience. By integrating English learning with nature exploration, we not only improved our language skills but also deepened our connection with the natural world. Picnics provide the perfect setting to combine language learning and outdoor activities, allowing us to appreciate the beauty of nature while expanding our knowledge and language abilities.

野餐英语作文 篇三

  It was a sunny day.We decided to have a picnic outside the city.In the morning,we took an early bus to Nanhui.It was quite a colorful world.there were GREen trees,orange leaves,red peach blossoms.At noon,we reached the place,we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things,such as bread,orange juice,apples,cakes,eggs and so on.But all of a sudden,it began to rain.Unluckily there was no shelter nearby.We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry.

  What an unforgettable picnic it was!

野餐英语作文 篇四

  It was a very hot day in summer.I didnt want to stay at home.Suddenly,I had a wonderful idea.I invited my friends to have a picnic in the park.


  My friends and I found a beautiful place in the park.The sun was shining,and the sky was blue.The clouds were moving slowly.The flowers were dancing in the wind.


  Linda and I were sitting beside a fountain.We were talking about our school,our sports meet,our games and many interesting things.Lily was playing beside us.She was playing with water.She was wet but she was smiling happily.Lisa was playing football with John and Kevin.Dora was catching fish in the pond.


  It was time for lunch.We took out our food and shared with each other.We were all very excited.The picnic was very interesting.We all think the picnic at the park was interestin.


野餐英语作文 篇五

  i got up vely early last sunday morning because my classmates and i had scheduled a picnic at the yangmingshan national park.

  it was cloudy and overcast.this deeply depressed me.i almost thought of giving up the planned picnic.

  fortunately,the weather turned fine at 8 a.m.i was cheered up by the sudden change.i rushed to the bus station and saw my friends were already there.they told me that they would go for a picnic "rain or shine."

  we walked along a path and reached the gate of the park.we spread our blankets and put down our load,and enjoyed the splendid view from the mountains.we started to play and to sing and to read books.

  after taking lunch we took the bus home.it was indeed an enjoyable trip.

野餐英语作文 篇六

  It was a sunny day.We decided to have a picnic outside the city.In the morning,we took an early bus to Nanhui.It was quite a colorful world.There were green trees,orange leaves.red peach blossoms.At noon,we reached the place,we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things,such as bread,orange juice,apples,cakes,eggs and so on.But all of a sudden,it began to rain.Unluckily there was no shelter nearby.We had take a bus to go back home in a hurry.


