
时间:2018-08-04 07:24:17
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童年的英语作文 篇一

My Childhood Memories 我的童年回忆

Childhood is a precious and unforgettable time in everyone's life. It is a period filled with joy, innocence, and endless possibilities. When I think back to my own childhood, I am flooded with happy memories that continue to bring a smile to my face.


One of my fondest memories from my childhood is playing outside with my friends. We would spend hours running around, playing tag, hide-and-seek, and various other games. We would laugh, shout, and immerse ourselves in the joy of being young and carefree. Those moments of pure happiness have left an indelible mark on my heart.


Another cherished memory is the time I spent with my family. We would gather around the dinner table, sharing stories and laughter. My parents would often read bedtime stories to me, and I would fall asleep with their soothing voices in my ears. Family outings and vacations were also a highlight of my childhood, creating memories that I will forever hold dear.


In addition to these moments of joy, my childhood was also a time of learning and growth. I remember eagerly going to school every day, excited to learn new things and make new friends. I would come home and proudly show my parents the drawings and crafts I made in class. The sense of accomplishment and the encouragement from my parents fueled my love for learning and helped shape the person I am today.


In conclusion, my childhood was a treasure trove of beautiful memories. It was a time filled with laughter, love, and growth. I am grateful for the experiences and the people who shaped my childhood, and I will forever cherish the memories that have shaped me into the person I am today.


童年的英语作文 篇二

The Adventures of My Childhood 我童年的冒险

Childhood is a time of exploration and discovery. It is a time when our imagination knows no bounds and every day is filled with new adventures. Looking back on my own childhood, I am reminded of the countless adventures I embarked on, both big and small.


One of the most memorable adventures of my childhood was building a treehouse with my friends. We spent weeks gathering materials and planning out the design. With the guidance of our parents, we nailed boards together and constructed our very own secret hideout. It was a place where we could let our imaginations run wild and create our own world.


Another adventure that stands out in my mind is the time I went camping with my family. We packed up the car with tents, sleeping bags, and all the essentials and headed to a nearby campground. We spent the weekend exploring nature, roasting marshmallows over the campfire, and telling ghost stories late into the night. It was a thrilling and unforgettable experience that brought our family closer together.


In addition to these grand adventures, there were also countless small but meaningful adventures that shaped my childhood. Whether it was exploring the woods behind my house, climbing trees, or riding bikes with my friends, each adventure brought a sense of excitement and wonder.


Looking back on these adventures, I am grateful for the experiences and memories they have given me. They have taught me the value of curiosity, the importance of taking risks, and the joy of embracing the unknown. My childhood adventures have shaped me into a curious, adventurous, and open-minded individual, and I will forever cherish the memories they have left behind.


童年的英语作文带翻译 篇三




  Childhood is a picture, the picture we have colorful life; Childhood is a song, the song with our happiness and joy; Childhood is a dream, the dream is our imagination and vision. In the heart, in my memory of childhood enlightenment let me remember...

  It was a scorching sun in the afternoon, my father bought a big watermelon, I saw chan mouth water, can't wait to put the big, round watermelon cut into small blobs, picked it up and went to her mouth, the finish is conveniently threw the watermelon skin downstairs to dad saw me this behavior, criticized me, can I put my dad's words when fallen, in one ear and out the other.

  Afterwards, once I come home from school, with the feelings of pleasure and jumping and dancing, all of a sudden "flop" a sound, I stumbled over a watermelon skin, at this time, my good mood don't know where all of a sudden, disappear without a trace. Ah! My knee is broken and bleeding, I returned home to his mother about this matter, and condemned the man throw the watermelon, luckily, this let father heard this, he laughed and said: "the last time you put the watermelon from upstairs throw down, this is retribution." Suddenly, I suddenly realize, of the last throw melon is that thing...

  Through this matter, I understand the: throwing things down from upstairs is an uncivilized behavior, moreover, it would hurt others.

  Childhood is a picture, the picture we have colorful life; Childhood is a song, the song with our happiness and joy; Childhood is a dream, the dream is our imagination and vision. In the heart, in my memory of childhood enlightenment let me remember...

  It was a scorching sun in the afternoon, my father bought a big watermelon, I saw chan mouth water, can't wait to put the big, round watermelon cut into small blobs, picked it up and went to her mouth, the finish is conveniently threw the watermelon skin downstairs to dad saw me this behavior, criticized me, can I put my dad's words when fallen, in one ear and out the other.

  Afterwards, once I come home from school, with the feelings of pleasure and jumping and dancing, all of a sudden "flop" a sound, I stumbled over a watermelon skin, at this time, my good mood don't know where all of a sudden, disappear without a trace. Ah! My knee is broken and bleeding, I returned home to his mother about this matter, and condemned the man throw the watermelon, luckily, this let father heard this, he laughed and said: "the last time you put the watermelon from upstairs throw down, this is retribution." Suddenly, I suddenly realize, of the last throw melon is that thing...

  Through this matter, I understand the: throwing things down from upstairs is an uncivilized behavior, moreover, it would hurt others.

  Summer in the past, the past autumn, winter comes again, throw melon is the revelation of childhood in my mind again and again, but childhood have gone. Now, whenever I see a big, round watermelon, just think of my childhood when throwing the watermelon. In the childhood and heavy in my heart.











  The word childhood, familiar and unfamiliar, it is like a melodious song, reverberate in people's mind. Childhood invited far and cordial, hazy and clear. As time goes by, I gradually grew up. When no longer six. When is already know, childhood has become the past. It's like the balloon of my hands, don't be blown away, floating in the sky, away from me... .

  Summer sky of memories, that adorned among them like stars shining is sad or happy memories in childhood. They lay quietly in the night sky of childhood, or shine or dark, with their beauty. A little boy, he will hang on for a piece of candy from the adults in the hands of wrappers; Because his mother learned to write beautiful words praise and rejoice; Because their those who cannot implement the idea of a "strange" frustrated... Recall our formerly done, corners of the mouth will still leave a smile.

  Now of I, already know should earnestly study, no longer a day to night will know that naughty; Already know to help parents do something within, no longer so lazy; Already know should be aged respected, not everything in the self-centered. The girl has grown up in the old days...

  The past memories and obsolete already now, but the sincere and goodness, but in my memory forever. Time can be weathered rock, but they could not break the penetration in the water droplets and left footprints on it. Childhood. Although it is like the light gradually out of the fog, but still left a impression of flowers of memories...

  童年,这个词熟悉而又陌生,它像一首悠扬的老歌,回荡在人们的记忆深处。童年邀远而又亲切,朦胧而又清晰。随着时间的推移,我渐渐长大。当不再过六.一的时候,就已经清楚的知道,童年成为了过往。它就像我手中的氢气球,不小心被风吹走,在天空中飘荡,离我渐行渐远...... ——题记





