
时间:2016-03-03 01:20:11
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偶像崇拜英语作文 篇一

Title: The Impact of Idol Worship

Idol worship has become a prevalent phenomenon in today's society, especially among the younger generation. The influence of idols can be seen in various aspects of our lives, from fashion trends to music preferences. However, this blind admiration of celebrities is not without its drawbacks.

Firstly, idol worship can lead to unrealistic expectations and dissatisfaction with oneself. Many young people strive to emulate the appearance and lifestyle of their idols, often resorting to extreme measures such as cosmetic surgeries or excessive dieting. This constant comparison to an idealized image can result in low self-esteem and a distorted self-image. Additionally, the pressure to live up to these unrealistic standards can lead to the development of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.

Furthermore, idol worship can hinder personal growth and individuality. Instead of pursuing their own passions and interests, individuals may become consumed with imitating their idols. This blind following often stifles creativity and originality, as people strive to fit into a mold rather than explore their own unique talents and abilities. It is essential for young people to understand that true success and happiness come from embracing their individuality and pursuing their own dreams, rather than trying to live up to someone else's expectations.

Moreover, idol worship can result in a skewed perspective on success and values. Many idols are glorified for their material possessions and superficial achievements, rather than their character or contributions to society. This can lead young people to prioritize fame and fortune over more meaningful pursuits, such as education or community service. It is important to teach the younger generation that true success is measured by personal growth, integrity, and making a positive impact on the world around them.

In conclusion, while it is natural to admire and look up to celebrities, idol worship in excess can have detrimental effects on individuals and society as a whole. It is crucial for young people to maintain a healthy perspective and prioritize their own personal growth and well-being. By focusing on their own passions and values, rather than blindly following the footsteps of their idols, young individuals can cultivate their unique talents and contribute positively to the world.

偶像崇拜英语作文 篇二

Title: Cultivating Positive Role Models

Idol worship has become a widespread phenomenon in today's society, with many young people looking up to celebrities as their role models. While this admiration can have negative consequences, it is important to acknowledge the potential benefits of having positive role models in our lives.

Firstly, positive role models can inspire and motivate young people to reach their full potential. By observing the achievements and qualities of their idols, individuals can set higher goals for themselves and work towards achieving them. Positive role models serve as a source of inspiration, showing that success is attainable through hard work, dedication, and perseverance. This motivation can be instrumental in helping young people overcome challenges and achieve their own dreams.

Furthermore, positive role models can instill important values and principles in young individuals. Many celebrities use their platform to advocate for social issues or contribute to charitable causes. By observing the philanthropic efforts of their idols, young people are encouraged to develop a sense of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility. This can lead to the cultivation of a generation that prioritizes the well-being of others and actively works towards creating a better world.

In addition, positive role models can provide guidance and support during challenging times. The experiences and wisdom shared by these individuals can serve as valuable life lessons for young people facing similar struggles. Knowing that their idols have overcome obstacles and persevered can provide young individuals with hope and reassurance. This guidance can be especially beneficial in helping young people navigate through the complexities of life and make informed decisions.

In conclusion, while idol worship can have negative consequences, it is crucial to recognize the potential benefits of having positive role models in our lives. These individuals can inspire, motivate, and guide young people towards personal growth and success. It is important for young individuals to choose their role models wisely and emulate their positive qualities and achievements. By doing so, they can learn valuable life lessons and develop into responsible and compassionate members of society.

偶像崇拜英语作文 篇三



  Idol, always focus narrative and discussion center, or is full of wit, or alone, or ever-victorious, the dash about in a battlefield, invincible; even some of their nuances we touched, from this feeling, from this move, let us find a firm ground.

  What kind of person should be our idol?

  Sing and sing -- the dignity of a nation.

  With its superb singing skills, solid playing skills, acting pretty famous Mr. Mei Lanfang devoted all his life to the lofty cause of people's art on the development of the motherland drama and when busy with state affairs, but the motherland was the invasion of foreign enemy, he resolutely and beard, rather spoiled by the termination of his the cause, also determined not to sing the Japanese bandits the utter innocence, feel the world every single word or phrase.

  He wanted to sing, but he sang to the people all over the world; he did not sing; it was out of patriotic blood. From idol Mei Lanfang, we feel more deeply about patriotism and personal dignity, and our faith is more firm.

  To do or not to do -- the dedication of a public servant

  To fight evil, chubaoanliang, she went on the rugged mountain, skew the ridge on the threshold of old. The people will always worry about her. Someone once said to her, "as a director, why do you have to be busy when you are comfortable doing the surface?"" She responded by acting. She went to The Strip, ten, white snow, clouds rolled scroll, the eternal monument in the hearts of the people of her potential!

  She does what is good for the people; she does not do it; it is also out of love for the people. In her heart, there is the most reverent respect for the people! The white snow, clank. There is Ren Changxia as an idol, the rich of all nations! Her dedication, her dedication, will always be a fire in the heart!

  For and not for

  Young, have been mercilessly sentenced to deaf, many people think that he finished. Because he is a musician. But he did not yield, with the teeth biting chopsticks, push the rubber band: "I will take fate by the throat, it makes me paranoid to yield, life is so beautiful, live it one thousand of your life!" He composed 9 Symphonies, 32 Piano Sonatas, 1 Violin Sonatas, and 16 string quartets, proving his tenacity and striving.

  What he did, because of his love of music and his longing for life, was not only for him, but also for his determination and courage to overcome difficulties. "I will take fate by the throat!" Who listened to this sentence of "deaf, deaf," and moved? Persevere, never give up, let our idol Beethoven shine!

  Not a first water laden East Peak birth, there is no river waves majestic, mighty Trinidad; no root crown in several volumes nourish, no trees towering high, Zhetianbiri; no zeal, dedication, persevere idols active in the world without thriving on the upgrade!

  Let us choose the right idol, to their footsteps, draw their strengths, and constantly improve themselves, want to go deeper and farther ocean!















