英语作文:我最好的朋友 My best friend【优秀6篇】

时间:2014-02-01 03:47:24
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英语作文:我最好的朋友 My best friend 篇一

My best friend, Lucy

Lucy is my best friend. We have known each other since we were in kindergarten. She is a very special person in my life and I cherish our friendship deeply.

Firstly, Lucy is incredibly kind and considerate. Whenever I am feeling down or upset, she always knows how to comfort me and make me feel better. She has a great sense of empathy and can easily understand how I am feeling. Whether it's a bad day at school or a fight with a family member, Lucy is always there to lend a listening ear and offer her support.

Secondly, Lucy is extremely talented. She has a natural gift for playing the piano and her skills never cease to amaze me. Whenever she plays a piece, it's like magic. Her fingers glide effortlessly across the keys, producing beautiful melodies that touch the hearts of everyone who listens. I feel lucky to have a friend who can share such a wonderful talent with me.

Moreover, Lucy is a great motivator. She always encourages me to pursue my dreams and never give up. Whenever I doubt myself or feel discouraged, she reminds me of my strengths and pushes me to keep going. With her by my side, I feel invincible and believe that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

Lastly, Lucy is a loyal and trustworthy friend. I know that I can confide in her with my deepest secrets and she will never betray my trust. She keeps my secrets safe and is always honest with me. I value her honesty and know that I can rely on her for advice and guidance.

In conclusion, Lucy is not just my best friend, but also a source of inspiration and support in my life. Her kindness, talent, motivation, and loyalty make her an extraordinary friend. I am grateful for her presence in my life and I cherish our friendship dearly.

英语作文:我最好的朋友 My best friend 篇二

My best friend, Jack

I would like to introduce my best friend, Jack. We have been friends for over ten years and he has become an integral part of my life.

First and foremost, Jack is an incredibly loyal friend. He has stood by my side through thick and thin, supporting me in both good times and bad. Whenever I need someone to talk to or simply a shoulder to lean on, Jack is always there for me. I can always count on him to provide a listening ear and offer his honest advice.

Besides his loyalty, Jack is also very humorous. He has a natural talent for making people laugh and his jokes never fail to put a smile on my face. Spending time with him is always filled with laughter and joy. His sense of humor is contagious and he knows how to lighten up any situation.

Furthermore, Jack is an adventurous soul. He is always up for trying new things and exploring different places. Together, we have gone on various adventures, from hiking in the mountains to traveling to new cities. His adventurous spirit has helped me step out of my comfort zone and experience new things that I would have never dared to try on my own.

Lastly, Jack is incredibly intelligent and hardworking. He always strives for excellence in everything he does. Whether it's studying for exams or pursuing his hobbies, he puts in his best effort. His dedication and perseverance inspire me to work harder and never settle for mediocrity.

In conclusion, Jack is not only my best friend but also a source of laughter, adventure, and inspiration in my life. His loyalty, sense of humor, adventurous spirit, and work ethic make him an extraordinary friend. I am grateful for his friendship and I look forward to creating more wonderful memories together in the future.

英语作文:我最好的朋友 My best friend 篇三

  In our life ,we can meet a lot of friends,but to our surprise,we find a best friend,she just like a sun ,give warmth to you. I have a best friend too,i always call her special name“grape”,shen call me“baby”,when some people hear that,they will laugh at us,but we don‘t mind,because we love each other. When i turn into trouble,she always helps me to solve these problems,although we fail ,but we fell much happy,and no reason.

  When i fell so hungry,she will give me her bread,we always eat together after class. I am very excited ,because i meet her in my life,i am so luck.



  英语作文:我最好的`朋友 My best friend 篇2

  Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate. She has big eyes. Her long hair is often plained.Sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively.

  LiNan is very clever.She is good at her school subjects. She has won the school scholarship twice,I always take her as my model in study. She tells me that we should make good use of time.

  Li Yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,Any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help. But she doesn’t like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is ordinary.

  I feel proud to have such a friend.

英语作文:我最好的朋友 My best friend 篇四

  Linda is my best friend. She is 15 years old. She is a pretty girl with a round face and two big black eyes. She always has a smile on her face. She is taller than I.

  Every morning, we go to school together. She studies quite well and she's a top student in our

  class. She is modest in her behaviour. When I have difficulty in English, I always ask her for help. We are both interested in music. At weekends, we join the same hobby group and play the violin together.

  We like each other.

英语作文:我最好的朋友 My best friend 篇五

  Norella is my best friend in school. She is a fair, pretty girl with dimpled cheeks. She and I first met at kindergarten and we became great friends. She is kind, jolly and helpful. We are classmates again this year and we go to school together each morning.

  Norella likes to joke and play games. She lives near my house. In the evenings, we usually meet at my house. We sit in the garden and read story books. She is good at Mathematics. So, whenever I find difficulties in my Mathematics homework, I would ask her to help me. Sometimes, when my parents go out in the evening, she comes over to keep me company and we watch television together. That way I do not feel lonely. I hope Norella and I will be in the same class again next year. I like her very much and she is my best friend.

英语作文:我最好的朋友 My best friend 篇六

  Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and we're in the same grade.

  My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking.I learn a lot from him.He helps me with math;I help him with English.We always help each other.besides that,he's honest and reliable.I trust him completely and we share secrets all the time.

  My best friend is also loyal and brave.Once when a bully teased me,he came to my rescue right away.He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with.He tells funny jokes and stories.He always makes me laugh.Finally,he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.

  My best friend is really one of a kind.I hope we'll stay friends forever.





英语作文:我最好的朋友 My best friend【优秀6篇】

