
时间:2018-01-05 01:12:41
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我的偶像英语作文 篇一

My Idol: Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift, an American singer-songwriter, is my idol. Not only is she incredibly talented, but she is also an inspiration to many people around the world. In this essay, I will explain why Taylor Swift is my idol and how she has influenced my life.

Firstly, Taylor Swift's music resonates with me deeply. Her lyrics are raw, honest, and relatable. Whether she is singing about love, heartbreak, or personal struggles, I can always find comfort and solace in her songs. Her ability to express her emotions through her music is truly remarkable. Whenever I listen to her songs, I feel understood and empowered. It's like she is speaking directly to me and telling me that I am not alone in my experiences.

Secondly, Taylor Swift is not afraid to be herself. Despite being in the spotlight, she stays true to who she is and does not let others define her. She is unapologetically authentic and encourages her fans to embrace their true selves as well. This is something that I greatly admire about her. Through her actions, Taylor has taught me the importance of staying true to my values and beliefs, even when faced with criticism or pressure to conform.

Furthermore, Taylor Swift is a strong advocate for various social issues. She uses her platform to raise awareness and support important causes such as education, disaster relief, and gender equality. This shows me that she not only cares about her music and career but also about making a positive impact in the world. Her dedication to making a difference inspires me to do the same and use my voice to create change.

Lastly, Taylor Swift's journey to success is incredibly inspiring. She started her career at a young age and faced numerous challenges along the way. Despite the obstacles, she persevered and emerged as one of the most successful artists of our time. Her story reminds me that hard work, determination, and resilience are key to achieving my own goals and dreams.

In conclusion, Taylor Swift is not just a talented singer-songwriter, but also an idol who has had a profound impact on my life. Her music, authenticity, advocacy, and journey to success inspire me to be a better person and pursue my passions fearlessly. I am grateful to have Taylor Swift as my idol and will continue to look up to her for guidance and inspiration.

我的偶像英语作文 篇二

My Idol: Elon Musk

Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, is my idol. He is not only a visionary entrepreneur but also a game-changer in the field of technology and innovation. In this essay, I will explain why Elon Musk is my idol and how he has influenced my life.

Firstly, Elon Musk's relentless pursuit of his goals is truly inspiring. He has a clear vision for the future and is determined to make it a reality. Whether it is colonizing Mars, revolutionizing transportation, or developing sustainable energy solutions, Musk is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo. His ambition and determination remind me of the importance of setting audacious goals and never giving up on them.

Secondly, Elon Musk is a problem solver. He is not afraid to tackle complex issues and find innovative solutions. His ability to think outside the box and approach problems from different angles is truly remarkable. This has taught me the importance of being adaptable and open-minded when faced with challenges. Instead of giving up or accepting the status quo, I now strive to find creative solutions and think critically about the problems I encounter.

Furthermore, Elon Musk's commitment to sustainability and clean energy is commendable. He believes in the urgent need to transition to renewable energy sources and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Musk's dedication to creating a sustainable future has inspired me to be more conscious of my own environmental impact and make choices that contribute to a greener world. I have started adopting more sustainable practices in my daily life, such as recycling, conserving energy, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives.

Lastly, Elon Musk's journey to success is a testament to the power of perseverance. He has faced numerous setbacks and failures throughout his career but has always bounced back stronger. Musk's resilience and ability to learn from his mistakes have taught me the importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, I now see them as opportunities for growth and learning.

In conclusion, Elon Musk is not just a successful entrepreneur but also an idol who has had a profound impact on my life. His ambition, problem-solving skills, commitment to sustainability, and resilience inspire me to think big, find innovative solutions, and make a positive impact on the world. I am grateful to have Elon Musk as my idol and will continue to look up to him for guidance and inspiration.

我的偶像英语作文 篇三




  My idol is neither a big star nor a big hero, but my father.

  My father is a driver. He is so smart that he can answer almost any question and answer question.

  Dad's last great effort, bought back the dishes, dad to show his strength, have to break into two plates.

  Dad is big, and he likes to use his head and hands. The house is built to patch up his session. This year, the snow broke down the solar water heater pipe, and he climbed up the roof alone to repair it so that we could take a shower again.

  Dad is also very caring and helpful. Basically, he takes part in every activity, and every time he makes a donation, he is very active. So I call him loving dad.

  My father has many other advantages, and I admire him most. And who are your idols?


  Do you know Lin Dan? Right! He is the world badminton champion, and also my idol.

  The players who trained with me in the little sports school all liked the badminton all-around champion Lin Dan. If there were badminton games, they would either turn on the TV or go to the spot early to look forward to Lin Dan's wonderful performance! I don't count outside, either! However, when I went to school, when my classmates opened the box and talked about the game, most of the students didn't even see Lin Dan in the game. Even the names had never been heard of. How can it not be regretted? Lin Dan is my idol, I am actively advancing momentum. Lin Dan in the play, we will be absorbed in watching his every game exciting game in front of the television, his every action makes people admire it; every action make people excited, I always to hand Lin Dan unable to restrain the emotions agile movements, his vigorous pace. Lin Dan's superb skills, indomitable fighting spirit, all the people marvel, bring forth the new through the old, the world today wins the. I also love badminton, I look forward to through their own efforts, but also like Lin Dan, let the world sit up and take notice.


  The theme of the 101 class is idol show.

  We did not compete today, just watching the movie "Lu Xun", the film was compiled by Pu Cunxi and Zhang Yu. This documentary is about three years before the death of Mr. Lu Xun's story, tells the story of Mr. Lu Xun pen and struggle for the revolution that ningsibuqu great patriotic spirit. After seeing this film, I feel very deep. I think we should all learn from him. Maybe we can't do his kind of big, but we should all be at least a patriotic young pioneers. We are the future of our motherland, and we should try our best to win glory for our motherland.

  Diaoyu Island is China's inherent territory, and never allow other people to infringe upon it. We are the future of our motherland, and we will join hands to protect the world!


  Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant.His parents named him after a kind of steak:the famous beef of Kobe,Japan,which they saw on a restaurant menu.

  At the age of six,Kobe,his parents and two older sisters,Shaya and Sharia,moved to Italy,where his father began playing professional basketball.He became accustomed to the lifestyle and became fluent in Italian.At an early age,he learned to play soccer and his favorite team was AC Milan.

  Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy,he would have stuck with soccer and would have tried to become a pro soccer player.In 1991,the Bryants moved back to the United States.A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion,brought national recognition.

  While his SAT score of 1080[2] would have ensured his basketball scholarship to various top-tier colleges,the 17-year-old Bryant made the controversial decision to go directly to the NBA。


  My idol is Chairman Mao. I think he must be many people s idol. He is a great hero. It is him makes us live a better life. Without him, maybe we still can t satisfy our hunger nowadays. We may not live comfortable, eat delicious food and so on. All the happiness we have now maybe is due to his wise leadership. Though he made mistakes once, no one is perfet. I admire him. I think all the people should respect him.


  I like to watch movie, I had watched many movies,Jackie Chen is my favorite male actor.

  When I was small, I watched Jackie Chen’s actionmovie, he can beat many guys at the same time, heis many teenagers’ hero.

  In the last ten years, Jackie Chen has aimed at the foreign market, he took many movies andcooperated with foreign stars, he has achieved great success.

  Jackie’s success teaches us a lesson, the secret of achieving success is hard work.

  Jackie got wounded when he shot films, he has many scars on his body.

  Now he is over 50, but he is going on his playing, we are happy to see Jackie Chen’s movie.


  American swimmer, flying fish, Phelps is my idol.

  This time he took part in the 200 meter freestyle, 100 meter medley relay node 4× force of eight events, eight achieved his dream, he broke the world record and Olympic record. Freestyle is the fastest stroke he can swim.

  Phelps's eight gold medals were hard to come by. He went to practice at 5 every morning and didn't stop training during the holidays. It was said that he had only rested for 5 days in 7 years.

  I admire him for his self-consciousness.


  I have an idol. His name is Lin Dan. He is a Chinese badminton player. He is also the main player in the team's singles!

  In the Beijing Olympic Games, Lin Dan with his excellent technology, play a brave fighting spirit, won the men's singles badminton champion, as the Chinese Delegation added a gold medal, won the honor for the motherland.

  I also like playing badminton very much. I am determined to learn from Lin Dan and grow up to win glory for my motherland.


