
时间:2018-01-01 07:33:35
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清明节的英语作文 篇一

The Significance of Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is a traditional Chinese festival that usually falls on April 4th or 5th. It is a time when people honor their ancestors and pay respects to the deceased. The festival holds great significance in Chinese culture and is celebrated in various ways.

One of the main customs during Qingming Festival is tomb-sweeping. People visit the graves of their ancestors, clean the tombstones, and offer food and other items as a way to show respect. This practice not only allows individuals to remember and honor their departed loved ones but also serves as a reminder of the importance of family and heritage.

In addition to tomb-sweeping, Qingming Festival is also a time for people to enjoy the outdoors and appreciate nature. Many families take this opportunity to go on outings or have picnics in the countryside. It is a time when the weather starts to warm up, and the flowers and trees begin to blossom, creating a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere.

Furthermore, Qingming Festival is closely associated with the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang and the concept of balance in life. The festival marks the transition from winter to spring, symbolizing the balance between light and darkness, life and death. It serves as a reminder to cherish the present moment and find harmony in all aspects of life.

In modern times, the way Qingming Festival is celebrated has evolved. With the advancement of technology, some people now choose to pay their respects online by offering virtual offerings and lighting virtual incense. This allows individuals who are unable to visit the gravesite in person to still participate in the tradition and honor their ancestors.

Overall, Qingming Festival is not just a time for tomb-sweeping and remembrance; it is a celebration of life, nature, and the importance of family ties. It serves as a reminder to cherish our loved ones, appreciate the beauty of the world around us, and find balance in our lives. By understanding the significance of this traditional festival, we can gain a deeper appreciation for Chinese culture and the values it embodies.

清明节的英语作文 篇二

Traditional Food and Customs of Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is not only a time for people to honor their ancestors but also an occasion to enjoy traditional food and participate in various customs. The festival is rich in cultural significance and provides an opportunity for people to connect with their heritage.

One of the most popular traditional foods eaten during Qingming Festival is Qingming Cake, also known as "Green Rice Cake." The cake is made from glutinous rice and is often shaped like a willow leaf or a fish. It is believed that eating Qingming Cake can bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. It is a delicious treat that is enjoyed by people of all ages during the festival.

Another traditional food associated with Qingming Festival is Cold Food. As the name suggests, Cold Food is a type of dish that is eaten cold. It is made from a variety of ingredients, including meat, vegetables, and rice. The dish is prepared in advance and stored in a cool place, allowing the flavors to meld together. Eating Cold Food during Qingming Festival is believed to bring good luck and protect against illness.

In addition to the traditional foods, there are also various customs associated with Qingming Festival. One such custom is flying kites. Flying kites during Qingming Festival is believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. It is a fun and colorful activity that is enjoyed by people of all ages. Another custom is wearing willow branches on the head. Willow branches are believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. People often wear small willow branches on their heads or tie them to their doors during the festival.

Furthermore, Qingming Festival is a time when people reconnect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the outdoors. Many families take this opportunity to go on outings and enjoy the blooming flowers and fresh air. It is a time to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate.

In conclusion, Qingming Festival is not only a time for tomb-sweeping and remembrance but also a time to enjoy traditional food and participate in various customs. It is a festival that allows people to connect with their heritage and appreciate the beauty of nature. By partaking in these traditions, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and the values it upholds.

清明节的英语作文 篇三

  The annual Qingming approaching, today the teacher took us to Zhi Shan Park graves, one to the nine characters eye "the Cixi revolutionary martyr memorial hall".

  We went up the stairs, walk to the Martyrs Monument was already out of breath, and after a while, the teacher let us set, then Xu Lei and I speak, listen only "spring flower show grief, pine green send deep feeling." I followed the "infinite love infinite grief, grave and offering hero hero." This is the chief read the verses of revolutionary martyrs, the Martyrs Monument like a bit of revolutionary martyrs, the Martyrs Monument beside a pine like a soldier to guard them, Yuwei Cen walk briskly to the Martyrs Monument side flag, after each flower, we respectfully on the Martyrs Monument, then we observed a minute of silence and at that time that I thought about many of the revolutionary martyrs who died in the battle, and some even did not leave a name. The following is the representative, what impressed me most is that we should good good study, day day up, which is representative of the martyrs of the promise, I want to learn to ensure that good, day day up. Next is our oath: let us remember this solemn moment, let us remember this solemn commitment we make martyrs with their blood banner, always flying in the blue sky of the motherland. Then march around the stadium after the downhill.

  The revolutionary martyrs who is really a great life, a glorious death.




清明节的英语作文 篇四

  Today is April 5, ching Ming festival.

  My father and I went back to the countryside hometown for ancestor's grave. We came to the ancestral grave, dad with his shovel the tombs to repair, and then put the tribute to the grave, took me to the ancestors on three head, got up and down a bowl of wine, spilled a circle around the tombs. In the grave, we walk in the mountains You'll also be able to contribute, on a mountain high, there are lush trees, there are green grass, there are clear lakes, beautiful!

  On the way home, winter jasmine, plum and cherry blossoms are scrambling to in full bloom, fragrance of flowers floating around, a lot of visitors to take photos in front of the flower, laughing faces as beautiful as flowers, how happy ah! Dad told me: tomb-sweeping day is our memory of martyrs, ancestor worship festival, festival is blooming, play for an outing. He told me the martyrs brave fight, fear no sacrifice revolutionary story. I listened to the very touched, it is our predecessors bloody sweat, hard working, just have our good life today, so we should cherish the happy life today, study hard, healthy growth, grow up contribution strength, serve the country!




清明节的英语作文 篇五

  The tomb-sweeping day as a holiday, are different from pure solar terms. Solar term is a sign of phenology change, seasonal order in China, and it is more a festival of custom activities and some memorable.

  Tomb-sweeping day is China's traditional festival, is also the most important memory of ancestors and the grave. This grave to commemorate the dead man's a kind of activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs. Grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the grave, will be food for offering in the family tomb, to use paper money on fire new soil up to the grave, fold a few branches pale green branches ed in the grave, and then kowtow worship salute, finally eat especially home. The tang dynasty poet tu mu's poem "qingming" : "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village." Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere.

  Ching Ming festival, also called TaQingJie, according to the solar calendar for, it is in every year on April 4 to 6, between, it is beautiful spring scenery spring-out of season, also is a good time to people spring outing, so the ancients had qingming outing, and carry out a series of customs sports activities.

  Until today, tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the late relatives customs still prevail.





清明节的英语作文 篇六

  Qingming Festival, also known as grave sweeping festival, Guijie, joss Festival, and the Ghost Festival July 15 and October 15 of that section 3 Ha Yuen Ming Festival, and the worship spirits.

  Ching Ming Festival, called Ta-Qing Festival, according to the solar calendar, it is in each of 4 to 6 April between springtime vegetation Tulu is the season, it is also people Spring Outing (Ancient called Ta-Qing) good , so there are the ancient Ching Ming Ta-Qing, and a series of sports practices. March ancient Ching Ming festival is also called, has 20xx years of history.

  For the calendar before the Ching Ming Festival on April 5, is one of the 24 solar terms. In the 24 solar terms, is a cycle is the only Ching Ming festival. Ancient Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival will be pided into three-designate: "Tong Sihwa designate a second designate voles into losing; Rainbow designate only see three." Means in this first season of Pittosporum open, and then the voles disappeared Hi Yam, all return to the ground floor of the cave, and then see the rainbow after the rain the sky.

  The 24-cycle comparison objectively reflect all year round temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of phenological changes, the ancient working people use it for farming activities. "Huainanzi astronomy lecture," saying: "after the spring equinox on the 15th, fighting means B, Tomb Sweeping Festival to the wind." By the "100-year-old, asked," saying: "At this time of things, are clean and bright, clean. So that the Qingming Festival. "Qingming one that elevated temperature, rainfall increased, it is a good kind of spring for spring plowing season. Therefore, "Qingming around point melon grow beans," "afforestation, Wu Guo Qingming Festival" were made by the farmers. This shows that agricultural production cycle and has maintained close relations.

  However, as the Qingming Festiival, and the cycle has simply different. Phenology is the cycle of change, seasonal sequence of signs, and festival includes a certain amount of customs activities and a commemorative significance. Ching Ming Festival is China's traditional festival, the most important festival of worship, and the graves of ancestors day. Commonly known as Shangfen graves, a deceased worship activities. Most of the Han nationality and ethnic minorities are in the Ching Ming grave-sweepers. According to the old custom, the graves, people carrying Jiushi fruit, paper money, and other items to the cemetery, food festival with relatives for the tomb, then incineration of paper money for a new graves pui soil, a few Nenlu% of the new sticks planted on the grave , and then kowtowing via worship, eat Jiushi final home. Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's poem "Qingming": "Qingming have rain season, the road to pedestrians powder. Asked by restaurants where? Vaquero Yaozhi Xinghua Village." Wrote the special atmosphere of the Ching Ming Festival. Until today, the Ching Ming Festival worship ancestors, deceased relatives mourning customs are still prevalent.


