
时间:2017-02-08 04:24:19
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大学生找工作难的英语作文 篇一

Title: The Challenges Faced by College Graduates in Job Hunting


With the increasing number of college graduates in recent years, the competition in the job market has become more intense. Many college students find it difficult to secure a job after graduation. In this essay, I will discuss the main challenges faced by college graduates in job hunting and provide some suggestions to overcome these difficulties.


1. Lack of work experience:

One of the main challenges that college graduates face in job hunting is the lack of work experience. Most companies prefer candidates with practical experience, which puts fresh graduates at a disadvantage. Without any prior work experience, it becomes challenging for college graduates to convince employers of their abilities and skills.

2. High expectations and requirements:

Another challenge is the high expectations and requirements set by employers. Many companies expect fresh graduates to have a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience. This creates pressure for college graduates, as they often find it challenging to meet these high expectations. In addition, the requirement for specific skills and qualifications makes it even harder for them to compete in the job market.

3. Fierce competition:

The job market is highly competitive, and college graduates often find themselves competing with a large number of candidates for limited job opportunities. This fierce competition makes it difficult for them to stand out and increases the chances of being rejected. The saturation of the job market further exacerbates the challenges faced by college graduates.

4. Lack of networking:

Networking plays a crucial role in job hunting. However, many college graduates lack a strong professional network, which puts them at a disadvantage. Without connections and references, it becomes harder for them to find job opportunities and secure interviews. Building a strong network requires time and effort, which many college students may not have during their studies.


1. Gain practical experience:

To overcome the challenge of lacking work experience, college students can participate in internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work during their studies. This will provide them with valuable practical experience and make their resumes more attractive to employers.

2. Develop relevant skills:

College students can focus on developing skills that are in demand in the job market. This can be done through online courses, workshops, or joining student organizations related to their field of interest. By acquiring relevant skills, college graduates can increase their chances of getting hired.

3. Network extensively:

Building a strong professional network is essential for job hunting. College students can start networking by attending career fairs, joining professional associations, or reaching out to alumni. Networking can provide valuable connections, job referrals, and insider information about job opportunities.

4. Be flexible and proactive:

College graduates should be open to different job opportunities and be willing to start from entry-level positions. Being proactive in job searching, such as actively searching for job postings, reaching out to potential employers, and following up on applications, can increase the chances of securing a job.


Although college graduates face various challenges in job hunting, with the right strategies and perseverance, they can overcome these difficulties. By gaining practical experience, developing relevant skills, networking extensively, and being proactive, college graduates can increase their chances of finding a suitable job in the competitive job market.

大学生找工作难的英语作文 篇二

Title: The Emotional Struggles of College Graduates in Job Hunting


Job hunting can be a stressful and overwhelming process, especially for college graduates. Apart from the challenges in finding job opportunities, many college students also face emotional struggles during this period. In this essay, I will discuss the emotional challenges faced by college graduates in job hunting and provide some suggestions to cope with these difficulties.


1. Fear of rejection:

One of the main emotional struggles faced by college graduates in job hunting is the fear of rejection. Constantly facing rejections from employers can be disheartening and demotivating. The fear of not being good enough or not meeting the expectations of employers can lead to anxiety and self-doubt.

2. Pressure from family and society:

College graduates often face pressure from their family and society to succeed in finding a job. The expectations and comparisons from family members, friends, and society can add to the emotional burden of job hunting. This pressure can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a fear of disappointing others.

3. Uncertainty about the future:

Job hunting brings a sense of uncertainty about the future. College graduates may feel anxious about their career prospects and worry about making the wrong choices. The constant uncertainty and lack of control over their future can lead to stress and anxiety.

4. Low self-esteem:

Facing constant rejections and comparisons can negatively impact the self-esteem of college graduates. The feeling of not being valued or appreciated can lead to a decline in self-confidence and self-worth. This can further affect their motivation and ability to perform well in job interviews.


1. Maintain a positive mindset:

It is important for college graduates to maintain a positive mindset throughout the job hunting process. Instead of focusing on rejections, they should celebrate small victories and learn from each experience. Positive self-talk and affirmations can help in building self-confidence and resilience.

2. Seek support:

College graduates should seek support from family, friends, and career counselors. Talking about their fears and concerns can provide emotional support and perspective. Career counselors can provide guidance and advice on job search strategies and interview preparation.

3. Take care of mental well-being:

It is crucial for college graduates to prioritize their mental well-being during the job hunting process. Engaging in activities that reduce stress, such as exercising, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing hobbies, can help in managing emotional struggles.

4. Set realistic expectations:

Setting realistic expectations about the job search process can help in managing emotional struggles. It is important to remember that finding a job takes time and perseverance. College graduates should focus on their own progress and growth rather than comparing themselves to others.


Job hunting can be emotionally challenging for college graduates. By maintaining a positive mindset, seeking support, taking care of mental well-being, and setting realistic expectations, they can navigate through the emotional struggles and increase their chances of finding a fulfilling job. Remember, job hunting is a journey, and with resilience and determination, success can be achieved.

大学生找工作难的英语作文 篇三


  毕业生找工作的问题(Job Problems For Graduates)

  According to the statistics, only 58% of college graduates could find jobs in their specialties. Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job?

  One reason perhaps is that many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy. Degree courses offered in these institutions of higher learning are so outdated, irrelevant and impractical that the students themselves find it hard to translate their book knowledge into real job skills. Second, there is an oversupply of graduates in certain specialties.

  So many of them can not enter the professions for which they are trained. College graduates are valuable resources in our country. The problems they encounter in job hunting deserve more attention.

  毕业生的求职压力(Graduates’ Pressure in Finding Jobs)

  Nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment. They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. What is the cause of this phenomenon

  In my opinion, there are four causes:

  First, graduates lack experience. They spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and lack relevant job training. Only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to find jobs.

  Second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter. The supply of university graduates exceeds social demand. This results in a decreased chance for any inpidual graduate to find a job.

  Third, some students don’t study hard. Some of them skip classes just because they have no interest in certain subjects. Some play computer games or pursue other interests. Some sleep in class or in the library. Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated.

  Finally, some graduates are conceited. They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical.

  So, university students should try their best to change this situation. When they are in school, they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies. They can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience. They should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible. When they graduate and apply for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulating experience than to their starting salary.

  大学生找工作难(College Students are difficult to find a good job)

  Nowadays we college students are facing a great pressure in finding a good job. Looking back when we are very young, about more than ten years ago, college students would find a very good job that everyone would envy that.

  Why that change so much within two decades.

  It is known to all, if something is of great amount, it become cheap, and so is college students. Ten years ago, there is very few college students, in other words ,the college students supply is not enough, so they needed in a lot of places and be well paid.

  With the idea that college student will find a good job, our parents send us to college, college students become more and more as well as cheaper and cheaper.Facing this, what we should do is not complaining.

  We should be confident ,as we know, with the economic developing, the society need more people. So we got a lot of chances, what we should do is do what we can do now and well prepared for the fierce competition.


