英语日记:打扫卫生 A Piece of Diary【推荐3篇】

时间:2014-09-02 09:32:22
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英语日记:打扫卫生 A Piece of Diary 篇一

Today, I decided to spend the day cleaning and tidying up my living space. It had been a while since I last deep cleaned my apartment, and it was starting to look quite messy. I woke up early in the morning, feeling determined to make my living space clean and organized again.

I started by making a checklist of all the tasks that needed to be done. I divided them into different categories such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and decluttering. This way, I could easily keep track of what needed to be done and ensure that I didn't miss anything.

I began by dusting all the surfaces in my apartment. I used a microfiber cloth to wipe away the dust from the furniture, shelves, and electronics. It was surprising to see how much dust had accumulated over time. After dusting, I moved on to vacuuming the floors and carpets. I made sure to reach all the corners and crevices to remove any dirt or debris.

Next, I tackled the kitchen. I cleared out the refrigerator, throwing away any expired food items and wiping down the shelves. I also cleaned the oven and stove, removing any grease or stains. After cleaning the kitchen appliances, I scrubbed the sink and countertops, making them sparkle again.

After a short break, I continued with the bathroom. I scrubbed the toilet, bathtub, and sink, using cleaning agents to remove any stains or grime. I also cleaned the mirrors and wiped down the tiles. It felt satisfying to see the bathroom shining and smelling fresh.

Finally, I decluttered and organized my living space. I went through my belongings and sorted them into different categories – keep, donate, and throw away. I got rid of any items that I no longer needed or used. I also rearranged the furniture to create a more spacious and inviting atmosphere.

By the time I finished cleaning, it was already late afternoon. I stood back and admired my hard work. My living space looked completely transformed – clean, organized, and welcoming. The process of cleaning had not only made my apartment look better, but it had also given me a sense of accomplishment and peace of mind.

Cleaning and tidying up may seem like a mundane task, but it is essential for creating a comfortable and healthy living environment. It allows us to clear our minds and focus on other aspects of our lives. I realized that taking the time to clean and organize regularly is a habit worth maintaining.

英语日记:打扫卫生 A Piece of Diary 篇三

英语日记:打扫卫生 A Piece of Diary

  A Piece of Diary

  April 12th Saturday


  Today our class went to the Xishan Park to do some cleaning.Early in the morning we started out by bike.As soon as we got there,we be-gan to work.First we collected the rubbish near the riverbank and in the woods.Then we put up notices to tell people not to destroy the beauty of nature.At the same time,we kept on telling the visitors the importance of protecting the environment.Having cleaned the whole park,we said goodbye to the workers of the park and went home.Though we were very tired,we felt very happy.



  4月12日 星期六 晴

  今天我们班到西山公园去打扫卫生。一大清早我们就骑自行车出发了。我们一到那儿就开始干起活来。首先我们在河堤附近和树林中捡垃圾。 然后我们张贴布告告知人们不要破坏自然之美。 同时,我们不断告诉游客保护环境的重要性。打扫完整个公园,我们同公园的员工们告别,然后就回家了。虽然我们很累,但我们感觉很快乐。

英语日记:打扫卫生 A Piece of Diary【推荐3篇】

