
时间:2016-07-06 06:11:29
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我的室友英语作文 篇一

My Roommate

Living with a roommate can be both exciting and challenging. In my case, I consider myself lucky to have such a wonderful roommate. Her name is Emily, and she has become not only my roommate but also my best friend.

Emily is a responsible and considerate person. She always keeps our living space clean and organized. She never leaves her belongings scattered around the room, and she always takes care of her own mess. This has made our living environment much more pleasant and comfortable. I truly appreciate her effort in maintaining a tidy room.

Moreover, Emily is a great communicator. Whenever there is an issue or conflict, she is always willing to sit down and talk about it. She never avoids confrontation or lets things escalate. Instead, she approaches conflicts with a calm and understanding attitude, seeking to find a solution that works for both of us. This open and honest communication has greatly strengthened our friendship and created a harmonious living atmosphere.

In addition, Emily is a supportive and caring roommate. She is always there for me when I need someone to talk to or seek advice from. She listens attentively and offers valuable insights. She has helped me overcome challenges and provided me with the emotional support I needed during tough times. I am truly grateful for her kindness and support.

Living with Emily has been an amazing experience. She has taught me the importance of responsibility, communication, and friendship. I have learned so much from her and I am grateful to have her as my roommate. She has made my college life more enjoyable and memorable.

In conclusion, my roommate Emily is an exceptional person. Her responsible nature, effective communication skills, and caring attitude have made our living arrangement a pleasant and fulfilling one. I am lucky to have her as my roommate and best friend.

我的室友英语作文 篇二

The Challenges and Rewards of Living with a Roommate

Living with a roommate can be both challenging and rewarding. It is an opportunity to learn and grow, but it also requires compromise and understanding. In my experience, living with a roommate has taught me valuable life lessons and has made my college life more enriching.

One of the main challenges of living with a roommate is finding a balance between personal space and shared space. Everyone has their own preferences and habits, and it is important to respect each other's boundaries. It can be difficult at times to adjust to someone else's schedule or habits, but through open communication and compromise, it is possible to create a harmonious living environment.

Another challenge is dealing with conflicts and disagreements. Living in close proximity with someone increases the likelihood of conflicts arising. It is important to address issues promptly and honestly, rather than letting them fester and escalate. Effective communication and active listening are key to resolving conflicts and maintaining a healthy relationship with your roommate.

Despite the challenges, living with a roommate also brings many rewards. It is an opportunity to make new friends and create lifelong memories. Sharing experiences and stories with a roommate can enhance the college experience and make it more enjoyable. It is also a chance to learn about different cultures, perspectives, and lifestyles. Living with a roommate can broaden your horizons and expose you to new ideas and experiences.

Furthermore, having a roommate can provide a sense of companionship and support. College life can be overwhelming at times, and having someone to share the ups and downs with can make it easier to navigate. A roommate can be a source of emotional support, someone to celebrate achievements with, and someone to lean on during difficult times.

In conclusion, living with a roommate has its challenges, but it also offers many rewards. It is an opportunity for personal growth, learning, and friendship. By being respectful, communicative, and understanding, it is possible to create a positive and fulfilling living arrangement with a roommate.

我的室友英语作文 篇三


  it was my first day at the university. carrying bags of luggage, i walked slowly into the dormitory building. i looked door after door for my name. at last i found it. in the room, there was already a girl making her bed.

  smiling shyly, she greeted me with how do you do.then, she continued her work, paying no more attention to me.what a stuck up fellow, i thought. then i began to examine the room. it was no different from any other room i had seen.but it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.minutes later, i started to examine her. she was thin, short and dark. her hair was in a completely disastrous mess like a bunch of straw. her dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey. well, her 2shirt was too big for her and her trousers were a bit short, which made her look funny.furthermore, she wore a pair of rubber scandals, which were indeed out of fashion. in a word, she did not look like a smart freshman at all. a yokel, i concluded.

  the second time she spoke, her accent told me that she was from the south. shall i help you to get your luggage from the ground floor? i did not refuse since i really needed help. wow!she was quick in action. before i said thanks, she had already walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me.

  a good guy, i said to myself, i will make friends with her. i hurried and caught up with her.


