
时间:2013-07-02 09:40:29
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Chinese Traditional Lion Dance

Article 1

The Chinese traditional lion dance is a captivating and symbolic performance that has been passed down through generations. This traditional dance involves performers dressed in a lion costume, mimicking the movements and behavior of a lion. The lion dance is often performed during festive occasions such as the Chinese New Year and other important cultural events.

The lion dance is believed to bring good luck and fortune to the community. The lion is considered a symbol of power, wisdom, and bravery in Chinese culture. The dance is performed by a team of two performers, with one person taking the role of the lion's head and the other as the lion's tail. The performers must work in perfect harmony to create the illusion of a real lion.

The lion dance is accompanied by traditional music and the rhythmic beating of drums and cymbals. The dance is characterized by acrobatic movements, including jumping, rolling, and balancing on poles. The performers showcase their agility and strength as they move gracefully and energetically.

The lion dance is not only entertaining but also holds deep cultural significance. It is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity to the community. The lion is often depicted with a red tongue, which symbolizes power and strength. The lion's movements are also believed to mimic the actions of a lion hunting for food, symbolizing the search for prosperity and success.

The lion dance is not only popular in China but also in other countries with a significant Chinese population. It has become a celebrated cultural tradition in many countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States. The lion dance is often performed during festivals and important events to bring joy and blessings to the community.

In conclusion, the Chinese traditional lion dance is a mesmerizing and symbolic performance that has been cherished for centuries. It represents power, bravery, and good fortune. The dance brings joy and blessings to the community while showcasing the agility and strength of the performers. The lion dance holds deep cultural significance and continues to be celebrated around the world.

Article 2

The Chinese traditional lion dance is a vibrant and lively performance that is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. This dance has a long history and is an integral part of traditional Chinese festivities. The lion dance is not only an art form but also a way to celebrate and honor Chinese heritage.

The lion dance is performed by a team of skilled performers who wear lion costumes. The costumes are beautifully crafted and adorned with colorful fabrics and intricate designs. The performers move in sync, mimicking the movements of a lion with grace and precision. The dance is accompanied by traditional music and the rhythmic beating of drums and cymbals.

The lion dance is often performed during the Chinese New Year and other important cultural events. It is believed to bring good luck and fortune to the community. The dance is also performed to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity to the people. The lion is considered a symbol of power and bravery in Chinese culture, and the dance is a reflection of these values.

The lion dance is not only a visual spectacle but also a physical feat. The performers showcase their agility and strength as they perform acrobatic movements such as jumping, rolling, and balancing on poles. The dance requires precise coordination and teamwork, as the performers must work together to create the illusion of a real lion.

The lion dance is not confined to China but has also gained popularity in other countries with a significant Chinese population. It has become a cherished tradition in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States. The lion dance is often performed during festivals and important events, bringing joy and blessings to the community.

In conclusion, the Chinese traditional lion dance is a vibrant and dynamic performance that celebrates Chinese culture. It is a symbol of power, bravery, and good fortune. The dance showcases the agility and strength of the performers while bringing joy and blessings to the community. The lion dance is a cherished tradition that continues to be celebrated around the world.

中国传统舞狮的英语作文 篇三

  Dance lion, is our country outstanding folk art, at the beginning of the Spring Festival, the mother's unit to the dance lion to help, in order to wish everyone life good luck, everything is safe.

  Today, my mother and I went to see the lion dance. Last night, I was happy to hear my mother explain the lion dance. Got up early on, brush teeth, wash face, eat breakfast, then and mother arrived at the office building, the lion dance of just in time to catch the time, but too many people, the lion dance venues packed. I looked left and right, and finally I found a good place. These "lions" are so cute that they are a little different from the "lions" of the past. This year, "the lion" by a black and a red lion lion, black lion majestic tuan wu, red lion charming is spruce lovely, a left a right, drums with rhythm, the dancing, sometimes in the play, from time to time in the play, very lovely. The two lion dancers worked together so well that the audience clapped their hands together and cheered. In the process of "picking green", in the process of "picking green", the lion keeps leaping, blinking, opening mouth, fan ear, and shaking tail, which is vivid and vivid. My mother and I followed the lion, and the more we watched, the happier we were until the lion was over.

  Mother said that the lions will come again next year. I really hope the Spring Festival will come soon!

中国传统舞狮的英语作文 篇四

  Today, my mother took me and my brother to the green city square to see the lion dance. I was so happy.

  Arriving at greentown square, just in time for the start of the show. I ped into the crowd and found that a man was waving a big knife fighting the lion. The two actors, who play the lion, were so skilled that they saw the lion dance, and then swooped out, holding back their hind legs and running quickly. The actor of the big sword is not inferior, three next two down to the "lion" uniform. Suddenly, a few solo "lions" suddenly came to us and gave us a New Year's greetings. I could not help laughing at the wonderful performance of the actors.

  Suddenly, the elder brother asked, "what is that platform for?" We hurried over, and there were a lot of lion dance performances today, and we only saw one, and there were a lot of them! Here's the lion chasing the tiger. A "tiger" was chased down by a lion, and the tiger had to climb onto two ropes connected to the top of the tower. The lion went after him and made several movements. When the lion climbed to about half the height of the tower, the tiger suddenly began to fight back. At that time, I was really worried about them: what if I fall? But my fears were superfluous, and they did not fall at all, and the audience cheered them on every moment of danger.

  How time flies! It's noon. It's time for us to go home. I reluctantly left the square.

  Today, I not only saw the wonderful lion dance, but also saw the rich national culture, really happy ah!

中国传统舞狮的英语作文 篇五

  Today is the first day of the New Year, and the highlight of the day is the lion dance.

  At 7 o 'clock in the evening, a bright moon illuminates the clear night sky. All of a sudden, the sound of drums and drums, firecrackers, a fierce "lion" jumped out. There was a crowd of onlookers, and the sound of firecrackers, and my heart was burning like fireworks. What a wonderful sight! The lion was about three meters long, and its bright, pearl-like eyes flashed and flashed.

  Grandpa and his teammates were dancing with the lion, and the big hand of the blue veins was full of strength. The lion's head, of course, was controlled by the revered grandpapa, who danced flexibly under his grandfather's dance. From afar, the lion is vivid. Grandpa and his teammates in the process of marching, came to a family house, haven't into the gate, would hear is scratching from the firecrackers, originally the family early in the morning pick up the hall, ready to firecrackers to greet the arrival of the "lion", and insisted lion dance team to make a little stay at home. Home-brewed rice wine and festive couplets, candies and endless laughter all make the red fire a stronger year.

  "Three lions, seven dance." That's what grandpa used to say. It is true that the lion dances to show his power. See grandpa turned the lion in the way ahead, lion tail followed, itching, follow with rhythm, the lion and the body of dancing, writhing around, that "apple roaming" is very smooth. All of a sudden, grandpa turned the lion's head to the tail of the lion, and the lion was in hot pursuit. The host quickly brought out cigarettes, candy and tea to entertain them, and it was said that the "lion" had a good fortune in the year. Along the way, firecrackers, drums and drums, cheers.

  In the firecrackers, the mother quietly told me: "lion dance team is to research, and for early on the first night's performances would have done sufficient preparations, every day they walk to training the basic action, such as back, put tail, and proffering flaming acrobatic moves. The lion dance is not just a matter of force, but also requires skill and cooperation. Ten years of work, one minute on the stage. So everything you do is not so easy, don't just applause for their wonderful performance, regardless of the performance is good, should also be the sweat for their audience and give encouragement."

  After a crackling sound of firecrackers, a group of people swarmed around the mighty lion, moving towards the next family, and set out for the good life of the New Year...

中国传统舞狮的英语作文 篇六

  After the ride, we went to see the lion dance. There were four lions dancing on the stage, and under each lion there were two men playing below. They followed the rhythm of the gongs and drums, and the people around them applauded. Look! The black lion danced on the top of the bamboo. The red lion waddled up the ladder with the knife. Terrible! My sister and I were blindfolded with fear. The people next to them were applauding.

  With the drumming of the drums, the two lions danced over our heads, and for a while they slowly climbed down. I was relieved.


  At last, New Year's day, each family has affixed new couplet, put the year orange, the year flower, everywhere is a happy scene.

  I am most happy to see the annual lion dance performance. Early in the New Year, our family returned to the south round village, and saw that grandpa was ready to give the lion a green thing, and he was looking forward to the lion dance.

  The arrival of the team. Waited for a morning, finally hear the drums and firecrackers, we quickly ran out and saw a group of people surrounded the greetings of the lions, teams have 20 people, less old, I also look

  My two uncles are in the procession. There are two lions, a black one and a golden one, and sometimes they jump, and sometimes they bow down, and they look great, and every one of them, after they have gone to the house, after they have finished.

  The lion that will be lit with firecrackers to deliver the blessing, go to the house, and then to the house, is really lively.


