
时间:2013-06-03 04:22:18
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高中英语作文:奔流的生命 篇一

The Flowing Life

Water is essential for all living beings on Earth. It sustains life and is the source of vitality. In this article, I would like to explore the significance of water and how it symbolizes the flowing life.

Water is a symbol of purity and renewal. Just like the flowing river, life is constantly changing and evolving. We encounter different challenges and experiences, just as the river encounters obstacles along its path. However, we should learn from water and adapt to the changing circumstances. Water always finds a way to flow around obstacles, just as we should find solutions to overcome our difficulties.

Water also represents resilience. No matter how many times it is poured out, it will always fill up again. In life, we may face setbacks and failures, but we should never lose hope. Like water, we should bounce back and continue on our journey. Water is also flexible, taking the shape of any container it is placed in. Similarly, we should be adaptable and open-minded, willing to learn and grow in any situation.

Furthermore, water symbolizes interconnectedness. The water cycle connects all parts of the Earth, from the rivers and oceans to the clouds and rain. Similarly, we are all interconnected in the web of life. Our actions have an impact on others and the environment. We should be mindful of our choices and strive to make a positive difference in the world.

In conclusion, water represents the flowing life. It teaches us important lessons about purity, resilience, adaptability, and interconnectedness. Let us embrace these qualities and live our lives like the flowing river, constantly evolving and making a positive impact on the world.

高中英语作文:奔流的生命 篇二

The Flowing Life: Lessons from a River

Rivers have always fascinated me. They are a symbol of life itself, constantly flowing and evolving. In this article, I would like to share some lessons we can learn from rivers and how they reflect the journey of life.

Firstly, rivers teach us the importance of persistence. No matter how small or big, a river never stops flowing. It keeps moving forward, overcoming any obstacles in its path. Similarly, in life, we should not give up easily when faced with challenges. We should persist and keep moving forward, knowing that eventually, we will reach our destination.

Secondly, rivers remind us of the power of adaptation. They change their course when necessary, flowing around obstacles and finding new paths. In life, we often encounter unexpected changes and setbacks. It is important to be flexible and adapt to new situations. Instead of resisting change, we should embrace it and find new ways to navigate through life's challenges.

Furthermore, rivers symbolize resilience. They can carve their way through even the hardest rocks over time. Similarly, in life, we should develop resilience and perseverance. We should not be discouraged by failures or setbacks but use them as stepping stones to success. Just like a river, we should keep flowing and never lose sight of our goals.

Lastly, rivers teach us about interconnectedness. They are connected to various ecosystems, providing water and sustenance to countless organisms. Similarly, in life, we are all interconnected. Our actions have an impact on others and the environment. We should strive to live harmoniously with others and the world around us, understanding that our well-being is intertwined with that of others.

In conclusion, rivers offer valuable lessons about persistence, adaptation, resilience, and interconnectedness. Let us learn from their flowing nature and apply these lessons to our own lives. By doing so, we can navigate through the challenges of life and make a positive impact on the world around us.

高中英语作文:奔流的生命 篇三



  Its birth means the beginning of the run. It runs, runs through the field, cross the hills, cross the valley, and always speak forever. Suddenly, there was a voice to tell it: "Are you not tired?" It suddenly felt that his heart was heavy, it was born, so it was, never stopped, what is it in pursuit? It stopped, lie down quietly, enjoy the warm sunshine, feel the soft breeze, let the fish smith in the body, listen to the birds in the branches. It will be freened there, no longer flow. Such a life, it has been a long time. Suddenly, it found that his body gradually narrowed, and it was more increasing. It cried. Or the sound: "The meaning of life is to keep rushing. If it stops, it will become a green water." It rushed, it rushed, never stop. It runs through, it runs, regardless of everything. Stop is equal to death. So, the sun and moon stars, the wind and lightning, never stopped it from there; the alpine cliffs, the strange rocks have never let it stop for a second. Then there is a risk of lariles, it also has to run; it is the dangerous roof of Long Yuhu, which will not fear before. It finally understands that if it stops, life will only be swallowed by time, only to rush, in order to achieve the eternal life. It turns out that the flow is constant, it is the true meaning of life.


