
时间:2018-07-09 05:13:12
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英语节作文 篇一

The Importance of English Festival

English festival is an annual event that celebrates the English language and culture. It is a special occasion for students and teachers to gather together and share their love for the English language. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of English festival and how it benefits students.

Firstly, English festival provides an opportunity for students to showcase their language skills and creativity. During the festival, students can participate in various activities such as English speech contests, drama performances, and poetry recitations. These activities not only enhance students' language proficiency but also boost their confidence in public speaking. Moreover, students can express their ideas and emotions through creative means, such as writing their own scripts or composing original poems. This cultivates their artistic talents and helps them develop a deeper appreciation for the English language.

Secondly, English festival promotes cultural exchange and understanding. Many schools organize cultural displays during the festival, where students can learn about different English-speaking countries and their traditions. They can try authentic food, learn traditional dances, and even wear traditional costumes. This not only broadens students' knowledge of the world but also fosters a sense of respect and tolerance for different cultures. English festival encourages students to embrace diversity and promotes a global mindset, which is crucial in today's interconnected world.

Furthermore, English festival creates a positive learning environment for students. It breaks the monotony of regular classroom activities and injects excitement and fun into the learning process. Students are more motivated to study English when they can see its relevance and practicality in real-life situations. English festival provides a platform for students to apply what they have learned in class and experience the joy of using the language in a meaningful way. This helps them develop a lifelong love for English and encourages them to become lifelong learners.

In conclusion, English festival plays a vital role in promoting language learning, cultural exchange, and a positive learning environment. It encourages students to develop their language skills, fosters cultural understanding, and instills a love for English. Schools should continue to organize English festivals to provide students with valuable opportunities to grow and thrive in an increasingly globalized world.

英语节作文 篇二

The Future of English Festival in the Digital Age

English festival has long been an integral part of the education system, but with the rapid advancement of technology, it is essential to adapt and embrace the digital age. In this essay, I will discuss the future of English festival in the digital age and how it can be enhanced through the use of technology.

Firstly, technology can revolutionize the way English festival is organized and conducted. Instead of traditional paper-based activities, schools can incorporate digital platforms and tools. For example, students can participate in online speech contests or video presentations. This not only saves resources but also allows students to showcase their language skills in a more interactive and engaging manner. Moreover, digital platforms enable students from different schools or even different countries to connect and interact with each other, promoting cross-cultural exchange and collaboration.

Secondly, technology can enhance the learning experience during English festival. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can be used to create immersive language learning environments. Students can explore famous English-speaking cities, visit historical landmarks, or interact with virtual characters to practice their language skills. This not only makes learning more exciting but also provides students with real-life contexts to apply their knowledge. In addition, mobile applications and online resources can be utilized to supplement classroom learning and provide students with personalized learning materials and exercises.

Furthermore, technology can improve the accessibility and inclusivity of English festival. With the use of subtitles, captions, and translation tools, students with hearing or language difficulties can fully participate in the festival activities. Online platforms and digital resources can also cater to the needs of students who are unable to attend physical events due to distance or other reasons. This ensures that every student has equal opportunities to engage with the English language and culture, regardless of their circumstances.

In conclusion, the future of English festival lies in embracing technology and leveraging its potential to enhance learning, collaboration, and inclusivity. By incorporating digital platforms, virtual reality, and online resources, English festival can evolve into a more interactive, immersive, and accessible experience for students. It is crucial for educators and organizers to adapt to the digital age and harness technology to create a more vibrant and impactful English festival for the students of tomorrow.

英语节作文 篇三



  我刚走进校园眼前一亮:一个大型舞台呈现在我的面前,孔子站在舞台中央,背后就是英语节的口号:happy English!happy me!一二年级的小朋友兴奋的爬到舞台上手足舞蹈,蹦来跳去。





  可天有不测风云,没想到当做到第二首最后一个动作的时候,我由于慢了一拍没有跟上大家的节奏,我尴尬万分低下了头,这时我感觉在前面的王老师正用眼睛盯着我,我的脸像是被火烧过了一般红得发烫,全身也十分不自然。我的脑袋里顿时一片空白,什么也没想,什么也不敢想 我无法平息自己当时紧张的心情,只有一阵阵急促的呼吸声,涌动出我难以平静的情绪里快要胀满的一团团热热的气流……



英语节作文 篇四




  终于轮到我们四年级了,我们年级表演的集体节目是歌曲《Oh,Mr. Sun》、舞蹈《校歌(英文版)》和《a school Saturday》,大家表演得都很卖力,演出很成功,超出了我们的预期。



  精彩的节目一个接着一个。最后,我们的英语老师演唱了一首英文老歌《love you more than I can say》。为这次英语节划上了完美的句号。


英语节作文 篇五



  可主持人一开口,大家立刻安静下来,宁静片刻后,阵阵私语声传入我的耳朵,双双睁大了的眼睛正对着舞台——他们讲的是英语!接下来的讲话也是英语,让我很是迷茫,不过让我欣慰的是:我还是能听懂一两句的。第一个节目上场了,《Do Re Mi》这首著名的歌曲被同学们以歌舞剧的形式夺得了观众们热列的掌声。第二个节目是话剧《 New waiting for the rabbit》,它以易懂的语言,有趣的剧情让观众们一次次随着音乐打节奏,一次次哈哈大笑和鼓掌。

  《 Monster》是由三个女生演唱的歌曲,一口流利的英语真让人羡慕啊!不过第四个节目我实在是看不懂。第五个节目是歌曲串烧:第一首是听力教材上的一首歌,不过我忘记歌名了,第二首听起来也很熟悉,但也忘了是什么了,第三首是《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲,演员们都盛装出场,一上场便收获了满屋的掌声。《白雪公主》这个话剧勾起了大家对小时在床头听妈妈讲故事的场景的回忆。第七个节目是歌曲,演员的优美嗓者使大家都随着音乐打起节奏,第八个节目表演时,全场鸦雀无声,或许大家都和我一样看不懂或看的入迷了吧!第九个节是歌曲串烧,不得不说的是前两个女孩的声音真是太好听了,后来的街舞也是很吸引眼的。


  后来的歌曲剧、话剧《小猪佩奇》、歌曲《柠檬树》,话剧《灰姑娘》、《荆轲刺秦王》,舞蹈《A good time》都得到了观众的一致好评。



英语节作文 篇六




  举行完庄严的少先队入队仪式后,一年一度的`“英语贸易节”就正式拉开了帷幕。我和陈鼎灏一起去参观购物了!我们想下到一楼,但楼梯上的人已堵在一起,下楼很费劲,我们就先奔三楼去也。这里的物品太花俏,我不打算买,咱俩转回四楼——我们四年级的大本营——寻宝。陈鼎灏看到四(3)班有很多玩偶,就拉我进去瞧瞧。他看中了火影忍者的二个挂件,下单了。我暂时还没想好买什么,钱包仍是鼓鼓的。何况六年级的物品我还没去看呢!不着急。我俩随处逛逛,正好来到五(2)班,陈鼎灏带着不少优惠券大可以派上用场,他买了二杯饮料, 还送一杯,喝得肚子都涨起来。东瞧西逛后我们暂且回到四(2)班,陈鼎灏又迷上了一只可爱的玩具狗,但价钱超高,小小狗要价5元。我去套圈,可惜什么也没套中,倒是看上了一只灰毛熊,你瞧,毛茸茸的,两只眼睛藏在里面,那长长的毛都可以扎辫子了,比较好玩。我花了6元钱把它买下,也算是做份贡献。一年级这次没组织什么活动,我们下到一楼,看到前任班主任蒋老师在那里整理物品,就聊了一会儿话。之后,我们去了北楼,在那里买了一个水气球。在二(4)班我买了1对鸡翅, 一只自己吃,另一只请陈鼎灏吃……



